--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../../prelude --1 Thai auxiliary operations. -- ---- This module contains operations that are needed to make the ---- resource syntax work. To define everything that is needed to ---- implement $Test$, it moreover contains regular lexical ---- patterns needed for $Lex$. -- resource ResTha = ParamX, StringsTha ** open Prelude in { oper -- binding words together - if you want. But better do it with the unlexer -unchars. bIND = [] ; thbind = overload { thbind : Str -> Str = \s -> s ; thbind : (s1,s2 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2 -> s1 ++ bIND ++ s2 ; thbind : (s1,_,s3 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3 -> s1 ++ bIND ++ s2 ++ bIND ++ s3 ; thbind : (s1,_,_,s4 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3,s4 -> s1 ++ bIND ++ s2 ++ bIND ++ s3 ++ bIND ++ s4 ; thbind : (s1,_,_,_,s5 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 -> s1 ++ bIND ++ s2 ++ bIND ++ s3 ++ bIND ++ s4 ++ bIND ++ s5 ; thbind : (s1,_,_,_,_,s6 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6 -> s1 ++ bIND ++ s2 ++ bIND ++ s3 ++ bIND ++ s4 ++ bIND ++ s5 ++ bIND ++ s6 ; thbind : SS -> SS = \s -> s ; thbind : (s1,s2 : SS) -> SS = \s1,s2 -> ss (s1.s ++ bIND ++ s2.s) ; thbind : (s1,_,s3 : SS) -> SS = \s1,s2,s3 -> ss (s1.s ++ bIND ++ s2.s ++ bIND ++ s3.s) ; thbind : (s1,_,_,s4 : SS) -> SS = \s1,s2,s3,s4 -> ss (s1.s ++ bIND ++ s2.s ++ bIND ++ s3.s ++ bIND ++ s4.s) ; } ; thword = overload { thword : Str -> Str = \s -> s ; thword : (s1,s2 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2 -> s1 + s2 ; thword : (s1,_,s3 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3 -> s1 + s2 + s3 ; thword : (s1,_,_,s4 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3,s4 -> s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 ; thword : (s1,_,_,_,s5 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3,s4,s5 -> s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 ; thword : (s1,_,_,_,_,s6 : Str) -> Str = \s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6 -> s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5 + s6 ; } ; -- noun and classifier Noun = {s,c : Str} ; mkNoun : Str -> Str -> Noun = \s,c -> {s = s ; c = c} ; -- before and after classifier; whether classifier needed (default) Determiner = {s1, s2 : Str ; hasC : Bool} ; mkDet : Str -> Str -> Determiner = -- before and after classifier \s,c -> {s1 = s ; s2 = c ; hasC = True} ; quantDet : Str -> Determiner = -- quantifier: before classifier \s -> mkDet s [] ; demDet : Str -> Determiner = -- demonstrative: after classifier \s -> mkDet [] s ; -- Part before and after negation (mai_s) Verb = {s1,s2 : Str ; isCompl : Bool} ; resV : Str -> Str -> Verb = \s,c -> {s1 = s ; s2 = c ; isCompl = True} ; regV : Str -> Verb = \s -> {s1 = [] ; s2 = s ; isCompl = False} ; dirV2 : Verb -> Verb ** {c2 : Str} = \v -> v ** {c2 = []} ; -- Auxiliary verbs, according to order and negation. -- The three types are $VV may VP | may VV VP | VP may VV$ param VVTyp = VVPre | VVMid | VVPost ; oper VVerb = {s : Str ; typ : VVTyp} ; Adj = SS ; mkAdj : Str -> Adj = ss ; -- Verb phrases: form negation and question, too. VP = { s : Polarity => Str ; e : Str -- extraposed clause } ; infVP : VP -> Str = \vp -> thbind (vp.s ! Pos) vp.e ; ---- predV : Verb -> VP = \v -> { s = \\p => if_then_Str v.isCompl (thbind v.s1 (polStr may_s p ++ v.s2)) (v.s1 ++ (polStr may_s p ++ v.s2)) ; --- v.s1 = [] ; e = [] } ; insertObj : NP -> VP -> VP = \o,vp -> { s = \\p => thbind (vp.s ! p) o.s ; e = vp.e } ; insertExtra : Str -> VP -> VP = \o,vp -> { s = vp.s ; e = vp.e ++ o } ; adjVP : Adj -> VP = \a -> { s = \\p => thbind (polStr may_s p) a.s ; e = [] } ; insertObject : Str -> VP -> VP = \np,vp -> { s = \\p => thbind (vp.s ! p) np ; e = vp.e } ; polStr : Str -> Polarity -> Str = \m,p -> case p of { Pos => [] ; Neg => m } ; negation : Polarity -> Str = polStr may_s ; -- clauses param ClForm = ClDecl | ClQuest ; oper NP = SS ; mkNP : Str -> NP = ss ; Clause = { s : ClForm => Polarity => Str } ; mkClause : NP -> VP -> Clause = \np,vp -> { s = table { ClDecl => \\p => thbind np.s (vp.s ! p) vp.e ; ClQuest => \\p => thbind np.s (vp.s ! p) (polStr chay_s p) vp.e m'ay_s --- the place of vp.e? } } ; mkPolClause : NP -> VP -> {s : Polarity => Str} = \np,vp -> { s = (mkClause np vp).s ! ClDecl } ; conjThat = waa_s ; reflPron = thbind tua_s eeng_s ; }