--# -path=.:alltenses:../phrasebook:../../lib/src/english:../../lib/src/swedish:../../lib/src/scandinavian concrete TranslateSwe of Translate = ParseSwe - [open_A], PhrasebookSwe - [PSentence, PQuestion, PGreetingMale, PGreetingFemale, GObjectPlease] ** open SyntaxSwe, ParadigmsSwe, (E = ExtraSwe), Prelude in { flags literal = Symb ; lin PPhr p = lin Text p ; NP_Person np = {name = lin NP np ; isPron = False ; poss = mkQuant he_Pron} ; NP_Object np = lin NP np ; NP_Item np = lin NP np ; NP_Place np0 = let np = lin NP np0 in {name = np ; at = SyntaxSwe.mkAdv in_Prep np ; to = SyntaxSwe.mkAdv to_Prep np} ; NP_Name np = lin NP np ; --- to remove Phrasebook punctuation, which makes the output in Translate heterogeneous PSentence s = lin Text (mkUtt s) ; PQuestion s = lin Text (mkUtt s) ; PGreetingMale, PGreetingFemale = \g -> lin Text g ; GObjectPlease o = lin Text (mkUtt o) ; }