--# -path=.:../abstract:../common --# -coding=latin1 --1 Dutch auxiliary operations. -- -- (c) 2009 Femke Johansson and Aarne Ranta resource ResDut = ParamX ** open Prelude, Predef in { flags optimize=all ; --2 For $Noun$ param Case = Nom | Gen ; Gender = Utr | Neutr ; NForm = NF Number Case ; NPCase = NPNom | NPAcc ; oper Noun = {s : NForm => Str ; g : Gender} ; mkNoun : (_,_ : Str) -> Gender -> Noun = \sg,pl,g -> { s = table { NF Sg Nom => sg ; NF Sg Gen => add_s sg ; NF Pl Nom => pl ; NF Pl Gen => add_s pl } ; g = g } ; regNoun : Str -> Noun = \s -> case s of { _ + ("a" | "o" | "y" | "u" | "oe" | "é") => mkNoun s (s + "'s") Utr ; _ + ("oir" | "ion" | "je") => mkNoun s (s + "s") Neutr ; ? + ? + ? + _ + ("el" | "em" | "en" | "er" | "erd" | "aar" | "aard" | "ie") => -- unstressed mkNoun s (s + "s") Utr ; _ + ("i"|"u") => mkNoun s (endCons s + "en") Utr ; b + v@("aa"|"ee"|"oo"|"uu") + c@? => mkNoun s (b + shortVoc v c + "en") Utr ; b + ("ei"|"eu"|"oe"|"ou"|"ie"|"ij"|"ui") + ? => mkNoun s (endCons s + "en") Utr ; _ + "ie" => mkNoun s (s + "ën") Utr ; b + v@("a"|"e"|"i"|"o"|"u" ) + c@? => mkNoun s (b + v + c + c + "en") Utr ; _ => mkNoun s (endCons s + "en") Utr } ; regNounG : Str -> Gender -> Noun = \s,g -> { s = (regNoun s).s ; g = g } ; shortVoc : Str -> Str -> Str = \v,s -> init v + endCons s ; endCons : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { _ + ("ts" |"rs" | "ls" | "ds" | "ns" | "ms") => s ; b + "s" => b + "z" ; b + "f" => b + "v" ; _ => s } ; dupCons : pattern Str = #("b"|"d"|"f"|"g"|"k"|"l"|"m"|"n"|"p"|"r"|"s"|"t") ; add_s : Str -> Str = \s -> case s of { _ + "s" => s ; _ => s + "s" } ; param AForm = APred | AAttr | AGen ; oper Adjective = {s : Degree => AForm => Str} ; mkAdjective : (_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Adjective = \ap,aa,ag,ac,as -> { s = table { Posit => table {APred => ap ; AAttr => aa ; AGen => ag} ; Compar => table {APred => ac ; AAttr => ac + "e" ; AGen => ac + "s"} ; ---- Superl => table {APred => as ; AAttr => as + "e" ; AGen => as + "s"} ---- } } ; regAdjective : Str -> Adjective = \s -> ---- let se : Str = case s of { _ + "er" => s + "e" ; ---- _ + ("i"|"u"|"ij") => endCons s + "e" ; b + v@("aa"|"ee"|"oo"|"uu") + c@? => b + shortVoc v c + "e" ; b + ("ei"|"eu"|"oe"|"ou"|"ie"|"ij"|"ui") + ? => endCons s + "e" ; b + v@("a"|"e"|"i"|"o"|"u" ) + c@? => b + v + c + c + "e" ; _ => endCons s + "e" } ; ser : Str = case s of { _ + "r" => s + "der" ; _ => se + "r" } ; sst : Str = case s of { _ + "s" => s + "t" ; _ => s + "st" } ; in mkAdjective s se (s + "s") ser sst ; param VForm = VInf -- zijn | VPresSg1 -- ben | VPresSg2 -- bent | VPresSg3 -- is | VPresPl -- zijn | VPastSg -- was --# notpresent | VPastPl -- waren --# notpresent | VImp2 -- wees | VImp3 -- weest | VImpPl -- wezen | VPerf -- geweest | VPresPart -- zijnde | VGer -- zijnde ; VPart = VPart_aan | VPart_af | VPart_be ; oper Verb : Type = {s: VForm => Str}; mkVerb : (_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Verb = \aai, aait, aaien, aaide, _, aaiden, geaaid -> { s = table { VInf | VImpPl | VPresPl => aaien; -- hij/zij/het/wij aaien VPresSg1 | VImp2 => aai; -- ik aai VPresSg2 | VPresSg3 | VImp3 => aait; -- jij aait VPastSg => aaide; -- ik aaide --# notpresent VPastPl => aaiden; -- hij/zij/het/wij aaiden --# notpresent VPerf => geaaid ; -- ik heb geaaid VPresPart => aaien + "de" ; VGer => aaien + "d" } }; regVerb : Str -> Verb = \s -> smartVerb s (mkStem s) ; irregVerb : (breken,brak,gebroken : Str) -> Verb = \breken,brak,gebroken -> let brek = (regVerb breken).s in mkVerb (brek ! VPresSg1) (brek ! VPresSg3) (brek ! VInf) brak brak (brak + "en") gebroken ; irregVerb2 : (breken,brak,braken,gebroken : Str) -> Verb = \breken,brak,braken,gebroken -> let brek = (regVerb breken).s in mkVerb (brek ! VPresSg1) (brek ! VPresSg3) (brek ! VInf) brak brak (braken) gebroken ; -- To add a prefix (like "ein") to an already existing verb. prefixV : Str -> VVerb -> VVerb = \ein,verb -> let vs = verb.s ; einb : Bool -> Str -> Str = \b,geb -> if_then_Str b (ein + geb) geb ; in {s = table { f@(VInf | VPerf) => ein + vs ! f ; ---- TODO: eingegeven f => vs ! f } ; prefix = ein ; aux = verb.aux ; particle = verb.particle ; vtype = verb.vtype } ; -- Pattern matching verbs smartVerb : (_,_:Str) -> Verb = \verb,stem -> let raw = Predef.tk 2 verb; in case raw of { _+ ("k"|"f"|"s"|"c"|"h"|"p") => t_regVerb verb stem; _+ "v" => v_regVerb verb; _+ "z" => z_regVerb verb; _+ ("t" | "tt") => t_end_regVerb verb; _+ "d" => d_end_regVerb verb; _ => d_regVerb verb stem }; consonant : pattern Str = #("b"|"c"|"d"|"f"|"g"|"h"|"j"|"k"|"l"|"m"|"n"|"p"|"q"|"r"|"s"|"t"|"v"|"w"|"x"|"y"|"z") ; vowel : pattern Str = #("a"|"e"|"i"|"o"|"u") ; -- To make a stem out of a verb -- If a stem ends in a 'v' then the 'v' changes into a 'f' -- If a stem ends in a 'z' then the 'z' changes into an 's' -- If a stem ends on a double consonant then one of them disappears -- If a stem ends on a consonant but that consonant has exactly 1 vowel before it -- then we have to double this vowel mkStem : Str -> Str =\lopen -> let lop = tk 2 lopen ; --drop the -en lo = init lop ; o = last lo ; p = case last lop of { "v" => "f" ; "z" => "s" ; p => p } ; loop = lo + o + p ; -- voiced consonant to unvoiced, vowel doubling kerf = lo + p ; -- voiced consonant to unvoiced, no vowel doubling zeg = tk 3 lopen ; -- double consonant disappearing werk = lop -- no changes to stem in case lop of { _+ #consonant + #vowel + #consonant => loop ; _+ ("bb" | "dd" | "ff" | "gg" | "kk" | "ll" | "mm" | "nn" | "pp" | "rr" | "ss" | "tt") => zeg ; _+ #consonant + ("v"|"z") => kerf ; _ => werk --default case, #consonant + #consonant }; -- To add a particle to a verb -- addPartVerb : Str -> Verb -> Verb = \aanmoedigen -> -- let verbpiece = Predef.drop 3 aanmoedigen; -- part = Predef.take 3 aanmoedigen; -- in -- mkVerb (smartVerb verbpiece) part; -- For regular verbs with past tense 'd' d_regVerb : (_,_ :Str) -> Verb = \geeuwen,geeuw -> let stem = geeuw --- mkStem geeuwen in mkVerb stem (stem + "t") geeuwen (stem + "de") (stem + "de") (stem + "den") ("ge" + stem + "d"); -- For regular verbs with past tense 't' t_regVerb : (_,_ :Str) -> Verb = \botsen,bots -> let bots = mkStem botsen in mkVerb bots (bots + "t") botsen (bots + "te") (bots + "te") (bots + "ten") ("ge" + bots + "t"); -- For verbs that dont need an extra 't' at the end t_end_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \achten -> let acht = mkStem achten in mkVerb acht (acht) achten (acht + "te") (acht +"te") (acht+"ten") ("ge"+acht); -- For verbs that dont need an extra 'd' at the end d_end_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \aarden -> let aard = mkStem aarden in mkVerb aard (aard+"t") aarden (aard + "de") (aard +"de") (aard+"den") ("ge"+aard); -- For verbs