{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module PGFService(cgiMain,cgiMain',getPath, logFile,stderrToFile, newPGFCache,flushPGFCache,listPGFCache) where import PGF (PGF) import qualified PGF import PGF.Lexing import Cache import FastCGIUtils import URLEncoding #if C_RUNTIME import qualified PGF2 as C --import Data.Time.Clock(getCurrentTime,diffUTCTime) #endif import Data.Time.Clock(UTCTime) import Data.Time.Format(formatTime) import System.Locale(defaultTimeLocale,rfc822DateFormat) import Network.CGI import Text.JSON import Text.PrettyPrint as PP(render, text, (<+>)) import qualified Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8 (decodeString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State(State,evalState,get,put) import Data.Char import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (sortBy,intersperse,mapAccumL,nub,isSuffixOf) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import System.Random import System.Process import System.Exit import System.IO import System.IO.Error(isDoesNotExistError) import System.Directory(removeFile) import System.Mem(performGC) import Fold(fold) -- transfer function for OpenMath LaTeX catchIOE :: IO a -> (E.IOException -> IO a) -> IO a catchIOE = E.catch logFile :: FilePath logFile = "pgf-error.log" #ifdef C_RUNTIME type Caches = (Cache PGF,Cache (C.PGF,({-MVar ParseCache-}))) --type ParseCache = Map.Map (String,String) (ParseResult,UTCTime) --type ParseResult = Either String [(C.Expr,Float)] newPGFCache = do pgfCache <- newCache PGF.readPGF cCache <- newCache $ \ path -> do pgf <- C.readPGF path --pc <- newMVar Map.empty return (pgf,({-pc-})) return (pgfCache,cCache) flushPGFCache (c1,c2) = flushCache c1 >> flushCache c2 listPGFCache (c1,c2) = (,) # listCache c1 % listCache c2 #else type Caches = (Cache PGF,()) newPGFCache = do pgfCache <- newCache PGF.readPGF return (pgfCache,()) flushPGFCache (c1,_) = flushCache c1 listPGFCache (c1,_) = (,) # listCache c1 % return [] #endif getPath = do path <- getVarWithDefault "PATH_TRANSLATED" "" -- apache mod_fastcgi if null path then getVarWithDefault "SCRIPT_FILENAME" "" -- lighttpd else return path cgiMain :: Caches -> CGI CGIResult cgiMain cache = handleErrors . handleCGIErrors $ cgiMain' cache =<< getPath cgiMain' :: Caches -> FilePath -> CGI CGIResult cgiMain' cache path = do command <- liftM (maybe "grammar" (urlDecodeUnicode . UTF8.decodeString)) (getInput "command") case command of "download" -> outputBinary =<< getFile BS.readFile path 'c':'-':_ -> #ifdef C_RUNTIME cpgfMain command =<< getFile (readCache' (snd cache)) path #else serverError "Server configured without C run-time support" "" #endif _ -> pgfMain command =<< getFile (readCache' (fst cache)) path getFile get path = either failed return =<< liftIO (E.try (get path)) where failed e = if isDoesNotExistError e then notFound path else liftIO $ ioError e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * C run-time functionality #ifdef C_RUNTIME --cpgfMain :: String -> (C.PGF,MVar ParseCache) -> CGI CGIResult cpgfMain command (t,(pgf,pc)) = case command of "c-parse" -> out t=<< join (parse # input % start % limit % trie) "c-linearize" -> out t=<< lin # tree % to "c-translate" -> out t=<< join (trans # input % to % start % limit % trie) "c-lookupmorpho"-> out t=<< morpho # from1 % textInput "c-flush" -> out t=<< flush "c-grammar" -> out t grammar "c-wordforword" -> out t =<< wordforword # input % to _ -> badRequest "Unknown command" command where flush = liftIO $ do --modifyMVar_ pc $ const $ return Map.empty performGC return $ showJSON () cat = C.startCat pgf langs = C.languages pgf grammar = showJSON $ makeObj ["name".