/* * Copyright 2010 University of Helsinki. * * This file is part of libpgf. * * Libpgf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * Libpgf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with libpgf. If not, see . */ #include "data.h" #include "linearize.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef GuStringMap PgfLinInfer; typedef GuSeq PgfProdSeq; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfProdSeq, GuSeq, gu_type(PgfProduction)); typedef struct PgfLinInferEntry PgfLinInferEntry; struct PgfLinInferEntry { PgfCCat* cat; PgfCncFun* fun; }; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE( PgfLinInferEntry, struct, GU_MEMBER_P(PgfLinInferEntry, cat, PgfCCat) // ,GU_MEMBER(PgfLinInferEntry, fun, ...) ); typedef GuBuf PgfLinInfers; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfLinInfers, GuBuf, gu_type(PgfLinInferEntry)); typedef GuIntMap PgfCncProds; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfCncProds, GuIntMap, gu_type(PgfProdSeq), &gu_null_seq); typedef GuStringMap PgfLinProds; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfLinProds, GuStringMap, gu_ptr_type(PgfCncProds), &gu_null_struct); static GuHash pgf_lzr_cats_hash_fn(GuHasher* self, const void* p) { (void) self; PgfCCatIds* cats = *(PgfCCatIds* const*)p; size_t len = gu_list_length(cats); uintptr_t h = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { h = 101 * h + (uintptr_t) gu_list_index(cats, i); } return h; } static bool pgf_lzr_cats_eq_fn(GuEquality* self, const void* p1, const void* p2) { (void) self; PgfCCatIds* cats1 = *(PgfCCatIds* const*) p1; PgfCCatIds* cats2 = *(PgfCCatIds* const*) p2; int len = gu_list_length(cats1); if (gu_list_length(cats2) != len) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { PgfCCat* cat1 = gu_list_index(cats1, i); PgfCCat* cat2 = gu_list_index(cats2, i); if (cat1 != cat2) { return false; } } return true; } static GuHasher pgf_lzr_cats_hasher[1] = { { .eq = { pgf_lzr_cats_eq_fn }, .hash = pgf_lzr_cats_hash_fn } }; typedef GuMap PgfInferMap; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfInferMap, GuMap, gu_ptr_type(PgfCCatIds), pgf_lzr_cats_hasher, gu_ptr_type(PgfLinInfers), &gu_null_struct); GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfFunIndices, GuStringMap, gu_ptr_type(PgfInferMap), &gu_null_struct); typedef GuBuf PgfCCatBuf; static GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfCCatBuf, GuBuf, gu_ptr_type(PgfCCat)); GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfCoerceIdx, GuMap, gu_type(PgfCCat), NULL, gu_ptr_type(PgfCCatBuf), &gu_null_struct); static void pgf_lzr_add_infer_entry( PgfInferMap* infer_table, PgfCCat* cat, PgfProductionApply* papply, GuPool *pool) { PgfPArgs args = papply->args; size_t n_args = gu_seq_length(args); PgfCCatIds* arg_cats = gu_new_list(PgfCCatIds, pool, n_args); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_args; i++) { // XXX: What about the hypos in the args? gu_list_index(arg_cats, i) = gu_seq_get(args, PgfPArg, i).ccat; } gu_debug("%d,%d,%d -> %d, %s", n_args > 0 ? gu_list_index(arg_cats, 0)->fid : -1, n_args > 1 ? gu_list_index(arg_cats, 1)->fid : -1, n_args > 2 ? gu_list_index(arg_cats, 2)->fid : -1, cat->fid, papply->fun->fun); PgfLinInfers* entries = gu_map_get(infer_table, &arg_cats, PgfLinInfers*); if (!entries) { entries = gu_new_buf(PgfLinInferEntry, pool); gu_map_put(infer_table, &arg_cats, PgfLinInfers*, entries); } else { // XXX: arg_cats is duplicate, we ought to free it // Display warning? } PgfLinInferEntry entry = { .cat = cat, .fun = papply->fun }; gu_buf_push(entries, PgfLinInferEntry, entry); } void pgf_lzr_index(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCCat* ccat, PgfProduction prod, GuPool *pool) { void* data = gu_variant_data(prod); switch (gu_variant_tag(prod)) { case PGF_PRODUCTION_APPLY: { PgfProductionApply* papply = data; PgfInferMap* infer = gu_map_get(concr->fun_indices, &papply->fun->fun, PgfInferMap*); gu_debug("index: %s -> %d", papply->fun->fun, ccat->fid); if (!infer) { infer = gu_map_type_new(PgfInferMap, pool); gu_map_put(concr->fun_indices, &papply->fun->fun, PgfInferMap*, infer); } pgf_lzr_add_infer_entry(infer, ccat, papply, pool); break; } case PGF_PRODUCTION_COERCE: { PgfProductionCoerce* pcoerce = data; PgfCCatBuf* cats = gu_map_get(concr->coerce_idx, pcoerce->coerce, PgfCCatBuf*); if (!cats) { cats = gu_new_buf(PgfCCat*, pool); gu_map_put(concr->coerce_idx, pcoerce->coerce, PgfCCatBuf*, cats); } gu_debug("coerce_idx: %d -> %d", pcoerce->coerce->fid, ccat->fid); gu_buf_push(cats, PgfCCat*, ccat); break; } default: // Display warning? break; } } typedef struct PgfLzn PgfLzn; struct PgfLzn { PgfConcr* concr; GuChoice* ch; PgfExpr expr; GuEnum en; }; // // PgfCncTree // typedef enum { PGF_CNC_TREE_APP, PGF_CNC_TREE_LIT, } PgfCncTreeTag; typedef struct PgfCncTreeApp PgfCncTreeApp; struct PgfCncTreeApp { PgfCncFun* fun; GuLength n_args; PgfCncTree args[]; }; typedef struct PgfCncTreeLit PgfCncTreeLit; struct PgfCncTreeLit { PgfLiteral lit; }; static PgfCCat* pgf_lzn_pick_supercat(PgfLzn* lzn, PgfCCat* cat) { gu_enter("->"); while (true) { PgfCCatBuf* supers = gu_map_get(lzn->concr->coerce_idx, cat, PgfCCatBuf*); if (!supers) { break; } gu_debug("n_supers: %d", gu_buf_length(supers)); int ch = gu_choice_next(lzn->ch, gu_buf_length(supers) + 1); gu_debug("choice: %d", ch); if (ch == 0) { break; } cat = gu_buf_get(supers, PgfCCat*, ch - 1); } gu_exit("<- %d", cat->fid); return cat; } static PgfCCat* pgf_lzn_infer(PgfLzn* lzn, PgfExpr expr, GuPool* pool, PgfCncTree* ctree_out); static PgfCCat* pgf_lzn_infer_apply_try(PgfLzn* lzn, PgfApplication* appl, PgfInferMap* infer, GuChoiceMark* marks, PgfCCatIds* arg_cats, int* ip, int n_args, GuPool* pool, PgfCncTreeApp* app_out) { gu_enter("f: %s, *ip: %d, n_args: %d", appl->fun, *ip, n_args); PgfCCat* ret = NULL; while (*ip < n_args) { PgfCncTree* arg_treep = (app_out == NULL ? NULL : &app_out->args[*ip]); PgfCCat* arg_i = pgf_lzn_infer(lzn, appl->args[*ip], pool, arg_treep); if (arg_i == NULL) { goto