--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../../prelude --1 Thai auxiliary operations. -- ---- This module contains operations that are needed to make the ---- resource syntax work. To define everything that is needed to ---- implement $Test$, it moreover contains regular lexical ---- patterns needed for $Lex$. -- resource ResChi = ParamX ** open Prelude in { flags coding = utf8 ; oper -- strings ---- defaultStr = "" ; than_s = "bi3" ; progressive_s = defaultStr ; de_s, possessive_s = "de" ; -- also used for AP + NP deAdvV_s = "de" ; -- between Adv and V deVAdv_s = "de2" ; -- between V and Adv imperneg_s = neg_s ; conjThat = emptyStr ; ---- reflPron = word "zi4ji3" ; -- pron + refl passive_s = "bei4" ; relative_s = possessive_s ; -- relative superlative_s = "zui4" ; -- superlative, sup + adj + de zai_s = "zai4" ; -- copula for place you_s = "you3" ; -- to have copula_s = "shi4" ; exist_s = word "cun2zai4" ; neg_s = "bu4" ; question_s = "ma3" ; yi_s = "yi1" ; ordinal_s = "di4" ; xie_s = "xie1" ; the_s = "na3" ; geng_s = "geng1" ; -- more, in comparison hen_s = "hen3" ; -- very, or predicating a monosyllabic adjective taN_s = "ta1" ; zai_V = mkVerb "zai4" [] [] [] [] "bu4" ; fullstop_s = "。" ; questmark_s = "?" ; exclmark_s = "!" ; ge_s = "ge4" ; di_s = "shi4" ; -- used in QuestSlash ba_s = "ba3" ; -- ba4, object marker ba0_s = "ba1" ; -- ba, used in imperatives men_s = "men" ; zan_s = "za2" ; say_s = "shui4" ; -- used in embedded sentences: she answers him that we sleep duncomma = "、" ; chcomma = "," ; emptyStr = [] ; -- Write the characters that constitute a word separately. This enables straightforward tokenization. bword : Str -> Str -> Str = \x,y -> x + y ; -- change to x + y to treat words as single tokens word : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { x@? + y@? + z@? + u@? + v@? + w@? + a@? + b@? => bword x (bword y (bword z (bword u (bword v (bword w (bword a b)))))) ; x@? + y@? + z@? + u@? + v@? + w@? + a@? => bword x (bword y (bword z (bword u (bword v (bword w a))))) ; x@? + y@? + z@? + u@? + v@? + w@? => bword x (bword y (bword z (bword u (bword v w)))) ; x@? + y@? + z@? + u@? + v@? => bword x (bword y (bword z (bword u v))) ; x@? + y@? + z@? + u@? => bword x (bword y (bword z u)) ; x@? + y@? + z@? => bword x (bword y z) ; x@? + y@? => bword x y ; _ => s } ; ssword : Str -> SS = \s -> ss (word s) ; ------------------------------------------------ from Jolene -- parameters param Aspect = APlain | APerf | ADurStat | ADurProg | AExper ; ---- APlain added by AR ConjForm = CPhr CPosType | CSent; CPosType = CAPhrase | CNPhrase | CVPhrase ; DeForm = DeNoun | NdNoun ; -- parameter created for noun with/out partical "de" AdvType = ATPlace Bool | ATTime | ATManner ; -- ATPlace True = has zai_s already -- parts of speech oper VP = {verb : Verb ; compl : Str ; prePart : Str} ; NP = {s : Str} ; -- for morphology Noun : Type = {s : Str ; c : Str} ; Adj : Type = {s : Str ; monoSyl: Bool} ; Verb : Type = {s,sn : Str ; pp,ds,dp,ep : Str ; neg : Str} ; --- sn=[] needed for "hen" as copula regNoun : Str -> Str -> Noun = \s,c -> {s = word s ; c = word c}; mkAdj : Str -> Bool -> Adj = \s,b -> {s = word s ; monoSyl = b}; complexAP : Str -> Adj ** {hasAdA : Bool} = \s -> {s = s ; monoSyl = False ; hasAdA = False} ; --- not used for adding AdA simpleAdj : Str -> Adj = \s -> case s of { ? => mkAdj s True ; -- monosyllabic _ => mkAdj s False } ; copula : Verb = mkVerb "shi4" [] [] [] [] "bu4" ; hen_copula : Verb = {s = hen_s ; sn = [] ; pp = [] ; ds = [] ; dp = [] ; ep = [] ; neg = "bu4"} ; --- nocopula : Verb = {s = [] ; sn = [] ; pp = [] ; ds = [] ; dp = [] ; ep = [] ; neg = "bu4"} ; --- adjcopula : Verb = {s = "shi4" ; sn = [] ; pp = [] ; ds = [] ; dp = [] ; ep = [] ; neg = "bu4"} ; --- regVerb : (walk : Str) -> Verb = \v -> mkVerb v "le" "zhao1" "zai4" "guo4" "bu4" ; -- 没" ; noVerb : Verb = regVerb [] ; ---?? -- used as copula for verbal adverbs mkVerb : (v : Str) -> (pp,ds,dp,ep,neg : Str) -> Verb = \v,pp,ds,dp,ep,neg -> {s,sn = word v ; pp = pp ; ds = ds ; dp = dp ; ep = ep ; neg = neg} ; useVerb : Verb -> Polarity => Aspect => Str = \v -> table { Pos => table { APlain => v.s ; APerf => v.s ++ v.pp ; ADurStat => v.s ++ v.ds ; ADurProg => v.dp ++ v.s ; AExper => v.s ++ v.ep } ; Neg => table { APlain => v.neg ++ v.sn ; --- neg? APerf => "bu4" ++ v.sn ++ v.pp ; ADurStat => "bu4" ++ v.sn ; ADurProg => v.neg ++ v.dp ++ v.sn ; -- mei or bu AExper => v.neg ++ v.sn ++ v.ep } } ; infVP : VP -> Str = \vp -> vp.prePart ++ vp.verb.s ++ vp.compl ; predV : Verb -> Str -> VP = \v,part -> { verb = v ; compl = part ; prePart = [] ; } ; insertObj : NP -> VP -> VP = \np,vp -> { verb = vp.verb ; compl = np.s ++ vp.compl ; prePart = vp.prePart } ; insertObjPost : NP -> VP -> VP = \np,vp -> { verb = vp.verb ; compl = vp.compl ++ np.s ; prePart = vp.prePart } ; insertAdv : SS -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> { verb = vp.verb ; compl = vp.compl ; prePart = adv.s ++ vp.prePart } ; insertAdvPost : SS -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> { verb = vp.verb ; compl = vp.compl ; prePart = vp.prePart ++ adv.s } ; insertPP : SS -> VP -> VP = \pp,vp -> { verb = vp.verb ; compl = vp.compl ; prePart = vp.prePart ++ pp.s } ; insertExtra : SS -> VP -> VP = \ext,vp -> insertObjPost ext vp ; -- clauses: keep np and vp separate to enable insertion of IAdv Clause : Type = { s : Polarity => Aspect => Str ; np : Str; vp : VP } ; mkClause = overload { mkClause : Str -> Verb -> Clause = \np,v -> mkClauseCompl np (predV v []) [] ; mkClause : Str -> Verb -> Str -> Clause = \subj,verb,obj -> mkClauseCompl subj (predV verb []) obj ; mkClause : Str -> VP -> Clause = \np,vp -> mkClauseCompl np vp [] ; mkClause : Str -> VP -> Str -> Clause = mkClauseCompl ; } ; mkClauseCompl : Str -> VP -> Str -> Clause = \np,vp,compl -> { s = \\p,a => np ++ vp.prePart ++ useVerb vp.verb ! p ! a ++ vp.compl ++ compl ; np = np ; vp = insertObj (ss compl) vp ; } ; -- for structural words param DetType = DTFull Number | DTNum | DTPoss ; -- this, these, five, our NumType = NTFull | NTVoid Number ; -- five, sg, pl oper Determiner = {s : Str ; detType : DetType} ; Quantifier = Determiner ** {pl : Str} ; mkDet = overload { mkDet : Str -> Determiner = \s -> {s = s ; detType = DTFull Sg} ; mkDet : Str -> Number -> Determiner = \s,n -> {s = s ; detType = DTFull n} ; mkDet : Str -> DetType -> Determiner = \s,d -> {s = s ; detType = d} ; } ; mkQuant = overload { mkQuant : Str -> Quantifier = \s -> {s,pl = s ; detType = DTFull Sg} ; mkQuant : Str -> DetType -> Quantifier = \s,d -> {s,pl = s ; detType = d} ; mkQuant : Str -> Str -> DetType -> Quantifier = \s,p,d -> {s = s ; detType = d ; pl = p} ; } ; pronNP : (s : Str) -> NP = \s -> { s = word s } ; Preposition = {prepPre : Str ; prepPost : Str ; advType : AdvType} ; mkPreposition : Str -> Str -> AdvType -> Preposition = \s1,s2,at -> { prepPre = word s1 ; prepPost = word s2 ; advType = at } ; getAdvType : Str -> AdvType = \s -> case s of { "zai4" + _ => ATPlace True ; -- certain that True _ => ATPlace False -- uncertain whether ATPlace } ; mkSubj : Str -> Str -> {prePart : Str ; sufPart : Str} = \p,s -> { prePart = word p ; sufPart = word s } ; -- added by AR mkNP : Str -> NP = ss ; -- not to be used in lexicon building appPrep : Preposition -> Str -> Str = \prep,s -> prep.prepPre ++ s ++ prep.prepPost ; }