=C.abstractName pgf, "lastmodified".=show t, "startcat".=C.startCat pgf, "languages".=languages] where languages = [makeObj ["name".= l] | (l,_)<-Map.toList langs] parse input@((from,_),_) start mlimit trie = do r <- parse' start mlimit input return $ showJSON [makeObj ("from".=from:jsonParseResult r)] jsonParseResult = either bad good where bad err = ["parseFailed".=err] good trees = "trees".=map tp trees :[] -- :addTrie trie trees tp (tree,prob) = makeObj ["tree".=tree,"prob".=prob] -- Without caching parse results: parse' start mlimit ((_,concr),input) = return $ maybe id take mlimit . drop start # C.parse concr cat input {- -- Caching parse results: parse' start mlimit ((from,concr),input) = liftIO $ do t <- getCurrentTime fmap (maybe id take mlimit . drop start) # modifyMVar pc (parse'' t) where key = (from,input) parse'' t pc = maybe new old $ Map.lookup key pc where new = return (update (res,t) pc,res) where res = C.parse concr cat input old (res,_) = return (update (res,t) pc,res) update r = Map.mapMaybe purge . Map.insert key r purge r@(_,t') = if diffUTCTime t t'<120 then Just r else Nothing -- remove unused parse results after 2 minutes -} lin tree to = showJSON (lin' tree to) lin' tree (tos,unlex) = [makeObj ["to".=to,"text".=unlex (C.linearize c tree)]|(to,c)<-tos] trans input@((from,_),_) to start mlimit trie = do parses <- parse' start mlimit input return $ showJSON [ makeObj ["from".=from, "translations".= jsonParses parses]] where jsonParses = either bad good where bad err = [makeObj ["error".=err]] good parses = [makeObj ["tree".=tree, "prob".=prob, "linearizations".=lin' tree to] | (tree,prob) <- parses] morpho (from,concr) input = showJSON [makeObj ["lemma".=l,"analysis".=a,"prob".=p]|(l,a,p)<-ms] where ms = C.lookupMorpho concr input wordforword input@((from,_),_) = jsonWFW from . wordforword' input jsonWFW from rs = showJSON [makeObj ["from".=from, "translations".=[makeObj ["linearizations".= [makeObj["to".=to,"text".=text] | (to,text)<-rs]]]]] wordforword' inp@((from,concr),input) (tos,unlex) = [(to,unlex . unwords $ map (lin_word' c) pws) |let pws=map parse_word' (words input),(to,c)<-tos] where lin_word' c = either id (lin1 c) lin1 c = dropq . C.linearize c where dropq (q:' ':s) | q `elem` "+*" = s dropq s = s parse_word' w = if all (\c->isSpace c||isPunctuation c) w then Left w else parse_word w parse_word w = maybe (Left ("["++w++"]")) Right $ msum [parse1 w,parse1 ow,morph w,morph ow] where ow = if w==lw then capitInit w else lw lw = uncapitInit w parse1 = either (const Nothing) (fmap fst . listToMaybe) . C.parse concr cat morph w = listToMaybe [t | (f,a,p)<-C.lookupMorpho concr w, t<-maybeToList (C.readExpr f)] --- input = lexit # from % textInput where lexit (from,lex) input = (from,lex input) from = maybe (missing "from") getlexer =<< from' where getlexer f@(_,concr) = (,) f # c_lexer concr from1 = maybe (missing "from") return =<< from' from' = getLang "from" to = (,) # getLangs "to" % unlexer getLangs = getLangs' readLang getLang = getLang' readLang readLang :: String -> CGI (String,C.Concr) readLang lang = case Map.lookup lang langs of Nothing -> badRequest "Bad language" lang Just c -> return (lang,c) tree = do s <- maybe (missing "tree") return =<< getInput1 "tree" let t = C.readExpr s maybe (badRequest "bad tree" s) return t --c_lexer concr = lexer c_lexer concr = ilexer (not . null . C.lookupMorpho concr) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- instance JSON C.CId where readJSON x = readJSON x >>= maybe (fail "Bad language.") return . C.readCId showJSON = showJSON . C.showCId -} instance JSON C.Expr where readJSON x = readJSON x >>= maybe (fail "Bad expression.") return . C.readExpr showJSON = showJSON . C.showExpr #endif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Lexing -- | Lexers with a text lexer that tries to be a more clever with the first word ilexer good = lexer' uncap where uncap s = if good s then s else uncapitInit s -- | Standard lexers lexer = lexer' uncapitInit lexer' uncap = maybe (return id) lexerfun =<< getInput "lexer" where lexerfun name = case name of "text" -> return (unwords . lexText' uncap) "code" -> return (unwords . lexCode) "mixed" -> return (unwords . lexMixed) _ -> badRequest "Unknown lexer" name type Unlexer = String->String unlexer :: CGI Unlexer unlexer = maybe (return id) unlexerfun =<< getInput "unlexer" where unlexerfun name = case name of "text" -> return (unlexText' . words) "code" -> return (unlexCode . words) "mixed" -> return (unlexMixed . words) _ -> badRequest "Unknown lexer" name unlexText' ("+":ws) = "+ "++unlexText ws unlexText' ("*":ws) = "* "++unlexText ws unlexText' ws = unlexText ws -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Haskell run-time functionality --pgfMain :: String -> PGF -> CGI CGIResult pgfMain command (t,pgf) = case command of "parse" -> o =<< doParse pgf # input % cat % limit % trie "complete" -> o =<< doComplete pgf # input % cat % limit "linearize" -> o =<< doLinearize pgf # tree % to "linearizeAll" -> o =<< doLinearizes pgf # tree % to "linearizeTable" -> o =<< doLinearizeTabular pgf # tree % to "random" -> o =<< join (doRandom pgf # cat % depth % limit % to) "generate" -> o =<< doGenerate pgf # cat % depth % limit % to "translate" -> o =<< doTranslate pgf # input % cat % to % limit %trie "translategroup" -> o =<< doTranslateGroup pgf # input % cat % to % limit "lookupmorpho" -> o =<< doLookupMorpho pgf # from1 % textInput "grammar" -> o =<< doGrammar t pgf # requestAcceptLanguage "abstrtree" -> outputGraphviz =<< abstrTree pgf # graphvizOptions % tree "alignment" -> outputGraphviz =<< alignment pgf # tree % to "parsetree" -> outputGraphviz =<< parseTree pgf # from1 % graphvizOptions % tree "abstrjson" -> o . jsonExpr =<< tree "browse" -> join $ doBrowse pgf # optId % cssClass % href % format "html" % getIncludePrintNames "external" -> do cmd <- getInput "external" doExternal cmd =<< textInput _ -> badRequest "Unknown command" command where o x = out t x input = do fr <- from lex <- mlexer fr inp <- textInput return (fr,lex inp) mlexer Nothing = lexer mlexer (Just lang) = ilexer (PGF.isInMorpho morpho) where morpho = PGF.buildMorpho pgf lang tree :: CGI PGF.Tree tree = do ms <- getInput "tree" s <- maybe (badRequest "No tree given" "") return ms t <- maybe (badRequest "Bad tree" s) return (PGF.readExpr s) t <- either (\err -> badRequest "Type incorrect tree" (unlines $ [PGF.showExpr [] t ,render (PP.text "error:" <+> PGF.ppTcError err) ])) (return . fst) (PGF.inferExpr pgf t) return t cat :: CGI (Maybe PGF.Type) cat = do mcat <- getInput1 "cat" case mcat of Nothing -> return Nothing