Editor modes & IDE integration for GF

We collect GF modes for various editors on this page. Contributions are welcome!

GF Eclipse Plugin

As a new development under the MOLTO Poject, there is now a (beta) Eclipse plugin for writing GF grammars within the Eclipse IDE. Details can be found here


gf.el by Johan Bockgård provides syntax highlighting and automatic indentation and lets you run the GF Shell in an emacs buffer. See installation instructions inside.


John J. Camilleri provided the following syntax highlighting mode for Gedit (the default text editor in Ubuntu).

Copy the file below to ~/.local/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/gf.lang (under Ubuntu).

Some helpful notes/links:


John J. Camilleri provided the following custom filetype config files for syntax highlighting in Geany.

Copy one of the files below to /usr/share/geany/filetypes.GF.conf (under Ubuntu). You will need to manually create the file.

You will also need to edit the filetype_extensions.conf file and add the following line somewhere:
