{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, CPP #-}
-- | GF interactive mode
module GF.Interactive (mainGFI,mainRunGFI,mainServerGFI) where
import Prelude hiding (putStrLn,print)
import qualified Prelude as P(putStrLn)
import GF.Command.Interpreter(CommandEnv(..),commands,mkCommandEnv,emptyCommandEnv,interpretCommandLine)
--import GF.Command.Importing(importSource,importGrammar)
import GF.Command.Commands(flags,options)
import GF.Command.Abstract
import GF.Command.Parse(readCommandLine,pCommand)
import GF.Data.Operations (Err(..),chunks,err,raise,done)
import GF.Grammar hiding (Ident,isPrefixOf)
import GF.Grammar.Analyse
import GF.Grammar.Parser (runP, pExp)
import GF.Grammar.ShowTerm
import GF.Grammar.Lookup (allOpers,allOpersTo)
import GF.Compile.Rename(renameSourceTerm)
--import GF.Compile.Compute.Concrete (computeConcrete,checkPredefError)
import qualified GF.Compile.Compute.ConcreteNew as CN(normalForm,resourceValues)
import GF.Compile.TypeCheck.RConcrete as TC(inferLType,ppType)
import GF.Infra.Dependencies(depGraph)
import GF.Infra.CheckM
import GF.Infra.UseIO(ioErrorText)
import GF.Infra.SIO
import GF.Infra.Option
import qualified System.Console.Haskeline as Haskeline
--import GF.Text.Coding(decodeUnicode,encodeUnicode)

--import GF.Compile.Coding(codeTerm)

import PGF
import PGF.Internal(emptyPGF,abstract,funs,lookStartCat)

import Data.Char
import Data.List(nub,isPrefixOf,isInfixOf,partition)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
--import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8(fromString)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
--import System.IO(utf8)
--import System.CPUTime(getCPUTime)
import System.Directory({-getCurrentDirectory,-}getAppUserDataDirectory)
import Control.Exception(SomeException,fromException,evaluate,try)
import Control.Monad
import GF.Text.Pretty (render)
import qualified GF.System.Signal as IO(runInterruptibly)
import GF.Server(server)
import GF.System.Console(changeConsoleEncoding)

import GF.Infra.BuildInfo(buildInfo)
import Data.Version(showVersion)
import Paths_gf(version)

-- | Run the GF Shell in quiet mode (@gf -run@).
mainRunGFI :: Options -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
mainRunGFI opts files = shell (beQuiet opts) files

beQuiet = addOptions (modifyFlags (\f -> f{optVerbosity=Quiet}))

-- | Run the interactive GF Shell
mainGFI :: Options -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
mainGFI opts files = do
  P.putStrLn welcome
  shell opts files

shell opts files = loop opts =<< runSIO (importInEnv emptyGFEnv opts files)

-- | Run the GF Server (@gf -server@).
-- The 'Int' argument is the port number for the HTTP service.
mainServerGFI opts0 port files =
    server jobs port root (execute1 opts)
      =<< runSIO (importInEnv emptyGFEnv opts files)
    root = flag optDocumentRoot opts
    opts = beQuiet opts0
    jobs = join (flag optJobs opts)
mainServerGFI opts files =
  error "GF has not been compiled with server mode support"

-- | Read end execute commands until it is time to quit
loop :: Options -> GFEnv -> IO ()
loop opts gfenv = maybe done (loop opts) =<< readAndExecute1 opts gfenv

-- | Read and execute one command, returning Just an updated environment for
-- | the next command, or Nothing when it is time to quit
readAndExecute1 :: Options -> GFEnv -> IO (Maybe GFEnv)
readAndExecute1 opts gfenv =
    runSIO . execute1 opts gfenv =<< readCommand opts gfenv

-- | Read a command
readCommand :: Options -> GFEnv -> IO String
readCommand opts gfenv0 =
    case flag optMode opts of
      ModeRun -> tryGetLine
      _       -> fetchCommand gfenv0