Just cat -> case PGF.readType cat of Nothing -> badRequest "Bad category" cat Just typ -> return $ Just typ -- typecheck the category optId :: CGI (Maybe PGF.CId) optId = maybe (return Nothing) rd =<< getInput "id" where rd = maybe err (return . Just) . PGF.readCId err = badRequest "Bad identifier" [] cssClass, href :: CGI (Maybe String) cssClass = getInput "css-class" href = getInput "href" getIncludePrintNames :: CGI Bool getIncludePrintNames = maybe False (const True) # getInput "printnames" graphvizOptions = PGF.GraphvizOptions # bool "noleaves" % bool "nofun" % bool "nocat" % string "nodefont" % string "leaffont" % string "nodecolor" % string "leafcolor" % string "nodeedgestyle" % string "leafedgestyle" where string name = maybe "" id # getInput name bool name = maybe False toBool # getInput name from1 = maybe (missing "from") return =<< from from = getLang "from" to = (,) # getLangs "to" % unlexer getLangs = getLangs' readLang getLang = getLang' readLang readLang :: String -> CGI PGF.Language readLang l = case PGF.readLanguage l of Nothing -> badRequest "Bad language" l Just lang | lang `elem` PGF.languages pgf -> return lang | otherwise -> badRequest "Unknown language" l -- * Request parameter access and related auxiliary functions --out = outputJSONP out t r = do let fmt = formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t setHeader "Last-Modified" fmt outputJSONP r getInput1 x = nonEmpty # getInput x nonEmpty (Just "") = Nothing nonEmpty r = r textInput :: CGI String textInput = liftM (maybe "" (urlDecodeUnicode . UTF8.decodeString)) $ getInput "input" getLangs' readLang i = mapM readLang . maybe [] words =<< getInput i getLang' readLang i = do mlang <- getInput i case mlang of Just l@(_:_) -> Just # readLang l _ -> return Nothing limit, depth :: CGI (Maybe Int) limit = readInput "limit" depth = readInput "depth" start :: CGI Int start = maybe 0 id # readInput "start" trie :: CGI Bool trie = maybe False toBool # getInput "trie" toBool s = s `elem` ["","yes","true","True"] missing = badRequest "Missing parameter" errorMissingId = badRequest "Missing identifier" "" notFound = throw 404 "Not found" badRequest = throw 400 serverError = throw 500 throw code msg extra = throwCGIError code msg [msg ++(if null extra then "" else ": "++extra)] format def = maybe def id # getInput "format" -- * Request implementations -- Hook for simple extensions of the PGF service doExternal Nothing input = badRequest "Unknown external command" "" doExternal (Just cmd) input = do liftIO $ logError ("External command: "++cmd) cmds <- liftIO $ (fmap lines $ readFile "external_services") `catchIOE` const (return []) liftIO $ logError ("External services: "++show cmds) if cmd `elem` cmds then ok else err where err = badRequest "Unknown external command" cmd ok = do let tmpfile1 = "external_input.txt" tmpfile2 = "external_output.txt" liftIO $ writeFile "external_input.txt" input liftIO $ system $ cmd ++ " " ++ tmpfile1 ++ " > " ++ tmpfile2 liftIO $ removeFile tmpfile1 r <- outputJSONP =<< liftIO (readFile tmpfile2) liftIO $ removeFile tmpfile2 return r doLookupMorpho :: PGF -> PGF.Language -> String -> JSValue doLookupMorpho pgf from input = showJSON [makeObj ["lemma".=l,"analysis".=a]|(l,a)<-ms] where ms = PGF.lookupMorpho (PGF.buildMorpho pgf from) input type From = (Maybe PGF.Language,String) type To = ([PGF.Language],Unlexer) doTranslate :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> To -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> JSValue doTranslate pgf (mfrom,input) mcat (tos,unlex) mlimit trie = showJSON [makeObj ("from".