concrete NounChi of Noun = CatChi ** open ResChi, Prelude in { lin DetCN det cn = case det.detType of { DTFull Sg => {s = det.s ++ cn.c ++ cn.s} ; -- this house DTFull Pl => {s = det.s ++ xie_s ++ cn.s} ; -- these houses DTNum => {s = det.s ++ cn.c ++ cn.s} ; -- (these) five houses DTPoss => {s = det.s ++ cn.s} -- our (five) houses } ; UsePN pn = pn ; UsePron p = p ; DetNP det = {s = det.s ++ ge_s} ; ---- PredetNP pred np = mkNP (pred.s ++ possessive_s ++ np.s) ; PPartNP np v2 = mkNP ((predV v2 v2.part).verb.s ++ possessive_s ++ np.s) ; ---- ?? AdvNP np adv = mkNP (adv.s ++ possessiveIf adv.advType ++ np.s) ; DetQuant quant num = { s = case num.numType of { NTFull => ++ num.s ; -- to avoid yi in indef NTVoid Pl => ++ num.s ; _ => quant.s ++ num.s } ; detType = case num.numType of { NTFull => DTNum ; -- five NTVoid n => case quant.detType of { DTPoss => DTPoss ; -- our _ => DTFull n -- these/this } } } ; DetQuantOrd quant num ord = { s = quant.s ++ num.s ++ ord.s ; detType = case num.numType of { NTFull => DTNum ; -- five NTVoid n => DTFull n -- these/this ; also our, when ord is present } } ; PossPron p = { s,pl = p.s ++ possessive_s ; detType = DTPoss } ; NumSg = {s = [] ; numType = NTVoid Sg} ; NumPl = {s = [] ; numType = NTVoid Pl} ; NumCard n = n ** {numType = NTFull} ; NumDigits d = d ** {numType = NTFull} ; OrdDigits d = {s = ordinal_s ++ d.s} ; NumNumeral numeral = {s = numeral.p} ; -- liang instead of yi OrdNumeral numeral = {s = ordinal_s ++ numeral.s} ; AdNum adn num = {s = adn.s ++ num.s ; hasC = True} ; OrdSuperl a = {s = superlative_s ++ a.s} ; DefArt = mkQuant [] [] DTPoss ; -- use that_Quant if you want the_s IndefArt = mkQuant yi_s [] (DTFull Sg) ; -- empty in the plural MassNP cn = cn ; UseN n = n ; UseN2 n = n ; Use2N3 f = {s = f.s ; c = f.c ; c2 = f.c2} ; Use3N3 f = {s = f.s ; c = f.c ; c2 = f.c3} ; ComplN2 f x = {s = appPrep f.c2 x.s ++ f.s ; c = f.c} ; ComplN3 f x = {s = appPrep f.c2 x.s ++ f.s ; c = f.c ; c2 = f.c3} ; AdjCN ap cn = case ap.monoSyl of { True => {s = ap.s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; False => {s = ap.s ++ possessive_s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} } ; RelCN cn rs = {s = rs.s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; AdvCN cn ad = {s = ad.s ++ possessiveIf ad.advType ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; SentCN cn cs = {s = cs.s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; ApposCN cn np = {s = np.s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; RelNP np rs = mkNP (rs.s ++ np.s) ; PossNP cn np = {s = np.s ++ possessive_s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; PartNP cn np = {s = np.s ++ possessive_s ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; CountNP det np = {s = det.s ++ ge_s ++ possessive_s ++ np.s} ; --- classifier from NP? }