-- | Optionally show how much CPU time was used to run an IO action
optionallyShowCPUTime :: Options -> SIO a -> SIO a
optionallyShowCPUTime opts act 
  | not (verbAtLeast opts Normal) = act
  | otherwise = do t0 <- getCPUTime
                   r <- act
                   t1 <- getCPUTime
                   let dt = t1-t0
                   putStrLnFlush $ show (dt `div` 1000000000) ++ " msec"
                   return r

loopOptNewCPU opts gfenv' 
 | not (verbAtLeast opts Normal) = return gfenv'
 | otherwise = do 
     cpu' <- getCPUTime
     putStrLnFlush (show ((cpu' - cputime gfenv') `div` 1000000000) ++ " msec")
     return $ gfenv' {cputime = cpu'}

-- | Execute a given command, returning Just an updated environment for
-- | the next command, or Nothing when it is time to quit
execute1 :: Options -> GFEnv -> String -> SIO (Maybe GFEnv)
execute1 opts gfenv0 s0 =
  interruptible $ optionallyShowCPUTime opts $
  case pwords s0 of
 -- special commands, requiring source grammar in env
  {-"eh":w:_ -> do
             cs <- readFile w >>= return . map words . lines
             gfenv' <- foldM (flip (process False benv)) gfenv cs
             loopNewCPU gfenv' -}
    "q" :_   -> quit
    "!" :ws  -> system_command ws
    "cc":ws  -> compute_concrete ws
    "sd":ws  -> show_deps ws
    "so":ws  -> show_operations ws
    "ss":ws  -> show_source ws
    "dg":ws  -> dependency_graph ws
    "eh":ws  -> eh ws
    "i" :ws  -> import_ ws
 -- other special commands, working on GFEnv
    "e" :_   -> empty
    "dc":ws  -> define_command ws
    "dt":ws  -> define_tree ws
    "ph":_   -> print_history
    "r" :_   -> reload_last
    "se":ws  -> set_encoding ws
 -- ordinary commands, working on CommandEnv
    _        -> do interpretCommandLine env s0
                   continue gfenv
--  loopNewCPU = fmap Just . loopOptNewCPU opts
    continue = return . Just
    stop = return Nothing
    env = commandenv gfenv0
    sgr = grammar gfenv0
    gfenv = gfenv0 {history = s0 : history gfenv0}
    pwords s = case words s of
                 w:ws -> getCommandOp w :ws
                 ws -> ws

    interruptible act =
      either (\e -> printException e >> return (Just gfenv)) return
        =<< runInterruptibly act 

  -- Special commands:

    quit = do when (verbAtLeast opts Normal) $ putStrLn "See you."

    system_command ws = do restrictedSystem $ unwords ws ; continue gfenv

    compute_concrete ws = do
        pOpts style q ("-table"  :ws) = pOpts TermPrintTable   q           ws
        pOpts style q ("-all"    :ws) = pOpts TermPrintAll     q           ws
        pOpts style q ("-list"   :ws) = pOpts TermPrintList    q           ws
        pOpts style q ("-one"    :ws) = pOpts TermPrintOne     q           ws
        pOpts style q ("-default":ws) = pOpts TermPrintDefault q           ws
        pOpts style q ("-unqual" :ws) = pOpts style            Unqualified ws
        pOpts style q ("-qual"   :ws) = pOpts style            Qualified   ws
        pOpts style q             ws  = (style,q,unwords ws)

        (style,q,s) = pOpts TermPrintDefault Qualified ws
        (new,ws') = case ws of
                      "-new":ws' -> (True,ws')
                      "-old":ws' -> (False,ws')
                      _ -> (flag optNewComp opts,ws)
      case runP pExp (UTF8.fromString s) of
        Left (_,msg) -> putStrLn msg
        Right t      -> putStrLn . err id (showTerm sgr style q)
                                 . checkComputeTerm sgr
                                 $ {-codeTerm (decodeUnicode utf8 . BS.pack)-} t
      continue gfenv