=from : "brackets".=bs : jsonTranslateOutput po) | (from,po,bs) <- parse' pgf input mcat mfrom] where jsonTranslateOutput output = case output of PGF.ParseOk trees -> addTrie trie trees++ ["translations".= [makeObj ["tree".=tree, "linearizations".= [makeObj ["to".=to, "text".=unlex text, "brackets".=bs] | (to,text,bs)<- linearizeAndBind pgf tos tree]] | tree <- maybe id take mlimit trees]] PGF.ParseIncomplete -> ["incomplete".=True] PGF.ParseFailed n -> ["parseFailed".=n] PGF.TypeError errs -> jsonTypeErrors errs jsonTypeErrors errs = ["typeErrors".= [makeObj ["fid".=fid, "msg".=show (PGF.ppTcError err)] | (fid,err) <- errs]] -- used in phrasebook doTranslateGroup :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> To -> Maybe Int -> JSValue doTranslateGroup pgf (mfrom,input) mcat (tos,unlex) mlimit = showJSON [makeObj ["from".=langOnly (PGF.showLanguage from), "to".=langOnly (PGF.showLanguage to), "linearizations".= [toJSObject (("text",unlex alt) : disamb lg from ts) | (ts,alt) <- output, let lg = length output] ] | (from,po,bs) <- parse' pgf input mcat mfrom, (to,output) <- groupResults [(t, linearizeAndBind pgf tos t) | t <- case po of {PGF.ParseOk ts -> maybe id take mlimit ts; _ -> []}] ] where groupResults = Map.toList . foldr more Map.empty . start . collect where collect tls = [(t,(l,s)) | (t,ls) <- tls, (l,s,_) <- ls, notDisamb l] start ls = [(l,[([t],s)]) | (t,(l,s)) <- ls] more (l,s) = Map.insertWith (\ [([t],x)] xs -> insertAlt t x xs) l s insertAlt t x xs = case xs of (ts,y):xs2 -> if x==y then (t:ts,y):xs2 -- if string is there add only tree else (ts,y) : insertAlt t x xs2 _ -> [([t],x)] langOnly = reverse . take 3 . reverse disamb lg from ts = if lg < 2 then [] else [("tree", "-- " ++ groupDisambs [unlex (disambLang from t) | t <- ts])] groupDisambs = unwords . intersperse "/" disambLang f t = let disfl lang = PGF.mkCId ("Disamb" ++ lang) disf = disfl (PGF.showLanguage f) disfEng = disfl (reverse (drop 3 (reverse (PGF.showLanguage f))) ++ "Eng") in if elem disf (PGF.languages pgf) -- if Disamb f exists use it then PGF.linearize pgf disf t else if elem disfEng (PGF.languages pgf) -- else try DisambEng then PGF.linearize pgf disfEng t else "AST " ++ PGF.showExpr [] t -- else show abstract tree notDisamb = (/="Disamb") . take 6 . PGF.showLanguage doParse :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> JSValue doParse pgf (mfrom,input) mcat mlimit trie = showJSON $ map makeObj ["from".=from : "brackets".=bs : jsonParseOutput po | (from,po,bs) <- parse' pgf input mcat mfrom] where jsonParseOutput output = case output of PGF.ParseOk trees -> ["trees".=maybe id take mlimit trees] ++addTrie trie trees PGF.TypeError errs -> jsonTypeErrors errs PGF.ParseIncomplete -> ["incomplete".=True] PGF.ParseFailed n -> ["parseFailed".=n] addTrie trie trees = ["trie".=map head (PGF.toTrie (map PGF.toATree trees))|trie] doComplete :: PGF -> From -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> JSValue doComplete pgf (mfrom,input) mcat mlimit = showJSON [makeObj ["from".=from, "brackets".=bs, "completions".=cs, "text".=s] | from <- froms, let (bs,s,cs) = complete' pgf from cat mlimit input] where froms = maybe (PGF.languages pgf) (:[]) mfrom cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat doLinearize :: PGF -> PGF.Tree -> To -> JSValue doLinearize pgf tree (tos,unlex) = showJSON [makeObj ["to".