concrete IdiomTha of Idiom = CatTha ** open Prelude, ResTha in { lin ImpersCl vp = mkClause (mkNP []) vp ; GenericCl vp = mkClause (mkNP []) vp ; ---- ?? CleftNP np rs = {s = \\q,p => thbind (case p of{ ---- ?? Pos => thbind np.s pen_s rs.s ; Neg => thbind np.s may_s chay_s rs.s }) (case q of {ClQuest => m'ay_s ; _ => []}) } ; CleftAdv ad s = {s = \\q,p => thbind (negation p) ad.s s.s (case q of {ClQuest => m'ay_s ; _ => []})} ; ---- ?? ExistNP np = { s = \\q,p => thbind (case p of { Pos => thbind mii_s np.s ; Neg => thbind may_s mii_s np.s }) (case q of {ClQuest => m'ay_s ; _ => []}) } ; ExistIP ip = mkPolClause ip (predV (regV [])) ; ---- ProgrVP vp = { s = \\p => thbind kam_s lag2_s (vp.s ! p) ; e = vp.e } ; ImpPl1 vp = ss (infVP vp) ; ---- }