--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../prelude -- This is an API for the user of the resource grammar -- for adding lexical items. It gives functions for forming -- expressions of open categories: nouns, adjectives, verbs. -- -- Closed categories (determiners, pronouns, conjunctions) are -- accessed through the resource syntax API, $Structural.gf$. -- -- The main difference with $MorphoLav.gf$ is that the types -- referred to are compiled resource grammar types. We have moreover -- had the design principle of always having existing forms, rather -- than stems, as string arguments of the paradigms. -- -- The structure of functions for each word class $C$ is the following: -- first we give a handful of patterns that aim to cover all -- regular cases. Then we give a worst-case function $mkC$, which serves as an -- escape to construct the most irregular words of type $C$. resource ParadigmsLav = open (Predef=Predef), Prelude, ParadigmsNounsLav, ParadigmsAdjectivesLav, ParadigmsVerbsLav, ParadigmsPronounsLav, ResLav, CatLav in { flags coding = utf8 ; oper Number : Type ; singular : Number ; plural : Number ; Number = ResLav.Number ; singular = Sg ; plural = Pl ; second_conjugation : VerbConj = C2 ; third_conjugation : VerbConj = C3 ; nominative : Case = Nom ; genitive : Case = Gen ; dative : Case = Dat ; accusative : Case = Acc ; locative : Case = Loc ; mkN = overload { mkN : (lemma : Str) -> N = \l -> lin N (mkNoun l) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> Bool -> N = \l,p -> lin N (mkNounByPal l p) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> Gender -> N = \l,g -> lin N (mkNounByGend l g) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> NounDecl -> N = \l,d -> lin N (mkNounByDecl l d) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> Gender -> Bool -> N = \l,g,p -> lin N (mkNounByGendPal l g p) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> NounDecl -> Bool -> N = \l,d,p -> lin N (mkNounByDeclPal l d p) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> Gender -> NounDecl -> N = \l,g,d -> lin N (mkNounByGendDecl l g d) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> Gender -> NounDecl -> Bool -> N = \l,g,d,p -> lin N (mkNounByGendDeclPal l g d p) ; } ; mkPN = overload { mkN : (lemma : Str) -> PN = \l -> lin PN (mkProperNoun l Sg) ; mkN : (lemma : Str) -> Number -> PN = \l,n -> lin PN (mkProperNoun l n) ; } ; mkN2 = overload { mkN2 : N -> Prep -> N2 = \n,p -> lin N2 n ** { p = p ; isPre = False } ; mkN2 : N -> Prep -> Bool -> N2 = \n,p,isPre -> lin N2 n ** { p = p ; isPre = isPre } ; } ; mkN3 : N -> Prep -> Prep -> N3 = \n,p1,p2 -> lin N3 n ** { p1 = p1 ; p2 = p2 ; isPre1 = False ; isPre2 = False } ; mkA = overload { mkA : (lemma : Str) -> A = \s -> lin A (mkAdjective s) ; mkA : (lemma : Str) -> AdjType -> A = \s,t -> lin A (mkAdjectiveByType s t) ; mkA : (v : Verb) -> A = \v -> lin A (mkAdjective_Participle v) ; } ; mkA2 : A -> Prep -> A2 = \a,p -> lin A2 (a ** { p = p }) ; -- precējies ar ... mkAS : A -> AS =\a -> lin A a ; mkA2S : A -> Prep -> A2S =\a,p -> lin A2 (a ** { p = p }) ; mkAV : A -> AV = \a -> lin A a ; mkA2V : A -> Prep -> A2V = \a,p -> lin A2 (a ** { p = p }) ; AS, AV : Type = { s : AForm => Str } ; A2S, A2V : Type = { s : AForm => Str ; p : Prep }; mkV = overload { mkV : (lemma : Str) -> V = \l -> lin V (mkVerb_Irreg l) ; mkV : (lemma : Str) -> VerbConj -> V = \l,c -> lin V (mkVerb l c) ; mkV : (lemma : Str) -> Str -> Str -> V = \l1,l2,l3 -> lin V (mkVerbC1 l1 l2 l3) ; } ; mkV2 : V -> Prep -> V2 = \v,p -> lin V2 v ** { p = p } ; mkVS : V -> Subj -> VS = \v,s -> lin VS v ** { subj = s } ; mkV2S : V -> Prep -> Subj -> V2S = \v,p,s -> lin V2S v ** { p = p ; subj = s } ; mkVA : V -> VA = \v -> lin VA v ; mkV2A : V -> Prep -> V2A = \v,p -> lin V2A v ** { p = p } ; mkVQ : V -> VQ = \v -> lin VQ v ; mkV2Q : V -> Prep -> V2Q = \v,p -> lin V2Q v ** { p = p } ; mkVV : V -> VV = \v -> lin VV v ; mkV2V : V -> Prep -> V2V = \v,p -> lin V2V v ** { p = p } ; mkV3 : V -> Prep -> Prep -> V3 = \v,p1,p2 -> lin V3 v ** { p1 = p1 ; p2 = p2 } ; mkCAdv : Str -> Str -> Degree -> CAdv = \s,p,d -> { s = s ; p = p ; d = d ; lock_CAdv = <> } ; mkPrep = overload { mkPrep : Str -> Case -> Case -> Prep = \prep,sg,pl -> lin Prep { s = prep ; c = table { Sg => sg ; Pl => pl } } ; mkPrep : Case -> Prep = \c -> lin Prep { s = [] ; c = table { _ => c } } ; } ; -- empty fake prepositions for valences -- rections that are expressed by simple cases without any prepositions nom_Prep = mkPrep Nom ; gen_Prep = mkPrep Gen ; dat_Prep = mkPrep Dat ; acc_Prep = mkPrep Acc ; loc_Prep = mkPrep Loc ; mkAdv : Str -> Adv = \x -> lin Adv (ss x) ; mkAdV : Str -> AdV = \x -> lin AdV (ss x) ; mkAdA : Str -> AdA = \x -> lin AdA (ss x) ; mkAdN : Str -> AdN = \x -> lin AdN (ss x) ; mkConj = overload { mkConj : Str -> Conj = \y -> mk2Conj [] y Pl ; mkConj : Str -> Number -> Conj = \y,n -> mk2Conj [] y n ; mkConj : Str -> Str -> Conj = \x,y -> mk2Conj x y Pl ; mkConj : Str -> Str -> Number -> Conj = mk2Conj ; } ; mk2Conj : Str -> Str -> Number -> Conj = \x,y,n -> lin Conj (sd2 x y ** { n = n }) ; viens = mkNumSpec "viens" "pirmais" "vien" "" Sg ; mkNumReg : Str -> Str -> Number -> { s : DForm => CardOrd => Gender => Case => Str } = \pieci,piektais,n -> mkNumSpec pieci piektais (cutStem pieci) (cutStem pieci) n ; mkNumSpec : Str -> Str -> Str -> Str -> Number -> { s : DForm => CardOrd => Gender => Case => Str } = \pieci,piektais,stem_teen,stem_ten,n -> let masc = mkNoun_D1 pieci ; fem = mkNoun_D4 pieci Fem ; ord = mkAdjective_Pos piektais Def ; padsmit = mkAdjective_Pos (stem_teen+"padsmitais") Def ; desmit = mkAdjective_Pos (stem_ten+"desmitais") Def ; in { s = table { unit => table { NCard => table { Masc => table { c => masc.s ! n ! c } ; Fem => table { c => fem.s ! n ! c } } ; NOrd => table { -- FIXME: pazaudējam kārtas skaitļu daudzskaitli - 'mēs palikām piektie' g => table { c => ord ! g ! Sg ! c } } } ; teen => table { NCard => table { g => table { c => stem_teen + "padsmit" } } ; NOrd => table { g => table { c => padsmit ! g ! Sg ! c } } } ; ten => table { NCard => table { g => table { c => stem_ten + "desmit" } } ; NOrd => table { g => table { c => desmit ! g ! Sg ! c } } } } } ; simts : CardOrd => Gender => Number => Case => Str = let card = mkNoun_D1 "simts" ; ord = mkAdjective_Pos "simtais" Def ; in table { NCard => table { _ => table { n => table { c => card.s ! n ! c } } } ; NOrd => table { g => table { n => table { c => ord ! g ! n ! c } } } } ; tuukstotis : CardOrd => Gender => Number => Case => Str = let card = mkNoun_D2 "tūkstotis" True ; ord = mkAdjective_Pos "tūkstošais" Def ; in table { NCard => table { _ => table { n => table { c => card.s ! n ! c } } } ; NOrd => table { g => table { n => table { c => ord ! g ! n ! c } } } } ; }