    show_deps ws = do
          let (os,xs) = partition (isPrefixOf "-") ws
          ops <- case xs of
             _:_ -> do
               let ts = [t | Right t <- map (runP pExp . UTF8.fromString) xs]
               err error (return . nub . concat) $ mapM (constantDepsTerm sgr) ts
             _   -> error "expected one or more qualified constants as argument"
          let prTerm = showTerm sgr TermPrintDefault Qualified
          let size = sizeConstant sgr
          let printed 
                | elem "-size" os =
                    let sz = map size ops in 
                    unlines $ ("total: " ++ show (sum sz)) : 
                              [prTerm f ++ "\t" ++ show s | (f,s) <- zip ops sz]
                | otherwise = unwords $ map prTerm ops
          putStrLn $ printed
          continue gfenv

    show_operations ws =
      case greatestResource sgr of
        Nothing -> putStrLn "no source grammar in scope; did you import with -retain?" >> continue gfenv
        Just mo -> do
          let (os,ts) = partition (isPrefixOf "-") ws
          let greps = [drop 6 o | o <- os, take 6 o == "-grep="]
          let isRaw = elem "-raw" os 
          ops <- case ts of
             _:_ -> do
               let Right t = runP pExp (UTF8.fromString (unwords ts))
               ty <- err error return $ checkComputeTerm sgr t
               return $ allOpersTo sgr ty
             _   -> return $ allOpers sgr 
          let sigs = [(op,ty) | ((mo,op),ty,pos) <- ops]
          let printer = if isRaw 
                          then showTerm sgr TermPrintDefault Qualified
                          else (render . TC.ppType)
          let printed = [unwords [showIdent op, ":", printer ty] | (op,ty) <- sigs]
          mapM_ putStrLn [l | l <- printed, all (flip isInfixOf l) greps]
          continue gfenv

    show_source ws = do
      let (os,ts) = partition (isPrefixOf "-") ws
      let strip = if elem "-strip" os then stripSourceGrammar else id
      let mygr = strip $ case ts of
            _:_ -> mGrammar [(i,m) | (i,m) <- modules sgr, elem (render i) ts]
            [] -> sgr
      case 0 of
        _ | elem "-detailedsize" os -> putStrLn (printSizesGrammar mygr)
        _ | elem "-size" os -> do
               let sz = sizesGrammar mygr
               putStrLn $ unlines $
                 ("total\t" ++ show (fst sz)): 
                 [render j ++ "\t" ++ show (fst k) | (j,k) <- snd sz]
        _ | elem "-save" os -> mapM_ 
                 (\ m@(i,_) -> let file = (render i ++ ".gfh") in
                    restricted $ writeFile file (render (ppModule Qualified m)) >> P.putStrLn ("wrote " ++ file))
                 (modules mygr)  
        _ -> putStrLn $ render mygr
      continue gfenv

    dependency_graph ws =
      do let stop = case ws of
               ('-':'o':'n':'l':'y':'=':fs):_ -> Just $ chunks ',' fs
               _ -> Nothing
         restricted $ writeFile "_gfdepgraph.dot" (depGraph stop sgr)
         putStrLn "wrote graph in file _gfdepgraph.dot"
         continue gfenv

    eh [w] = -- Ehhh? Reads commands from a file, but does not execute them
      do cs <- restricted (readFile w) >>= return . map (interpretCommandLine env) . lines
         continue gfenv
    eh _   = do putStrLn "eh command not parsed"
                continue gfenv

    import_ args = 
      do gfenv' <- case parseOptions args of
                     Ok (opts',files) -> do
                       curr_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
                       lib_dir  <- getLibraryDirectory (addOptions opts opts')
                       importInEnv gfenv (addOptions opts (fixRelativeLibPaths curr_dir lib_dir opts')) files
                     Bad err -> do 
                       putStrLn $ "Command parse error: " ++ err
                       return gfenv
         continue gfenv'

    empty = continue $ gfenv {
              commandenv=emptyCommandEnv, grammar = emptyGrammar

    define_command (f:ws) =
        case readCommandLine (unwords ws) of
           Just comm -> continue $ gfenv {
             commandenv = env {
               commandmacros = Map.insert f comm (commandmacros env)
           _ -> dc_not_parsed
    define_command _ = dc_not_parsed

