Editor modes & IDE integration for GF %!style:../css/style.css %!options(html): --toc %!postproc(html):

We collect GF modes for various editors on this page. Contributions are welcome! ==GF Eclipse Plugin== As a new development under the MOLTO Poject, there is now a (beta) Eclipse plugin for writing GF grammars within the Eclipse IDE. Details can be found [here ../eclipse/] ==Emacs== [gf.el ../src/tools/gf.el] by Johan Bockgård provides syntax highlighting and automatic indentation and lets you run the GF Shell in an emacs buffer. See installation instructions inside. ==Gedit== [John J. Camilleri http://johnjcamilleri.com/] provided the following syntax highlighting mode for [Gedit http://www.gedit.org/] (the default text editor in Ubuntu). Copy the file below to ``~/.local/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/gf.lang`` (under Ubuntu). - [gf.lang ../src/tools/gf.lang] Some helpful notes/links: - The code is based heavily on the ``haskell.lang`` file which I found in ``/usr/share/gtksourceview-2.0/language-specs/haskell.lang``. - Ruslan Osmanov recommends [registering your file extension as its own MIME type http://osmanov-dev-notes.blogspot.com/2011/04/how-to-add-new-highlight-mode-in-gedit.html] (see also [here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingMimeTypes]), however on my system the ``.gf`` extension was already registered as a generic font (``application/x-tex-gf``) and I didn't want to risk messing any of that up. - This is a quick 5-minute job and might require some tweaking. [The GtkSourceView language definition tutorial http://developer.gnome.org/gtksourceview/stable/lang-tutorial.html] is the place to start looking. - Contributions are welcome! ==Geany== [John J. Camilleri http://johnjcamilleri.com/] provided the following [custom filetype http://www.geany.org/manual/dev/index.html#custom-filetypes] config files for syntax highlighting in [Geany http://www.geany.org/]. Copy one of the files below to ``/usr/share/geany/filetypes.GF.conf`` (under Ubuntu). You will need to manually create the file. - [light-filetypes.GF.conf ../src/tools/light-filetypes.GF.conf] - [dark-filetypes.GF.conf ../src/tools/dark-filetypes.GF.conf] You will also need to edit the ``filetype_extensions.conf`` file and add the following line somewhere: ``` GF=*.gf ```