module WebSetup(installWeb,copyWeb) where import System.Directory(createDirectoryIfMissing,copyFile,removeFile) import System.FilePath(()) import System.Cmd(system) import System.Exit(ExitCode(..)) import Distribution.Simple.Setup(Flag(..),CopyDest(..),copyDest) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo(datadir,buildDir,absoluteInstallDirs) {- To test the GF web services, the minibar and the grammar editor, use "cabal install" (or "runhaskell Setup.hs install") to install gf as usual. Then start the server with the command "gf -server" and open http://localhost:41296/minibar/minibar.html in your web browser (Firefox, Safari, Opera or Chrome). The example grammars listed below will be available in the minibar. -} example_grammars = -- :: [(pgf, tmp, src)] [("Foods.pgf","foods","contrib""summerschool""foods""Foods???.gf"), ("Letter.pgf","letter","examples""letter""Letter???.gf")] installWeb gf args flags pki lbi = setupWeb gf args dest pki lbi where dest = NoCopyDest copyWeb gf args flags pki lbi = setupWeb gf args dest pki lbi where dest = case copyDest flags of NoFlag -> NoCopyDest Flag d -> d setupWeb gf args dest pkg lbi = do putStrLn "setupWeb" mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissing True) [grammars_dir,cloud_dir] mapM_ build_pgf example_grammars where grammars_dir = www_dir "grammars" cloud_dir = www_dir "tmp" -- hmm www_dir = datadir (absoluteInstallDirs pkg lbi dest) "www" gfo_dir = buildDir lbi "gfo" build_pgf (pgf,tmp,src) = do createDirectoryIfMissing True tmp_dir execute cmd copyFile pgf (grammars_dirpgf) putStrLn (grammars_dirpgf) removeFile pgf where tmp_dir = gfo_dirtmp cmd = gf++" -make -s -optimize-pgf --gfo-dir="++tmp_dir++ " --gf-lib-path=dist/build/rgl"++ -- " --output-dir="++grammars_dir++ -- has no effect?! " "++src execute command = do putStrLn command e <- system command case e of ExitSuccess -> return () _ -> fail "Command failed" return ()