// GF Python bindings // Jordi Saludes, upc.edu 2010 // #include #include #include "pygf.h" /* utilities */ int checkType(void* obj, PyTypeObject* tp) { int isRight = PyObject_TypeCheck((PyObject*)obj, tp); if (!isRight) PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Expecting a %s.", tp->tp_doc); return isRight; } /* new types and declarations */ NEWGF(CId,GF_CId,CIdType,"gf.cid","identifier") NEWGF(Lang,GF_Language,LangType,"gf.lang","language") NEWGF(gfType,GF_Type,gfTypeType,"gf.type","gf type") NEWGF(PGF,GF_PGF,PGFType,"gf.pgf","PGF module") NEWGF(Expr,GF_Expr,ExprType,"gf.expr","gf expression") NEWGF(Tree,GF_Tree,TreeType,"gf.tree","gf tree") /* CId methods, constructor and destructor */ DEALLOCFN(CId_dealloc, CId, gf_freeCId, "freeCId") /* PGF methods, constructor and destructor */ DEALLOCFN(PGF_dealloc, PGF, gf_freePGF, "freePGF") static PyObject* pgf_repr(PGF *self) { Lang* lang = gf_abstractName(self); char* abs = gf_showLanguage(lang); Py_DECREF(lang); PyObject* str = PyString_FromFormat("", abs); free(abs); return str; } static PyObject* languageCode(PGF *self, PyObject *args) { Lang *lang; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &lang)) return NULL; if (!checkType(lang, &LangType)) return NULL; char* scode = gf_languageCode(self, lang); if (scode) { PyObject* result = PyString_FromString(scode); free(scode); return result; } else { Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None; } } static PyObject* linearize(PGF *self, PyObject *args) { Lang *lang; Tree *tree; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &lang, &tree)) return NULL; if (!checkType(lang,&LangType)) return NULL; if (!checkType(tree,&TreeType)) return NULL; char* c_lin = gf_linearize(self, lang, tree); PyObject* lin = PyString_FromString(c_lin); free(c_lin); return lin; } static Lang* abstractName(PGF *self) { if (!checkType(self,&PGFType)) return NULL; return gf_abstractName(self); } static PyObject* printName(PGF *self, PyObject *args) { Lang* lang; CId* id; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OO", &lang, &id)) return NULL; if (!checkType(lang,&LangType)) return NULL; if (!checkType(id,&CIdType)) return NULL; char *pname = gf_showPrintName(self, lang, id); PyObject* result = PyString_FromString(pname); free(pname); return result; } static gfType* functiontype(PGF *self, PyObject* args) { CId* cid; gfType* gftp; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &cid)) return NULL; if (!checkType(cid,&CIdType)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Must be a gf identifier."); return NULL; } return gf_functiontype(self, cid); } static PyObject* parse(PGF *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kws) { Lang *lang; gfType *cat = NULL; char *lexed; static char *kwlist[] = {"lexed", "lang", "cat", NULL}; if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kws, "sO|O", kwlist, &lexed, &lang, &cat)) return NULL; if (!checkType(self, &PGFType)) return NULL; if (!checkType(lang, &LangType)) return NULL; if (cat) { if (!checkType(cat, &gfTypeType)) return NULL; } else { cat = gf_startCat(self); } return gf_parse(self, lang, cat, lexed); } static PGF* readPGF(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *path; struct stat info; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &path)) return NULL; if (stat(path, &info) == 0) { PGF* pgf = gf_readPGF(path); return pgf; } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_IOError, "No such file: %s", path); return NULL; } } static PyMethodDef pgf_methods[] = { {"parse", (PyCFunction)parse, METH_VARARGS|METH_KEYWORDS,"Parse a string."}, {"lin", (PyCFunction)linearize, METH_VARARGS,"Linearize tree."}, {"lang_code", (PyCFunction)languageCode, METH_VARARGS,"Get the language code."}, {"print_name", (PyCFunction)printName, METH_VARARGS,"Get the print name for a id."}, {"fun_type", (PyCFunction)functiontype, METH_VARARGS,"Get the type of a fun expression."