concrete NounPes of Noun = CatPes ** open ResPes, Prelude in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin DetCN det cn = { s = \\_ => case of { => cn.s ! aEzafa ! det.n ++ det.s ; -- det.n ; => det.s ++ cn.s ! bEzafa ! det.n ; -- det.n ; => cn.s ! aEzafa ! Sg ++ det.s ; => det.s ++ cn.s ! bEzafa ! Sg }; a = agrPesP3 det.n ; animacy = cn.animacy } ; UsePN pn = {s = \\_ => pn.s ; a = agrPesP3 Sg ; animacy = pn.animacy } ; UsePron p = {s = \\_ => p.s ; a = p.a ; animacy = Animate} ; PredetNP pred np = { s = \\ez => pred.s ++ np.s ! ez ; a = np.a; animacy = np.animacy } ; PPartNP np v2 = { s = \\ez => np.s ! ez ++ partNP (v2.s ! Root1) ; a = np.a ; animacy = np.animacy } ; RelNP np rs = { s = \\ez => np.s ! ez ++ rs.s ! np.a ; a = np.a ; animacy = np.animacy } ; AdvNP np adv = { s = \\ez => np.s ! NPC aEzafa ++ adv.s ; a = np.a ; animacy = np.animacy } ; DetQuantOrd quant num ord = { s = quant.s ! num.n ++ num.s ++ ord.s ; isNum = True; fromPron = quant.fromPron ; n = num.n } ; DetQuant quant num = { s = quant.s ! num.n ++ num.s; isNum = True ; -- this does not work in case of 'these women' but works in case of 'five women' fromPron = quant.fromPron ; n = num.n } ; DetNP det = { s = \\_ => det.s ; ---- case a = agrPesP3 det.n ; animacy = Inanimate } ; PossPron p = {s = \\_ => ; a = p.a ; fromPron = True} ; NumSg = {s = [] ; n = Sg} ; NumPl = {s = [] ; n = Pl} ; -- from here NumCard n = n ** {hasCard = True} ; NumDigits n = {s = n.s ! NCard ; n = n.n} ; OrdDigits n = {s = n.s ! NOrd; n = n.n} ; NumNumeral numeral = {s = numeral.s ! NCard; n = numeral.n} ; OrdNumeral numeral = {s = numeral.s ! NOrd ; n = numeral.n} ; -- to here AdNum adn num = {s = adn.s ++ num.s ; n = num.n} ; OrdSuperl a = {s = a.s ! bEzafa ++ taryn; n = Sg} ; -- check the form of adjective DefArt = {s = \\_ => [] ; a = defaultAgrPes ; fromPron = False} ; IndefArt = {s = \\_ => IndefArticle ; a =defaultAgrPes ; fromPron = False} ; MassNP cn = {s =\\c => case c of { NPC bEzafa => cn.s ! bEzafa ! Sg ; NPC aEzafa => cn.s ! aEzafa ! Sg ; NPC enClic => cn.s ! enClic ! Sg }; a = agrPesP3 Sg ; animacy = cn.animacy } ; UseN n = n ; UseN2 n = n ; Use2N3 f = { s = f.s; c = f.c2; animacy = f.animacy; definitness = True } ; Use3N3 f = { s = f.s ; c = f.c3; animacy = f.animacy; definitness = True } ; ComplN2 f x = { s = \\ez,n => f.s ! ez ! n ++ f.c ++ x.s ! NPC ez ; animacy = f.animacy; definitness = True }; ComplN3 f x = { s = \\ez,n => f.s ! ez ! n ++ f.c2 ++ x.s ! NPC ez ; c = f.c3; animacy = f.animacy; definitness = True; } ; AdjCN ap cn = { s = \\ez,n => cn.s ! aEzafa ! n ++ ap.s ! ez; -- check the form of adjective and also cn.s!ez!n changed from cn.s!aEzafa!n to have correct enclicitic form other wise it creats wrong enclictic form of old man animacy = cn.animacy ; definitness = cn.definitness } ; RelCN cn rs = { s = \\ez,n => cn.s ! enClic ! n ++ rs.s ! agrPesP3 n ; animacy = cn.animacy ; definitness = cn.definitness } ; AdvCN cn ad = {s = \\ez,n => cn.s ! aEzafa ! n ++ ad.s ; animacy = cn.animacy ; definitness = cn.definitness} ; SentCN cn sc = {s = \\ez,n => cn.s ! ez ! n ++ sc.s ; animacy = cn.animacy ; definitness = cn.definitness} ; ApposCN cn np = {s = \\ez,n => cn.s ! ez ! n ++ np.s ! NPC aEzafa ; animacy = cn.animacy ; definitness = True} ; -- ezafa form of city to be used }