=to, "text".=unlex text,"brackets".=bs] | (to,text,bs) <- linearizeAndBind pgf tos tree] doLinearizes :: PGF -> PGF.Tree -> To -> JSValue doLinearizes pgf tree (tos,unlex) = showJSON [makeObj ["to".=to, "texts".=map (unlex . doBind) texts] | (to,texts) <- linearizes' pgf tos tree] where linearizes' pgf tos tree = [(to,lins to (transfer to tree)) | to <- langs] where langs = if null tos then PGF.languages pgf else tos lins to = nub . concatMap (map snd) . PGF.tabularLinearizes pgf to doLinearizeTabular :: PGF -> PGF.Tree -> To -> JSValue doLinearizeTabular pgf tree (tos,unlex) = showJSON [makeObj ["to".=to, "table".=[makeObj ["params".=ps,"texts".=map unlex ts] | (ps,ts)<-texts]] | (to,texts) <- linearizeTabular pgf tos tree] doRandom :: PGF -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> To -> CGI JSValue doRandom pgf mcat mdepth mlimit to = liftIO $ do g <- newStdGen let trees = PGF.generateRandomDepth g pgf cat (Just depth) return $ showJSON [makeObj ["tree".=PGF.showExpr [] tree, "linearizations".= doLinearizes pgf tree to] | tree <- limit trees] where cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat limit = take (fromMaybe 1 mlimit) depth = fromMaybe 4 mdepth doGenerate :: PGF -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> To -> JSValue doGenerate pgf mcat mdepth mlimit (tos,unlex) = showJSON [makeObj ["tree".=PGF.showExpr [] tree, "linearizations".= [makeObj ["to".=to, "text".=unlex text] | (to,text,bs) <- linearizeAndBind pgf tos tree]] | tree <- limit trees] where trees = PGF.generateAllDepth pgf cat (Just depth) cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat limit = take (fromMaybe 1 mlimit) depth = fromMaybe 4 mdepth doGrammar :: UTCTime -> PGF -> Maybe (Accept Language) -> JSValue doGrammar t pgf macc = showJSON $ makeObj ["name".=PGF.abstractName pgf, "lastmodified".=show t, "userLanguage".=selectLanguage pgf macc, "startcat".=PGF.showType [] (PGF.startCat pgf), "categories".=categories, "functions".=functions, "languages".=languages] where languages = [makeObj ["name".= l, "languageCode".= fromMaybe "" (PGF.languageCode pgf l)] | l <- PGF.languages pgf] categories = [PGF.showCId cat | cat <- PGF.categories pgf] functions = [PGF.showCId fun | fun <- PGF.functions pgf] outputGraphviz code = do fmt <- format "png" case fmt of "gv" -> outputPlain code _ -> outputFPS' fmt =<< liftIO (pipeIt2graphviz fmt code) where outputFPS' fmt bs = do setHeader "Content-Type" (mimeType fmt) outputFPS bs mimeType fmt = case fmt of "png" -> "image/png" "gif" -> "image/gif" "svg" -> "image/svg+xml" -- ... _ -> "application/binary" abstrTree pgf opts tree = PGF.graphvizAbstractTree pgf opts' tree where opts' = (not (PGF.noFun opts),not (PGF.noCat opts)) parseTree pgf lang opts tree = PGF.graphvizParseTree pgf lang opts tree alignment pgf tree (tos,unlex) = PGF.graphvizAlignment pgf tos' tree where tos' = if null tos then PGF.languages pgf else tos pipeIt2graphviz :: String -> String -> IO BS.ByteString pipeIt2graphviz fmt code = do (Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) <- createProcess (proc "dot" ["-T",fmt]) { std_in = CreatePipe, std_out = CreatePipe, std_err = Inherit } hSetBinaryMode outh True hSetEncoding inh utf8 -- fork off a thread to start consuming the output output <- BS.hGetContents outh outMVar <- newEmptyMVar _ <- forkIO $ E.evaluate (BS.length output) >> putMVar outMVar () -- now write and flush any input hPutStr inh code hFlush inh hClose inh -- done with stdin -- wait on the output takeMVar outMVar hClose outh -- wait on the process ex <- waitForProcess pid case ex of ExitSuccess -> return output ExitFailure r -> fail ("pipeIt2graphviz: (exit " ++ show r ++ ")") browse1json pgf id pn = makeObj . maybe [] obj $ PGF.browse pgf id where obj (def,ps,cs) = if pn then (baseobj ++ pnames) else baseobj where baseobj = ["def".=def, "producers".=ps, "consumers".=cs] pnames = ["printnames".=makeObj [(show lang).=PGF.showPrintName pgf lang id | lang <- PGF.languages pgf]] doBrowse pgf (Just id) _ _ "json" pn = outputJSONP $ browse1json pgf id pn doBrowse pgf Nothing _ _ "json" pn = outputJSONP $ makeObj ["cats".=all (PGF.categories pgf), "funs".=all (PGF.functions pgf)] where all = makeObj . map one one id = PGF.showCId id.=browse1json pgf id pn doBrowse pgf Nothing cssClass href _ pn = errorMissingId doBrowse pgf (Just id) cssClass href _ pn = -- default to "html" format outputHTML $ case PGF.browse pgf id of Just (def,ps,cs) -> "
"++annotate def++"
\n"++ syntax++ (if not (null ps) then "
"++ "


"++ "

"++annotateCIds ps++"

\n" else "")++ (if not (null cs) then "
"++ "


"++ "

"++annotateCIds cs++"

\n" else "")++ (if pn then "
"++ "

Print Names

"++ "


\n" else "") Nothing -> "" where syntax = case PGF.functionType pgf id of Just ty -> let (hypos,_,_) = PGF.unType ty e = PGF.mkApp id (snd $ mapAccumL mkArg (1,1) hypos) rows = [""++ ""++PGF.showCId lang++""++ ""++PGF.linearize pgf lang e++""++ "" | lang <- PGF.languages pgf] in "
"++ "


"++ "\n"++ ""++ ""++ ""++ "\n"++ unlines rows++"\n
"++PGF.showCId (PGF.abstractName pgf)++""++PGF.showExpr [] e++"
" Nothing -> "" mkArg (i,j) (_,_,ty) = ((i+1,j+length hypos),e) where e = foldr (\(j,(bt,_,_)) -> PGF.mkAbs bt (PGF.mkCId ('X':show j))) (PGF.mkMeta i) (zip [j..] hypos) (hypos,_,_) = PGF.unType ty identifiers = PGF.functions pgf ++ PGF.categories pgf annotate [] = [] annotate (c:cs) | isIdentInitial c = let (id,cs') = break (not . isIdentChar) (c:cs) in (if PGF.mkCId id `elem` identifiers then mkLink id else if id == "fun" || id == "data" || id == "cat" || id == "def" then ""++id++"" else id) ++ annotate cs' | otherwise = c : annotate cs annotateCIds ids = unwords (map (mkLink . PGF.showCId) ids) isIdentInitial c = isAlpha c || c == '_' isIdentChar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\'' hrefAttr id = case href of Nothing -> "" Just s -> "href=\""++substId id s++"\"" substId id [] = [] substId id ('$':'I':'D':cs) = id ++ cs substId id (c:cs) = c : substId id cs classAttr = case cssClass of Nothing -> "" Just s -> "class=\""++s++"\"" mkLink s = ""++s++"" annotatePrintNames = "
"++(unwords pns)++"
" where pns = ["
"++(show lang)++"
"++(PGF.showPrintName pgf lang id)++"
" | lang <- PGF.languages pgf ] -- | Render trees as JSON with numbered functions jsonExpr e = evalState (expr (PGF.toATree e)) 0 where expr e = case e of PGF.Other e -> return (makeObj ["other".=e]) PGF.App f es -> do js <- mapM expr es let children=["children".=js | not (null js)] i<-inc return $ makeObj (["fun".=f,"fid".=i]++children) inc :: State Int Int inc = do i <- get; put (i+1); return i instance JSON PGF.Trie where showJSON (PGF.Oth e) = makeObj ["other".=e] showJSON (PGF.Ap f [[]]) = makeObj ["fun".=f] -- leaf -- showJSON (PGF.Ap f [es]) = makeObj ["fun".