that need a vowel doubled in singular add_vowel_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \absorberen -> let stem = mkStem absorberen in case stem of { _+ ("t"|"k"|"f"|"s"|"c"|"h"|"p") => t_regVerb absorberen stem; _ => d_regVerb absorberen stem }; -- For verbs that have their stem ending with a 'z' z_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \omhelzen -> let stem = mkStem omhelzen in d_regVerb omhelzen stem; -- For verbs that have their stem ending with a 'v' v_regVerb : Str -> Verb = \hoeven -> let hoef = mkStem hoeven in mkVerb hoef (hoef +"t") hoeven (hoef+"de") (hoef+"de") (hoef+"den") ("ge"+hoef+"d"); zijn_V : VVerb = { s = table { VInf => "zijn" ; VPresSg1 => "ben" ; VPresSg2 => "bent" ; VPresSg3 => "is" ; VPresPl => "zijn" ; VPastSg => "was" ; --# notpresent VPastPl => "waren" ; --# notpresent VImp2 => "wees" ; VImp3 => "weest" ; VImpPl => "wezen" ; VPerf => "geweest" ; VPresPart => "zijnde" ; VGer => "wezend" } ; aux = VZijn ; prefix = [] ; particle = [] ; vtype = VAct ; } ; hebben_V : VVerb = { s = table { VInf => "hebben" ; VPresSg1 => "heb" ; VPresSg2 => "hebt" ; VPresSg3 => "heeft" ; VPresPl => "hebben" ; VPastSg => "had" ; --# notpresent VPastPl => "hadden" ; --# notpresent VImp2 => "heb" ; VImp3 => "heeft" ; VImpPl => "hebben" ; VPerf => "gehad" ; VPresPart => "hebbende" ; VGer => "hebbend" } ; aux = VHebben ; prefix = [] ; particle = [] ; vtype = VAct ; } ; zullen_V : VVerb = { s = table { VInf => "zullen" ; VPresSg1 => "zal" ; VPresSg2 => "zult" ; VPresSg3 => "zal" ; VPresPl => "zullen" ; VPastSg => "zou" ; --# notpresent VPastPl => "zouden" ; --# notpresent VImp2 => "zoud" ; ---- not used VImp3 => "zoudt" ; VImpPl => "zouden" ; ---- VPerf => "gezoudt" ; VPresPart => "zullende" ; VGer => "zullend" } ; aux = VHebben ; prefix = [] ; particle = [] ; vtype = VAct ; } ; kunnen_V : VVerb = { s = table { VInf => "kunnen" ; VPresSg1 => "kan" ; VPresSg2 => "kunt" ; VPresSg3 => "kan" ; ---- kun je VPresPl => "kunnen" ; VPastSg => "kon" ; --# notpresent VPastPl => "konden" ; --# notpresent VImp2 => "kan" ; ---- not used VImp3 => "kant" ; VImpPl => "kunnen" ; ---- VPerf => "gekund" ; VPresPart => "kunnende" ; VGer => "kunnend" } ; aux = VHebben ; prefix = [] ; particle = [] ; vtype = VAct ; } ; worden_V = irregVerb2 "worden" "werd" "werden" "geworden" ** { aux = VZijn ; prefix = [] ; particle = [] ; vtype = VAct} ; Pronoun : Type = { unstressed,stressed : {nom, acc, poss : Str} ; substposs : Str ; a : Agr } ; mkPronoun : (x1,_,_,_,_,x6,x7 : Str) -> Gender -> Number -> Person -> Pronoun = \ik,me,mn,Ik,mij,mijn,mijne,g,n,p -> { unstressed = {nom = ik ; acc = me ; poss = mn} ; stressed = {nom = Ik ; acc = mij ; poss = mijn} ; substposs = mijne ; a = {g = g ; n = n ; p = p} } ; het_Pron : Pronoun = mkPronoun "'t" "'t" "ze" "hij" "hem" "zijn" "zijne" Neutr Sg P3 ; -- Complex $CN$s, like adjectives, have strong and weak forms. param Adjf = Strong | Weak ; oper VVerb = Verb ** {prefix : Str ; -- af + stappen particle : Str ; -- non-inflecting component, e.g. leuk vinden aux : VAux ; -- hebben or zijn vtype : VType} ; -- active or reflexive param VAux = VHebben | VZijn ; param VType = VAct | VRefl ; oper v2vvAux : Verb -> VAux -> VVerb = \v,a -> {s = v.s ; aux = a ; prefix = [] ; particle = [] ; vtype = VAct} ; v2vv : Verb -> VVerb = \v -> v2vvAux v VHebben ; ---- The order of sentence is depends on whether it is used as