finish; } arg_i = pgf_lzn_pick_supercat(lzn, arg_i); gu_list_index(arg_cats, *ip) = arg_i; marks[++*ip] = gu_choice_mark(lzn->ch); } PgfLinInfers* entries = gu_map_get(infer, &arg_cats, PgfLinInfers*); if (!entries) { goto finish; } size_t n_entries = gu_buf_length(entries); int e = gu_choice_next(lzn->ch, n_entries); gu_debug("entry %d of %d", e, n_entries); if (e < 0) { goto finish; } PgfLinInferEntry* entry = gu_buf_index(entries, PgfLinInferEntry, e); if (app_out != NULL) { app_out->fun = entry->fun; } ret = entry->cat; finish: gu_exit("fid: %d", ret ? ret->fid : -1); return ret; } typedef GuList(GuChoiceMark) PgfChoiceMarks; static PgfCCat* pgf_lzn_infer_application(PgfLzn* lzn, PgfApplication* appl, GuPool* pool, PgfCncTree* ctree_out) { PgfInferMap* infer = gu_map_get(lzn->concr->fun_indices, &appl->fun, PgfInferMap*); gu_enter("-> f: %s, n_args: %d", appl->fun, appl->n_args); if (infer == NULL) { gu_exit("<- couldn't find f"); return NULL; } GuPool* tmp_pool = gu_new_pool(); PgfCCat* ret = NULL; int n = appl->n_args; PgfCCatIds* arg_cats = gu_new_list(PgfCCatIds, tmp_pool, n); PgfCncTreeApp* appt = NULL; if (ctree_out) { appt = gu_new_flex_variant(PGF_CNC_TREE_APP, PgfCncTreeApp, args, n, ctree_out, pool); appt->n_args = n; } PgfChoiceMarks* marksl = gu_new_list(PgfChoiceMarks, tmp_pool, n + 1); GuChoiceMark* marks = gu_list_elems(marksl); int i = 0; marks[i] = gu_choice_mark(lzn->ch); while (true) { ret = pgf_lzn_infer_apply_try(lzn, appl, infer, marks, arg_cats, &i, n, pool, appt); if (ret != NULL) { break; } do { --i; if (i < 0) { goto finish; } gu_choice_reset(lzn->ch, marks[i]); } while (!gu_choice_advance(lzn->ch)); } finish: gu_pool_free(tmp_pool); gu_exit("<- fid: %d", ret ? ret->fid : -1); return ret; } static PgfCCat* pgf_lzn_infer(PgfLzn* lzn, PgfExpr expr, GuPool* pool, PgfCncTree* ctree_out) { PgfCCat* ret = NULL; GuPool* tmp_pool = gu_new_pool(); PgfApplication* appl = pgf_expr_unapply(expr, tmp_pool); if (appl != NULL) { ret = pgf_lzn_infer_application(lzn, appl, pool, ctree_out); } else { GuVariantInfo i = gu_variant_open(pgf_expr_unwrap(expr)); switch (i.tag) { case PGF_EXPR_LIT: { PgfExprLit* elit = i.data; if (pool != NULL) { *ctree_out = gu_new_variant_i( pool, PGF_CNC_TREE_LIT, PgfCncTreeLit, .lit = elit->lit); } ret = pgf_literal_cat(elit->lit); } default: // XXX: should we do something here? break; } } gu_pool_free(tmp_pool); return ret; } static PgfCncTree pgf_lzn_next(PgfLzn* lzn, GuPool* pool) { // XXX: rewrite this whole mess PgfCncTree ctree = gu_null_variant; if (gu_variant_is_null(lzn->expr)) { return ctree; } PgfCCat* cat = NULL; GuChoiceMark mark = gu_choice_mark(lzn->ch); do { cat = pgf_lzn_infer(lzn, lzn->expr, NULL, NULL); gu_choice_reset(lzn->ch, mark); } while (!cat && gu_choice_advance(lzn->ch)); if (cat) { PgfCCat* cat2 = pgf_lzn_infer(lzn, lzn->expr, pool, &ctree); gu_assert(cat == cat2); gu_debug("fid: %d", cat->fid); gu_choice_reset(lzn->ch, mark); if (!gu_choice_advance(lzn->ch)) { lzn->expr = gu_null_variant; } } return