=f,"children".=es] -- one alternative showJSON (PGF.Ap f alts) = makeObj ["fun".=f,"alts".=alts] instance JSON PGF.CId where readJSON x = readJSON x >>= maybe (fail "Bad language.") return . PGF.readLanguage showJSON = showJSON . PGF.showLanguage instance JSON PGF.Expr where readJSON x = readJSON x >>= maybe (fail "Bad expression.") return . PGF.readExpr showJSON = showJSON . PGF.showExpr [] instance JSON PGF.BracketedString where readJSON x = return (PGF.Leaf "") showJSON (PGF.Bracket cat fid index fun _ bs) = makeObj ["cat".=cat, "fid".=fid, "index".=index, "fun".=fun, "children".=bs] showJSON (PGF.Leaf s) = makeObj ["token".=s] -- * PGF utilities cat :: PGF -> Maybe PGF.Type -> PGF.Type cat pgf mcat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat parse' :: PGF -> String -> Maybe PGF.Type -> Maybe PGF.Language -> [(PGF.Language,PGF.ParseOutput,PGF.BracketedString)] parse' pgf input mcat mfrom = [(from,po,bs) | from <- froms, (po,bs) <- [PGF.parse_ pgf from cat Nothing input]] where froms = maybe (PGF.languages pgf) (:[]) mfrom cat = fromMaybe (PGF.startCat pgf) mcat complete' :: PGF -> PGF.Language -> PGF.Type -> Maybe Int -> String -> (PGF.BracketedString, String, [String]) complete' pgf from typ mlimit input = let (ws,prefix) = tokensAndPrefix input ps0 = PGF.initState pgf from typ (ps,ws') = loop ps0 ws bs = snd (PGF.getParseOutput ps typ Nothing) in if not (null ws') then (bs, unwords (if null prefix then ws' else ws'++[prefix]), []) else (bs, prefix, maybe id take mlimit $ order $ Map.keys (PGF.getCompletions ps prefix)) where order = sortBy (compare `on` map toLower) tokensAndPrefix :: String -> ([String],String) tokensAndPrefix s | not (null s) && isSpace (last s) = (ws, "") | null ws = ([],"") | otherwise = (init ws, last ws) where ws = words s loop ps [] = (ps,[]) loop ps (w:ws) = case PGF.nextState ps (PGF.simpleParseInput w) of Left es -> (ps,w:ws) Right ps -> loop ps ws transfer lang = if "LaTeX" `isSuffixOf` show lang then fold -- OpenMath LaTeX transfer else id -- | tabulate all variants and their forms linearizeTabular :: PGF -> [PGF.Language] -> PGF.Tree -> [(PGF.Language,[(String,[String])])] linearizeTabular pgf tos tree = [(to,lintab to (transfer to tree)) | to <- langs] where langs = if null tos then PGF.languages pgf else tos lintab to t = [(p,map doBind (nub [t|(p',t)<-vs,p'==p]))|p<-ps] where ps = nub (map fst vs) vs = concat (PGF.tabularLinearizes pgf to t) linearizeAndBind pgf mto tree = [(to,s,bss) | to<-langs, let bss = PGF.bracketedLinearize pgf to (transfer to tree) s = unwords . bindTok $ concatMap PGF.flattenBracketedString bss] where langs = if null mto then PGF.languages pgf else mto doBind = unwords . bindTok . words selectLanguage :: PGF -> Maybe (Accept Language) -> PGF.Language selectLanguage pgf macc = case acceptable of [] -> case PGF.languages pgf of [] -> error "No concrete syntaxes in PGF grammar." l:_ -> l Language c:_ -> fromJust (langCodeLanguage pgf c) where langCodes = mapMaybe (PGF.languageCode pgf) (PGF.languages pgf) acceptable = negotiate (map Language langCodes) macc langCodeLanguage :: PGF -> String -> Maybe PGF.Language langCodeLanguage pgf code = listToMaybe [l | l <- PGF.languages pgf, PGF.languageCode pgf l == Just code] -- * General utilities infixl 2 #,% f .= v = (f,showJSON v) f # x = fmap f x f % x = ap f x --cleanFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath --cleanFilePath = takeFileName