a main ---- clause, inverted, or subordinate. oper Preposition = Str ; appPrep : Preposition -> (NPCase => Str) -> Str = \p,np -> p ++ np ! NPAcc ; ---- param Order = Main | Inv | Sub ; oper vForm : Tense -> Gender -> Number -> Person -> Order -> VForm = \t,g,n,p,o -> case of { => case of { => VPresSg1 ; --- Neutr is a hack for familiar you, "je", in StructuralDut _ => VPresSg2 } ; => VPresSg1 ; => VPresSg3 ; => VPresPl ; --# notpresent => VPastSg ; -- Fut and Cond affect zullen --# notpresent => VPastPl --# notpresent } ; --2 For $Relative$ param RAgr = RNoAg | RAg Number Person ; --2 For $Numeral$ param CardOrd = NCard Gender Case | NOrd AForm ; DForm = DUnit | DTeen | DTen ; --2 Transformations between parameter types oper Agr : Type = {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} ; oper agrP3 : Number -> Agr = agrgP3 Neutr ; agrgP3 : Gender -> Number -> Agr = \g,n -> {g = g ; n = n ; p = P3} ; -- Used in $NounDut$. agrAdj : Gender -> Adjf -> NForm -> AForm = \g,a,n -> case of { => APred ; _ => AAttr } ; oper VP : Type = { s : VVerb ; a1 : Polarity => Str ; -- niet n0 : Agr => Str ; -- je n2 : Agr => Str ; -- je vrouw a2 : Str ; -- vandaag isAux : Bool ; -- is a double infinitive negBeforeObj : Bool ; -- ik schoop X niet ; ik houd niet van X ; dat is niet leuk inf : Str * Bool ; -- zeggen (True = non-empty) ext : Str -- dat je komt } ; predV : VVerb -> VP = predVGen False ; predVGen : Bool -> VVerb -> VP = \isAux, verb -> { s = verb ; a1 : Polarity => Str = negation ; n0 : Agr => Str = \\a => case verb.vtype of { VAct => [] ; VRefl => reflPron ! a } ; n2 : Agr => Str = \\a => [] ; a2 : Str = [] ; isAux = isAux ; ---- negBeforeObj = False ; inf : Str * Bool = <[],False> ; ext : Str = [] } ; negation : Polarity => Str = table { Pos => [] ; Neg => "niet" } ; -- Extending a verb phrase with new constituents. --when we call it with a normal VP, just copy the negBeforeObj field of the vp insertObj : (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = \obj,vp -> insertObjNP False vp.negBeforeObj obj vp; --this is needed when we call insertObjNP in ComplSlash: VPSlash is a subtype of VP so it works insertObjNP : Bool -> Bool -> (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = \isPron,negBeforeObj,obj,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; n0 = \\a => case isPron of {True => obj ! a ; _ => []} ++ vp.n0 ! a ; n2 = \\a => case isPron of {False => obj ! a ; _ => []} ++ vp.n2 ! a ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; negBeforeObj = negBeforeObj ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext } ; insertAdV : Str -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = \\a => adv ++ vp.a1 ! a ; -- immer nicht n0 = vp.n0 ; n2 = vp.n2 ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; negBeforeObj = vp.negBeforeObj ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext } ; insertAdv : Str -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; n0 = vp.n0 ; n2 = vp.n2 ; a2 = vp.a2 ++ adv ; isAux = vp.isAux ; negBeforeObj = vp.negBeforeObj ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext } ; insertExtrapos : Str -> VP -> VP = \ext,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; n0 = vp.n0 ; n2 = vp.n2 ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; negBeforeObj = vp.negBeforeObj ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ++ ext } ; insertInf : Str -> VP -> VP = \inf,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; n0 = vp.n0 ; n2 = vp.n2 ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; ---- negBeforeObj = vp.negBeforeObj ; inf = ; ext = vp.ext } ; -- For $Sentence$. Clause : Type = { s : Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => Order => Str } ; mkClause : Str -> Agr -> VP -> Clause = \subj,agr,vp -> { s = \\t,a,b,o => let ord = case o of { Sub => True ; -- glue prefix to verb _ => False } ; vform = vForm t agr.g agr.n agr.p o ; auxv = (auxVerb vp.s.aux).s ; vperf = vp.s.s ! VPerf ; verb : Str * Str = case of { => ; --# notpresent => ; --# notpresent <_, Anter> => ; --# notpresent <_, Simul> => } ; fin = verb.p1 ; neg = vp.a1 ! b ; obj0 = vp.n0 ! agr ; obj = vp.n2 ! agr ; part = vp.s.particle ; compl = case vp.negBeforeObj of { True => neg ++ obj0 ++ obj ++ part ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.s.prefix ; _ => obj0 ++ obj ++ neg ++ part ++ vp.a2 ++ vp.s.prefix } ; inf : Str = case of { => vp.s.s ! VInf ++ vp.inf.p1 ; --# notpresent _ => vp.inf.p1 ++ verb.p2 } ; extra = vp.ext ; --for the Sub word order inffin : Str = case of { -- gezien zou/zal hebben => vperf ++ fin ++ auxv ! VInf ; --# notpresent => vperf ++ fin ++ auxv ! VInf ; --# notpresent -- zou/zal zien => fin ++ verb.p2 ; => fin ++ verb.p2 ; -- wil kunnen zien (first line in inf) <_,Anter,True> => fin ++ inf ; -- double inf --# notpresent _ => fin ++ inf -- no inf ++ fin, this is not German :-P } in case o of { Main => subj ++ fin ++ compl ++ inf ++ extra ; Inv => fin ++ subj ++ compl ++ inf ++ extra ; Sub => subj ++ compl ++ inffin ++ extra } } ; auxVerb : VAux -> Verb = \a -> case a of { VHebben => hebben_V ; VZijn => zijn_V } ; infVP : Bool -> VP -> ((Agr => Str) * Str * Str) = \isAux, vp -> < \\agr => vp.n0 ! agr ++ vp.n2 ! agr ++ vp.a2, vp.a1 ! Pos ++ if_then_Str isAux [] "te" ++ vp.s.s ! VInf, vp.inf.p1 ++ vp.ext > ; useInfVP : Bool -> VP -> Str = \isAux,vp -> let vpi = infVP isAux vp in vpi.p1 ! agrP3 Sg ++ vpi.p3 ++ vpi.p2 ; reflPron : Agr => Str = table { {n = Sg ; p = P1} => "me" ; {n = Sg ; p = P2} => "je" ; {n = Sg ; p = P3} => "zich" ; {n = Pl ; p = P1} => "ons" ; {n = Pl ; p = P2} => "je" ; {n = Pl ; p = P3} => "zich" } ; conjThat : Str = "dat" ; conjThan : Str = "dan" ; conjAgr : Agr -> Agr -> Agr = \a,b -> { g = Utr ; ---- n = conjNumber a.n b.n ; p = conjPerson a.p b.p } ; -- The infinitive particle "zu" is used if and only if $vv.isAux = False$. infPart : Bool -> Str = \b -> if_then_Str b [] "te" ; mkDet : Str -> Str -> Number -> {s,sp : Gender => Str ; n : Number ; a : Adjf} = \deze,dit,n -> { s = \\g => case of { => dit ; _ => deze} ; sp = \\g => case of { => dit ; _ => deze} ; n = n ; a = Weak } ; mkQuant : Str -> Str -> { s : Bool => Number => Gender => Str ; sp : Number => Gender => Str ; a : Adjf } = \deze,dit -> { s = \\_ ,n,g => case of { => dit ; _ => deze} ; sp = \\ n,g => case of { => dit ; _ => deze} ; a = Weak } ; mkPredet : Str -> Str -> {s : Number => Gender => Str} = \deze,dit -> { s = \\n,g => case of { => dit ; _ => deze} } ; mkNP : Str -> Gender -> Number -> {s : NPCase => Str ; a : Agr ; isPron : Bool} = \s,g,n -> heavyNP { s = \\_ => s ; a = agrgP3 g n ; } ; auxVV : VVerb -> VVerb ** {isAux : Bool} = \v -> v ** {isAux = True} ; heavyNP : {s : NPCase => Str ; a : Agr} -> {s : NPCase => Str ; a : Agr ; isPron : Bool} = \np -> np ** {isPron = False} ; }