ctree; } static void pgf_cnc_tree_enum_next(GuEnum* self, void* to, GuPool* pool) { PgfLzn* lzn = gu_container(self, PgfLzn, en); PgfCncTree* toc = to; *toc = pgf_lzn_next(lzn, pool); } PgfCncTreeEnum* pgf_lzr_concretize(PgfConcr* concr, PgfExpr expr, GuPool* pool) { PgfLzn* lzn = gu_new(PgfLzn, pool); lzn->concr = concr; lzn->expr = expr; lzn->ch = gu_new_choice(pool); lzn->en.next = pgf_cnc_tree_enum_next; return &lzn->en; } int pgf_cnc_tree_dimension(PgfCncTree ctree) { GuVariantInfo cti = gu_variant_open(ctree); switch (cti.tag) { case PGF_CNC_TREE_LIT: return 1; case PGF_CNC_TREE_APP: { PgfCncTreeApp* fapp = cti.data; return fapp->fun->n_lins; } default: gu_impossible(); return 0; } } void pgf_lzr_linearize(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCncTree ctree, size_t lin_idx, PgfLinFuncs** fnsp) { PgfLinFuncs* fns = *fnsp; GuVariantInfo cti = gu_variant_open(ctree); switch (cti.tag) { case PGF_CNC_TREE_LIT: { gu_require(lin_idx == 0); PgfCncTreeLit* flit = cti.data; if (fns->expr_literal) { fns->expr_literal(fnsp, flit->lit); } break; } case PGF_CNC_TREE_APP: { PgfCncTreeApp* fapp = cti.data; PgfCncFun* fun = fapp->fun; if (fns->expr_apply) { fns->expr_apply(fnsp, fun->fun, fapp->n_args); } gu_require(lin_idx < fun->n_lins); PgfSequence seq = fun->lins[lin_idx]; size_t nsyms = gu_seq_length(seq); PgfSymbol* syms = gu_seq_data(seq); for (size_t i = 0; i < nsyms; i++) { PgfSymbol sym = syms[i]; GuVariantInfo sym_i = gu_variant_open(sym); switch (sym_i.tag) { case PGF_SYMBOL_CAT: case PGF_SYMBOL_VAR: case PGF_SYMBOL_LIT: { PgfSymbolIdx* sidx = sym_i.data; gu_assert((unsigned) sidx->d < fapp->n_args); PgfCncTree argf = fapp->args[sidx->d]; pgf_lzr_linearize(concr, argf, sidx->r, fnsp); break; } case PGF_SYMBOL_KS: { PgfSymbolKS* ks = sym_i.data; if (fns->symbol_tokens) { fns->symbol_tokens(fnsp, ks->tokens); } break; } case PGF_SYMBOL_KP: { // TODO: correct prefix-dependencies PgfSymbolKP* kp = sym_i.data; if (fns->symbol_tokens) { fns->symbol_tokens(fnsp, kp->default_form); } break; } default: gu_impossible(); } } break; } // case PGF_CNC_TREE_APP default: gu_impossible(); } } typedef struct PgfSimpleLin PgfSimpleLin; struct PgfSimpleLin { PgfLinFuncs* funcs; GuWriter* wtr; GuExn* err; }; static void pgf_file_lzn_symbol_tokens(PgfLinFuncs** funcs, PgfTokens toks) { PgfSimpleLin* flin = gu_container(funcs, PgfSimpleLin, funcs); if (!gu_ok(flin->err)) { return; } size_t len = gu_seq_length(toks); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { PgfToken tok = gu_seq_get(toks, PgfToken, i); gu_string_write(tok, flin->wtr, flin->err); gu_putc(' ', flin->wtr, flin->err); } } static PgfLinFuncs pgf_file_lin_funcs = { .symbol_tokens = pgf_file_lzn_symbol_tokens }; void pgf_lzr_linearize_simple(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCncTree ctree, size_t lin_idx, GuWriter* wtr, GuExn* err) { PgfSimpleLin flin = { .funcs = &pgf_file_lin_funcs, .wtr = wtr, .err = err }; pgf_lzr_linearize(concr, ctree, lin_idx, &flin.funcs); }