concrete ExtraEng of ExtraEngAbs = CatEng ** open ResEng, Coordination, Prelude, MorphoEng, ParadigmsEng in { lin GenNP np = {s = \\_,_ => np.s ! npGen ; sp = \\_,_,_ => np.s ! npGen} ; GenIP ip = {s = \\_ => ip.s ! NCase Gen} ; GenRP nu cn = { s = \\c => "whose" ++ nu.s ! Nom ++ case c of { RC _ (NCase Gen) => cn.s ! nu.n ! Gen ; _ => cn.s ! nu.n ! Nom } ; a = RAg (agrP3 Sg) } ; ComplBareVS v s = insertObj (\\_ => s.s) (predV v) ; StrandRelSlash rp slash = { s = \\t,a,p,ag => rp.s ! RC (fromAgr ag).g NPAcc ++ slash.s ! t ! a ! p ! ODir ++ slash.c2 ; c = NPAcc } ; EmptyRelSlash slash = { s = \\t,a,p,_ => slash.s ! t ! a ! p ! ODir ++ slash.c2 ; c = NPAcc } ; StrandQuestSlash ip slash = {s = \\t,a,b,q => (mkQuestion (ss (ip.s ! NPAcc)) slash).s ! t ! a ! b ! q ++ slash.c2 }; lincat VPI = {s : VPIForm => Agr => Str} ; [VPI] = {s1,s2 : VPIForm => Agr => Str} ; lin BaseVPI = twoTable2 VPIForm Agr ; ConsVPI = consrTable2 VPIForm Agr comma ; MkVPI vp = { s = \\v,a => ++ vp.inf ++ vp.s2 ! a } ; ConjVPI = conjunctDistrTable2 VPIForm Agr ; ComplVPIVV vv vpi = ---- insertObj (\\a => infVP vv.typ vpi a) (predVV vv) ; let isAux = case vv.typ of {VVAux => True ; _ => False} in insertObj (\\a => (if_then_Str isAux [] "to") ++ vpi.s ! VPIInf ! a) (predVV vv) ; lin that_RP = { s = table { RC _ (NCase Gen) => "whose" ; RC _ _ => "that" ; _ => "that" ---- "in that" ? -- RPrep Neutr => "which" ; -- RPrep _ => "whom" } ; a = RNoAg } ; each_Det = mkDeterminer Sg "each" ; any_Quant = mkQuant "any" "any" ; -- for VP conjunction param VPIForm = VPIInf | VPIPPart ; lincat VPS = {s : Agr => Str} ; [VPS] = {s1,s2 : Agr => Str} ; lin BaseVPS = twoTable Agr ; ConsVPS = consrTable Agr comma ; PredVPS np vpi = {s = np.s ! npNom ++ vpi.s ! np.a} ; MkVPS t p vp = { s = \\a => let verb = vp.s ! t.t ! t.a ! p.p ! ODir ! a ; verbf = verb.aux ++ verb.adv ++ verb.fin ++ verb.inf ; in t.s ++ p.s ++ ++ verbf ++ vp.s2 ! a } ; ConjVPS = conjunctDistrTable Agr ; ICompAP ap = {s = "how" ++ ap.s ! agrP3 Sg} ; ---- IComp should have agr! IAdvAdv adv = {s = "how" ++ adv.s} ; PartVP vp = { s = \\a => ++ vp.prp ++ vp.s2 ! a ; isPre = False ---- depends on whether there are complements } ; EmbedPresPart vp = {s = infVP VVPresPart vp (agrP3 Sg)} ; --- agr UttVPShort vp = {s = infVP VVAux vp (agrP3 Sg)} ; do_VV = { s = table { VVF VInf => ["do"] ; VVF VPres => "does" ; VVF VPPart => ["done"] ; ---- VVF VPresPart => ["doing"] ; VVF VPast => ["did"] ; --# notpresent VVPastNeg => ["didn't"] ; --# notpresent VVPresNeg => "doesn't" } ; typ = VVAux } ; lin UncNeg = {s = [] ; p = CNeg False} ; PassVPSlash vps = let be = predAux auxBe ; ppt = vps.ptp in { s = be.s ; prp = be.prp ; ptp = be.ptp ; inf = be.inf ; ad = ; s2 = \\a => ppt ++ vps.s2 ! a ---- order } ; ------------ --- obsolete: use UncNeg : Pol UncNegCl t p cl = { s = t.s ++ p.s ++ cl.s ! t.t ! t.a ! unc p.p ! ODir } ; UncNegQCl t p cl = { s = \\q => t.s ++ p.s ++ cl.s ! t.t ! t.a ! unc p.p ! q } ; UncNegRCl t p cl = { s = \\r => t.s ++ p.s ++ cl.s ! t.t ! t.a ! unc p.p ! r ; c = cl.c } ; UncNegImpSg p imp = {s = p.s ++ imp.s ! unc p.p ! ImpF Sg False} ; UncNegImpPl p imp = {s = p.s ++ imp.s ! unc p.p ! ImpF Pl False} ; CompoundCN a b = {s = \\n,c => a.s ! Sg ! Nom ++ b.s ! n ! c ; g = b.g} ; oper unc : CPolarity -> CPolarity = \x -> case x of { CNeg _ => CNeg False ; _ => x } ; ------- }