--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../prelude resource ParadigmsVerbsLav = open (Predef=Predef), Prelude, ResLav, CatLav in { flags coding = utf8 ; oper Verb_TMP : Type = {s : VerbForm => Str} ; -- Second and third conjugations mkVerb : Str -> VerbConj -> Verb = \lemma,conj -> { s = table { Pos => (mkVerb_Pos lemma conj).s ; Neg => (filter_Neg (mkVerb_Pos ("ne"+lemma) conj)).s } } ; -- First conjugation mkVerbC1 : Str -> Str -> Str -> Verb = \lemma,lemma2,lemma3 -> { s = table { Pos => (mkVerbC1_Pos lemma lemma2 lemma3).s ; Neg => (filter_Neg (mkVerbC1_Pos ("ne"+lemma) ("ne"+lemma2) ("ne"+lemma3))).s } } ; mkVerb_Pos : Str -> VerbConj -> Verb_TMP = \lemma,conj -> case lemma of { -- TODO: "ir" => s + ("t") => mkRegVerb lemma conj ; s + ("ties") => mkReflVerb lemma conj } ; mkVerbC1_Pos : Str -> Str -> Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma,lemma2,lemma3 -> case lemma of { -- TODO: "ir" => s + ("t") => mkVerb_C1 lemma lemma2 lemma3 ; s + ("ties") => mkVerb_C1_R lemma lemma2 lemma3 } ; mkRegVerb : Str -> VerbConj -> Verb_TMP = \lemma,conj -> case conj of { C2 => mkVerb_C2 lemma ; C3 => mkVerb_C3 lemma } ; mkReflVerb : Str -> VerbConj -> Verb_TMP = \lemma,conj -> case conj of { C2 => mkVerb_C2_R lemma ; C3 => mkVerb_C3_R lemma } ; filter_Neg : Verb_TMP -> Verb_TMP = \full -> { s = table { Debitive => NON_EXISTENT ; DebitiveRelative => NON_EXISTENT ; x => full.s ! x } } ; -- First conjugation -- Ref. to Lexicon.xml (revision 719): 15. paradigma mkVerb_C1 : Str -> Str -> Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma,lemma2,lemma3 -> let stem : Str = Predef.tk 1 lemma ; stem2 : Str = Predef.tk 1 lemma2 ; stem3 : Str = Predef.tk 1 lemma3 in { s = table { Infinitive => stem + "t" ; Indicative P1 Sg Pres => stem2 + "u" ; Indicative P1 Sg Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "šu" ; Indicative P1 Sg Past => stem3 + "u" ; Indicative P1 Pl Pres => stem2 + "am" ; Indicative P1 Pl Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "sim" ; Indicative P1 Pl Past => stem3 + "ām" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => stem3 ; Indicative P2 Sg Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "si" ; Indicative P2 Sg Past => stem3 + "i" ; Indicative P2 Pl Pres => stem2 + "at" ; Indicative P2 Pl Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + ("siet"|"sit") ; Indicative P2 Pl Past => stem3 + "āt" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => stem2 ; Indicative P3 _ Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "s" ; Indicative P3 _ Past => stem3 + "a" ; Indicative _ _ Cond => stem + "tu"; Relative Pres => stem2 + "ot" ; Relative Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "šot" ; Relative Past => NON_EXISTENT ; Relative Cond => NON_EXISTENT ; Debitive => "jā" + stem2 ; DebitiveRelative => "jā" + stem2 + "ot" ; Imperative Sg => stem3 ; Imperative Pl => stem3 + "iet" ; Participle g n c => participle_normal_l g n c (pal_C1_3 stem3) (pal_C1_4 stem3) } } ; -- Second conjugation -- Ref. to Lexicon.xml (revision 719): 16. paradigma mkVerb_C2 : Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma -> let stem : Str = Predef.tk 1 lemma in { s = table { Infinitive => stem + "t" ; Indicative P1 Sg Pres => stem + "ju" ; Indicative P1 Sg Fut => stem + "šu" ; Indicative P1 Sg Past => stem + "ju" ; Indicative P1 Pl Pres => stem + "jam" ; Indicative P1 Pl Fut => stem + "sim" ; Indicative P1 Pl Past => stem + "jām" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => stem ; Indicative P2 Sg Fut => stem + "si" ; Indicative P2 Sg Past => stem + "ji" ; Indicative P2 Pl Pres => stem + "jat" ; Indicative P2 Pl Fut => stem + ("siet"|"sit") ; Indicative P2 Pl Past => stem + "jāt" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => stem ; Indicative P3 _ Fut => stem + "s" ; Indicative P3 _ Past => stem + "ja" ; Indicative _ _ Cond => stem + "tu"; Relative Pres => stem + "jot" ; Relative Fut => stem + "šot" ; Relative Past => NON_EXISTENT ; Relative Cond => NON_EXISTENT ; Debitive => "jā" + stem ; DebitiveRelative => "jā" + stem + "jot" ; Imperative Sg => stem ; Imperative Pl => stem + "jiet"; Participle g n c => participle_normal g n c (stem + "j") } } ; -- Third conjugation -- Ref. to Lexicon.xml (revision 719): 17. paradigma mkVerb_C3 : Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma -> let stem : Str = Predef.tk 1 lemma in { s = table { Infinitive => stem + "t" ; Indicative P1 Sg Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + "u" ; Indicative P1 Sg Fut => stem + "šu" ; Indicative P1 Sg Past => stem + "ju" ; Indicative P1 Pl Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + pal_C3_2 stem "am" ; Indicative P1 Pl Fut => stem + "sim" ; Indicative P1 Pl Past => stem + "jām" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + "i" ; Indicative P2 Sg Fut => stem + "si" ; Indicative P2 Sg Past => stem + "ji" ; Indicative P2 Pl Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + pal_C3_2 stem "at" ; Indicative P2 Pl Fut => stem + ("siet"|"sit") ; Indicative P2 Pl Past => stem + "jāt" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => pal_C3_5 stem ; Indicative P3 _ Fut => stem + "s" ; Indicative P3 _ Past => stem + "ja" ; Indicative _ _ Cond => stem + "tu"; Relative Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + "ot" ; Relative Fut => stem + "šot" ; Relative Past => NON_EXISTENT ; Relative Cond => NON_EXISTENT ; Debitive => pal_C3_3 stem ; DebitiveRelative => pal_C3_3 stem + "ot" ; Imperative Sg => pal_C3_1 stem + "i" ; Imperative Pl => pal_C3_1 stem + "iet"; Participle g n c => participle_normal g n c (stem + "j") } } ; -- First conjugation: reflexive verbs -- Ref. to Lexicon.xml (revision 719): 18. paradigma mkVerb_C1_R : Str -> Str -> Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma,lemma2,lemma3 -> let stem : Str = Predef.tk 4 lemma ; stem2 : Str = Predef.tk 2 lemma2 ; stem3 : Str = Predef.tk 2 lemma3 in { s = table { Infinitive => stem + "ties" ; Indicative P1 Sg Pres => stem2 + "os" ; Indicative P1 Sg Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "šos" ; Indicative P1 Sg Past => stem3 + "os" ; Indicative P1 Pl Pres => stem2 + "amies" ; Indicative P1 Pl Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "simies" ; Indicative P1 Pl Past => stem3 + "āmies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => pal_C1_2 stem3 stem2 + "ies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "sies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Past => stem3 + "ies" ; Indicative P2 Pl Pres => stem2 + "aties" ; Indicative P2 Pl Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + ("sieties"|"sities") ; Indicative P2 Pl Past => stem3 + "āties" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => stem2 + "as" ; Indicative P3 _ Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "sies" ; Indicative P3 _ Past => stem3 + "ās" ; Indicative _ _ Cond => stem + "tos"; Relative Pres => stem2 + "oties" ; Relative Fut => pal_C1_1 stem3 stem + "šoties" ; Relative Past => NON_EXISTENT ; Relative Cond => NON_EXISTENT ; Debitive => "jā" + stem2 + "as" ; DebitiveRelative => "jā" + stem2 + "oties" ; Imperative Sg => pal_C1_2 stem3 stem2 + "ies" ; Imperative Pl => pal_C1_2 stem3 stem2 + "ieties" ; Participle g n c => participle_reflexive_l g n c (pal_C1_3 stem3) (pal_C1_4 stem3) } } ; -- Second conjugation: reflexive verbs -- Ref. to Lexicon.xml (revision 719): 19. paradigma mkVerb_C2_R : Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma -> let stem : Str = Predef.tk 4 lemma in { s = table { Infinitive => stem + "ties" ; Indicative P1 Sg Pres => stem + "jos" ; Indicative P1 Sg Fut => stem + "šos" ; Indicative P1 Sg Past => stem + "jos" ; Indicative P1 Pl Pres => stem + "jamies" ; Indicative P1 Pl Fut => stem + "simies" ; Indicative P1 Pl Past => stem + "jāmies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => stem + "jies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Fut => stem + "sies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Past => stem + "jies" ; Indicative P2 Pl Pres => stem + "jaties" ; Indicative P2 Pl Fut => stem + ("sieties"|"sities") ; Indicative P2 Pl Past => stem + "jāties" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => stem + "jas" ; Indicative P3 _ Fut => stem + "sies" ; Indicative P3 _ Past => stem + "jās" ; Indicative _ _ Cond => stem + "tos"; Relative Pres => stem + "joties" ; Relative Fut => stem + "šoties" ; Relative Past => NON_EXISTENT ; Relative Cond => NON_EXISTENT ; Debitive => "jā" + stem + "jas" ; DebitiveRelative => "jā" + stem + "joties" ; Imperative Sg => stem + "jies" ; Imperative Pl => stem + "jieties" ; Participle g n c => participle_reflexive g n c (stem + "j") } } ; -- Third conjugation: reflexive verbs -- Ref. to Lexicon.xml (revision 719): 20. paradigma mkVerb_C3_R : Str -> Verb_TMP = \lemma -> let stem : Str = Predef.tk 4 lemma in { s = table { Infinitive => stem + "ties" ; Indicative P1 Sg Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + "os" ; Indicative P1 Sg Fut => stem + "šos" ; Indicative P1 Sg Past => stem + "jos" ; Indicative P1 Pl Pres => pal_C3_4 stem + "mies" ; Indicative P1 Pl Fut => stem + "simies" ; Indicative P1 Pl Past => stem + "jāmies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + "ies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Fut => stem + "sies" ; Indicative P2 Sg Past => stem + "jies" ; Indicative P2 Pl Pres => pal_C3_4 stem + "ties" ; Indicative P2 Pl Fut => stem + ("sieties"|"sities") ; Indicative P2 Pl Past => stem + "jāties" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => pal_C3_4 stem + "s" ; Indicative P3 _ Fut => stem + "sies" ; Indicative P3 _ Past => stem + "jās" ; Indicative _ _ Cond => stem + "tos"; Relative Pres => pal_C3_1 stem + "oties" ; Relative Fut => stem + "šoties" ; Relative Past => NON_EXISTENT ; Relative Cond => NON_EXISTENT ; Debitive => pal_C3_6 stem + "s" ; DebitiveRelative => pal_C3_6 stem + "oties" ; Imperative Sg => pal_C3_1 stem + "ies" ; Imperative Pl => pal_C3_1 stem + "ieties" ; Participle g n c => participle_reflexive g n c (stem + "j") } } ; mkVerb_Irreg : Str -> Verb = \lemma -> case lemma of { "būt" => mkVerb_toBe ; "iet" => mkVerb_Walk ; "gulēt" => mkVerb_Sleep } ; mkVerb_toBe : Verb = { s = table { Pos => table { Indicative P1 Sg Pres => "esmu" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => "esi" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => "ir" ; Debitive => "jābūt" ; x => (mkVerb_C1 "būt" "esu" "biju").s ! x -- the incorrect form 'esu' will be overriden } ; Neg => table { Indicative P1 Sg Pres => "neesmu" ; Indicative P2 Sg Pres => "neesi" ; Indicative P3 _ Pres => "nav" ; Debitive => NON_EXISTENT; DebitiveRelative => NON_EXISTENT; x => (mkVerb_C1 "nebūt" "neesu" "nebiju").s ! x -- the incorrect form 'neesu' will be overriden } } } ; mkVerb_Walk : Verb = { s = table { Pos => table { Indicative P3 _ Pres => "iet" ; Debitive => "jāiet" ; x => (mkVerb_C1 "iet" "eju" "gāju" ).s ! x -- the incorrect form 'esu' will be overriden } ; Neg => table { Indicative P3 _ Pres => "neiet" ; Debitive => NON_EXISTENT; DebitiveRelative => NON_EXISTENT; x => (mkVerb_C1 "neiet" "neeju" "negāju" ).s ! x -- the incorrect form 'neesu' will be overriden } } } ; mkVerb_Sleep : Verb = { s = table { Pos => table { Indicative P2 Sg Pres => (mkVerb_C3 "gulēt").s ! Indicative P2 Sg Pres; Indicative p n Pres => (mkVerb_C3 "guļēt").s ! Indicative p n Pres; Relative Pres => (mkVerb_C3 "guļēt").s ! Relative Pres; Debitive => (mkVerb_C3 "guļēt").s ! Debitive; DebitiveRelative => (mkVerb_C3 "guļēt").s ! DebitiveRelative; x => (mkVerb_C3 "gulēt").s ! x } ; Neg => table { Indicative P2 Sg Pres => (mkVerb_C3 "negulēt").s ! Indicative P2 Sg Pres; Indicative p n Pres => (mkVerb_C3 "neguļēt").s ! Indicative p n Pres; Relative Pres => (mkVerb_C3 "neguļēt").s ! Relative Pres; Debitive => NON_EXISTENT; DebitiveRelative => NON_EXISTENT; x => (mkVerb_C3 "negulēt").s ! x } } } ; -- Auxiliaries (palatalization rules) -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija6 pal_C1_1 : Str -> Str -> Str = \stem3,stem -> case stem of { s + "s" => case stem3 of { _ + "d" => s + "dī" ; _ + "t" => s + "tī" ; _ + "s" => s + "sī" ; _ => stem } ; s + "z" => s + "zī" ; -- lauzt -> lauzīs _ => stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija7 pal_C1_2 : Str -> Str -> Str = \stem3,stem -> case stem of { s + "š" => case stem3 of { _ + "s" => s + "s" ; _ => stem } ; s + "t" => case stem of { _ + "met" => stem ; _ + "cērt" => stem; _ => s + "ti" } ; -- s + "ž" => s + "d" ; -- aizkomentēts jo noveda pie laužu -> laud nevis lauz s + "ļ" => s + "l" ; s + "mj" => s + "m" ; s + "bj" => s + "b" ; s + "pj" => s + "p" ; s + "k" => s + "c" ; s + "g" => s + "dz" ; _ => stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija11 pal_C1_3 : Str -> Str = \stem -> case stem of { s + "c" => s + "k" ; s + "dz" => s + "g" ; _ => stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija14 pal_C1_4 : Str -> Str = \stem -> case stem of { s + "k" => s + "c" ; _ => stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija2 pal_C3_1 : Str -> Str = \stem -> case stem of { s + "cī" => s + "k" ; _ => Predef.tk 1 stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija2a pal_C3_2 : Str -> Str -> Str = \stem,ending -> case stem of { _ + "ī" => "ā" + Predef.dp 1 ending ; _ + "inā" => "ā" + Predef.dp 1 ending ; _ => ending } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija5 pal_C3_3 : Str -> Str = \stem -> "jā" + pal_C3_5 stem ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija8 pal_C3_4 : Str -> Str = \stem -> case stem of { s + "inā" => stem ; s + "cī" => s + "kā" ; -- e.g. 'sacīt' s + "ī" => s + "ā" ; s + "ē" => s + "a" ; _ => stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija9 pal_C3_5 : Str -> Str = \stem -> case stem of { s + "dā" => Predef.tk 1 stem ; s + "ā" => s + "a" ; s + "cī" => s + "ka" ; -- e.g. 'sacīt' s + "ī" => s + "a" ; _ => Predef.tk 1 stem } ; -- Ref. to the Java implementation: mija12 pal_C3_6 : Str -> Str = \stem -> "jā" + case stem of { s + "cī" => s + "kā" ; s + "ī" => s + "ā" ; s + "inā" => s + "inā" ; _ => Predef.tk 1 stem + "a" } ; -- Participle paradigms participle_normal : Gender -> Number -> Case -> Str -> Str = \g,n,c, stem -> participle_normal_l g n c stem stem; participle_normal_l : Gender -> Number -> Case -> Str -> Str -> Str = \g,n,c, stem, lemma_stem -> case g of { Masc => case n of { Sg => case c of { Nom => lemma_stem + "is" ; Gen => stem + "uša" ; Dat => stem + "ušam" ; Acc => stem + "ušu" ; Loc => stem + "ušā" ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT } ; Pl => case c of { Nom => stem + "uši" ; Gen => stem + "ušu" ; Dat => stem + "ušiem" ; Acc => stem + "ušus" ; Loc => stem + "ušos" ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT } } ; Fem => case n of { Sg => case c of { Nom => stem + "usi" ; Gen => stem + "ušas" ; Dat => stem + "ušai" ; Acc => stem + "ušu" ; Loc => stem + "ušā" ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT }; Pl => case c of { Nom => stem + "ušas" ; Gen => stem + "ušu" ; Dat => stem + "ušām" ; Acc => stem + "ušas" ; Loc => stem + "ušās" ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT } } } ; participle_reflexive : Gender -> Number -> Case -> Str -> Str = \g,n,c, stem -> participle_reflexive_l g n c stem stem; participle_reflexive_l : Gender -> Number -> Case -> Str -> Str -> Str = \g,n,c, stem, lemma_stem -> case g of { Masc => case n of { Sg => case c of { Nom => lemma_stem + "ies" ; Gen => NON_EXISTENT ; Dat => NON_EXISTENT ; Acc => stem + "ušos" ; Loc => NON_EXISTENT ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT } ; Pl => case c of { Nom => stem + "ušies" ; Gen => stem + "ušos" ; Dat => NON_EXISTENT ; Acc => stem + "ušos" ; Loc => NON_EXISTENT ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT } } ; Fem => case n of { Sg => case c of { Nom => stem + "usies" ; Gen => stem + "ušās" ; Dat => NON_EXISTENT ; Acc => stem + "ušos" ; Loc => NON_EXISTENT ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT }; Pl => case c of { Nom => stem + "ušās" ; Gen => stem + "ušos" ; Dat => NON_EXISTENT ; Acc => stem + "ušos" ; Loc => NON_EXISTENT ; Voc => NON_EXISTENT } } } ; } ;