}, {"startcat", (PyCFunction)gf_startCat, METH_NOARGS,"Get the start category."}, {"categories", (PyCFunction)gf_categories, METH_NOARGS,"Get all categories."}, {"functions", (PyCFunction)gf_functions, METH_NOARGS,"Get all functions."}, {"abstract", (PyCFunction)abstractName, METH_NOARGS,"Get the module abstract name."}, {"languages", (PyCFunction)gf_languages, METH_NOARGS,"Get the module languages."}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; REPRCB(CId_repr, CId, gf_showCId) /* Language methods, constructor and destructor */ REPRCB(lang_repr, Lang, gf_showLanguage) DEALLOCFN(Lang_dealloc, Lang, gf_freeLanguage, "freeLanguage") static Lang* readLang(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) { char *langName; Lang *l; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"s",&langName)) return NULL; l = (Lang*)LangType.tp_new(&LangType,NULL,NULL); if(!l) return NULL; gf_readLanguage(l,langName); return l; } /* gf types: methods, constructor and destructor */ DEALLOCFN(gfType_dealloc, gfType, gf_freeType, "freeType") REPRCB(gfType_repr, gfType, gf_showType) /* expression type: methods, destructor */ DEALLOCFN(expr_dealloc, Expr, gf_freeExpr, "freeExpr") REPRCB(expr_repr, Expr, gf_showExpr) static PyObject* unapp(Expr *self) { PyObject* obj = gf_unapp(self); if (!obj) { char* s = gf_unstr(self); if (s) { obj = PyString_FromString(s); free(s); } else { long n = gf_unint(self); if (n != -9) { obj = PyInt_FromLong(n); } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Cannot unapply expr."); } } } return obj; } static PyObject* infer_expr(Expr *self, PyObject* args) { PGF* pgf; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &pgf)) return NULL; if (!checkType(pgf, &PGFType)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Must be a pgf module."); return NULL; } return gf_inferexpr(pgf, self); } /* todo: Is Tree == Expr ? */ static PyMethodDef expr_methods[] = { {"unapply", (PyCFunction)unapp, METH_NOARGS, "Unapply an expression."}, {"infer", (PyCFunction)infer_expr, METH_VARARGS, "Infer the type of an expression."}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; /* tree typr: methods, constructor and destructor */ // Are Expr and Tree equivalent ? REPRCB(tree_repr, Tree, gf_showExpr) DEALLOCFN(Tree_dealloc, Tree, gf_freeTree, "freeTree") /* gf module methods */ static PyMethodDef gf_methods[] = { {"read_pgf", (PyCFunction)readPGF, METH_VARARGS,"Read pgf file."}, {"read_language", (PyCFunction)readLang, METH_VARARGS,"Get the language."}, {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */ }; #ifndef PyMODINIT_FUNC/* declarations for DLL import/export */ #define PyMODINIT_FUNC void #endif PyMODINIT_FUNC initgf(void) { PyObject* m; #define READYTYPE(t,trepr,tdealloc) t.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew; \ t.tp_repr = (reprfunc)trepr; \ t.tp_dealloc = (destructor)tdealloc; \ if (PyType_Ready(&t) < 0) return; READYTYPE(CIdType, CId_repr, CId_dealloc) PGFType.tp_methods = pgf_methods; READYTYPE(PGFType, pgf_repr, PGF_dealloc) READYTYPE(LangType, lang_repr, Lang_dealloc) READYTYPE(gfTypeType, gfType_repr, gfType_dealloc) ExprType.tp_methods = expr_methods; READYTYPE(ExprType, expr_repr, expr_dealloc) TreeType.tp_methods = expr_methods; // Tree == Expr ? READYTYPE(TreeType, tree_repr, Tree_dealloc) m = Py_InitModule3("gf", gf_methods, "Grammatical Framework."); static char *argv[] = {"gf.so", 0}, **argv_ = argv; static int argc = 1; gf_init (&argc, &argv_); hs_add_root (__stginit_PyGF); #define ADDTYPE(t) Py_INCREF(&t);\ PyModule_AddObject(m, "gf", (PyObject *)&t); ADDTYPE(PGFType) ADDTYPE(LangType) ADDTYPE(gfTypeType) ADDTYPE(TreeType) ADDTYPE(ExprType) } /* List utilities to be imported by FFI */ inline PyObject* newList() { return PyList_New(0); } inline void append(PyObject* l, PyObject* ob) { PyList_Append(l, ob); }