concrete StructuralEng of Structural = CatEng ** open MorphoEng, ResEng, ParadigmsEng, MakeStructuralEng, (C = ConstructX), Prelude in { flags optimize=all ; lin above_Prep = mkPrep "above" ; after_Prep = mkPrep "after" ; all_Predet = ss "all" ; almost_AdA = mkAdA "almost" ; almost_AdN = mkAdN "almost" ; although_Subj = ss "although" ; always_AdV = mkAdV "always" ; and_Conj = mkConj "and" ; because_Subj = ss "because" ; before_Prep = mkPrep "before" ; behind_Prep = mkPrep "behind" ; between_Prep = mkPrep "between" ; both7and_DConj = mkConj "both" "and"; but_PConj = ss "but" ; by8agent_Prep = mkPrep "by" ; by8means_Prep = mkPrep "by" ; can8know_VV, can_VV = { s = table { VVF VInf => ["be able to"] ; VVF VPres => "can" ; VVF VPPart => ["been able to"] ; VVF VPresPart => ["being able to"] ; VVF VPast => "could" ; --# notpresent VVPastNeg => "couldn't" ; --# notpresent VVPresNeg => "can't" | "cannot" ---- shouldn't be a variant, but replace "can not" } ; p = [] ; typ = VVAux } ; during_Prep = mkPrep "during" ; either7or_DConj = mkConj "either" "or" singular ; everybody_NP = regNP "everybody" singular ; every_Det = mkDeterminerSpec singular "every" "everyone" False ; everything_NP = regNP "everything" singular ; everywhere_Adv = mkAdv "everywhere" ; few_Det = mkDeterminer plural "few" ; --- first_Ord = ss "first" ; DEPRECATED for_Prep = mkPrep "for" ; from_Prep = mkPrep "from" ; he_Pron = mkPron "he" "him" "his" "his" singular P3 masculine ; here_Adv = mkAdv "here" ; here7to_Adv = mkAdv ["to here"] ; here7from_Adv = mkAdv ["from here"] ; how_IAdv = ss "how" ; how8much_IAdv = ss "how much" ; how8many_IDet = mkDeterminer plural ["how many"] ; if_Subj = ss "if" ; in8front_Prep = mkPrep ["in front of"] ; i_Pron = mkPron "I" "me" "my" "mine" singular P1 human ; in_Prep = mkPrep "in" ; it_Pron = mkPron "it" "it" "its" "its" singular P3 nonhuman ; less_CAdv = C.mkCAdv "less" "than" ; many_Det = mkDeterminer plural "many" ; more_CAdv = C.mkCAdv "more" "than" ; most_Predet = ss "most" ; much_Det = mkDeterminer singular "much" ; must_VV = { s = table { VVF VInf => ["have to"] ; VVF VPres => "must" ; VVF VPPart => ["had to"] ; VVF VPresPart => ["having to"] ; VVF VPast => ["had to"] ; --# notpresent VVPastNeg => ["hadn't to"] ; --# notpresent VVPresNeg => "mustn't" } ; p = [] ; typ = VVAux } ; ---b no_Phr = ss "no" ; no_Utt = ss "no" ; on_Prep = mkPrep "on" ; ---- one_Quant = mkDeterminer singular "one" ; -- DEPRECATED only_Predet = ss "only" ; or_Conj = mkConj "or" singular ; otherwise_PConj = ss "otherwise" ; part_Prep = mkPrep "of" ; please_Voc = ss "please" ; possess_Prep = mkPrep "of" ; quite_Adv = mkAdv "quite" ; she_Pron = mkPron "she" "her" "her" "hers" singular P3 feminine ; so_AdA = mkAdA "so" ; somebody_NP = regNP "somebody" singular ; someSg_Det = mkDeterminer singular "some" ; somePl_Det = mkDeterminer plural "some" ; something_NP = regNP "something" singular ; somewhere_Adv = mkAdv "somewhere" ; that_Quant = mkQuant "that" "those" ; there_Adv = mkAdv "there" ; there7to_Adv = mkAdv "there" ; there7from_Adv = mkAdv ["from there"] ; therefore_PConj = ss "therefore" ; they_Pron = mkPron "they" "them" "their" "theirs" plural P3 human ; this_Quant = mkQuant "this" "these" ; through_Prep = mkPrep "through" ; too_AdA = mkAdA "too" ; to_Prep = mkPrep "to" ; under_Prep = mkPrep "under" ; very_AdA = mkAdA "very" ; want_VV = mkVV (regV "want") ; we_Pron = mkPron "we" "us" "our" "ours" plural P1 human ; whatPl_IP = mkIP "what" "what" "what's" plural ; whatSg_IP = mkIP "what" "what" "what's" singular ; when_IAdv = ss "when" ; when_Subj = ss "when" ; where_IAdv = ss "where" ; which_IQuant = {s = \\_ => "which"} ; ---b whichPl_IDet = mkDeterminer plural ["which"] ; ---b whichSg_IDet = mkDeterminer singular ["which"] ; whoPl_IP = mkIP "who" "whom" "whose" plural ; whoSg_IP = mkIP "who" "whom" "whose" singular ; why_IAdv = ss "why" ; without_Prep = mkPrep "without" ; with_Prep = mkPrep "with" ; ---b yes_Phr = ss "yes" ; yes_Utt = ss "yes" ; youSg_Pron = mkPron "you" "you" "your" "yours" singular P2 human ; youPl_Pron = mkPron "you" "you" "your" "yours" plural P2 human ; youPol_Pron = mkPron "you" "you" "your" "yours" singular P2 human ; not_Predet = {s = "not" ; lock_Predet = <>} ; no_Quant = mkQuant "no" "no" "none" "none" ; if_then_Conj = mkConj "if" "then" singular ; nobody_NP = regNP "nobody" singular ; nothing_NP = regNP "nothing" singular ; at_least_AdN = mkAdN "at least" ; at_most_AdN = mkAdN "at most" ; except_Prep = mkPrep "except" ; as_CAdv = C.mkCAdv "as" "as" ; have_V2 = dirV2 (mk5V "have" "has" "had" "had" "having") ; that_Subj = ss "that" ; lin language_title_Utt = ss "English" ; }