concrete PhraseAmh of Phrase = CatAmh ** open ParamX, Prelude, CommonX, ResAmh in { flags optimize=all_subs ; coding = utf8; lin PhrUtt pconj utt voc = {s = pconj.s ++ utt.s ++ voc.s} ; NoPConj = {s = []} ; NoVoc = {s = []} ; UttS s = s; UttAdv adv = adv ; UttNP np = {s = np.s ! Nom } ; UttAP ap = {s = ap.s ! Masc!Sg!Indef!Nom } ; UttCN n = {s = n.s ! Sg ! Indef! Nom} ; UttCard n = {s = n.s ! Masc!Sg!Indef!Nom } ; VocNP np = {s = "፤" ++ np.s ! Nom} ; UttQS qs = {s = qs.s } ; UttIP ip = ip ; --- Acc also UttVP vp = {s = vp.obj.s ++ vp.inf} ; UttIAdv iadv = iadv ; UttCN n = {s = n.s ! Sg ! Indef!Nom} ; UttCard n = {s = n.s ! Masc!Sg!Indef!Nom} ; UttImpSg pol imp = {s = pol.s ++ imp.s!pol.p!Masc!Sg}; UttImpPl pol imp = {s = pol.s ++ imp.s ! pol.p! Masc! Pl} ; --- TO DO UttImpPol pol imp = {s = pol.s ++ imp.s ! pol.p ! Masc!Pl} ; -- TO DO --- UttQS qs = {s = qs.s } ; -- TO DO {- PConjConj conj = {s = conj.s2} ; --- -} }