    dc_not_parsed = putStrLn "command definition not parsed" >> continue gfenv

    define_tree (f:ws) =
        case readExpr (unwords ws) of
          Just exp -> continue $ gfenv {
            commandenv = env {
              expmacros = Map.insert f exp (expmacros env)
          _ -> dt_not_parsed
    define_tree _ = dt_not_parsed

    dt_not_parsed = putStrLn "value definition not parsed" >> continue gfenv

    print_history = mapM_ putStrLn (reverse (history gfenv0))>> continue gfenv

    reload_last = do
      let imports = [(s,ws) | s <- history gfenv0, ("i":ws) <- [pwords s]]
      case imports of
        (s,ws):_ -> do
          putStrLn $ "repeating latest import: " ++ s
          import_ ws
        _ -> do
          putStrLn $ "no import in history"  
          continue gfenv

    set_encoding [c] =
      do let cod = renameEncoding c
         restricted $ changeConsoleEncoding cod
         continue gfenv
    set_encoding _ = putStrLn "se command not parsed" >> continue gfenv

printException e = maybe (print e) (putStrLn . ioErrorText) (fromException e)

checkComputeTerm sgr t = do
                 mo <- maybe (raise "no source grammar in scope") return $ greatestResource sgr
                 ((t,_),_) <- runCheck $ do t <- renameSourceTerm sgr mo t
                                            inferLType sgr [] t
                 t1 <- return (CN.normalForm (CN.resourceValues noOptions sgr) (L NoLoc identW) t)
                 checkPredefError t1

fetchCommand :: GFEnv -> IO String
fetchCommand gfenv = do
  path <- getAppUserDataDirectory "gf_history"
  let settings =
        Haskeline.Settings {
          Haskeline.complete = wordCompletion gfenv,
          Haskeline.historyFile = Just path,
          Haskeline.autoAddHistory = True
  res <- IO.runInterruptibly $ Haskeline.runInputT settings (Haskeline.getInputLine (prompt gfenv))
  case res of
    Left  _        -> return ""
    Right Nothing  -> return "q"
    Right (Just s) -> return s

importInEnv :: GFEnv -> Options -> [FilePath] -> SIO GFEnv
importInEnv gfenv opts files
    | flag optRetainResource opts =
        do src <- importSource opts files
           pgf <- lazySIO importPGF -- duplicates some work, better to link src
           return $ gfenv {grammar = src, retain=True,
                           commandenv = mkCommandEnv pgf}
    | otherwise =
        do pgf1 <- importPGF
           return $ gfenv { commandenv = mkCommandEnv pgf1 }
    importPGF =
      do let opts' = addOptions (setOptimization OptCSE False) opts
             pgf0 = multigrammar (commandenv gfenv)
         pgf1 <- importGrammar pgf0 opts' files
         if (verbAtLeast opts Normal)
           then putStrLnFlush $
                    unwords $ "\nLanguages:" : map showCId (languages pgf1)
           else done
         return pgf1

tryGetLine = do
  res <- try getLine
  case res of
   Left (e :: SomeException) -> return "q"
   Right l -> return l

welcome = unlines [
  "                              ",
  "         *  *  *              ",
  "      *           *           ",
  "    *               *         ",
  "   *                          ",
  "   *                          ",
  "   *        * * * * * *       ",
  "   *        *         *       ",
  "    *       * * * *  *        ",
  "      *     *      *          ",
  "         *  *  *              ",
  "                              ",
  "This is GF version "++showVersion version++". ",
  "License: see help -license.   ",
  "Bug reports: http://code.google.com/p/grammatical-framework/issues/list"

prompt env
  | retain env || abs == wildCId = "> "
  | otherwise      = showCId abs ++ "> "
    abs = abstractName (multigrammar (commandenv env))

data GFEnv = GFEnv {
  grammar :: Grammar, -- gfo grammar -retain
  retain :: Bool,  -- grammar was imported with -retain flag
  commandenv :: CommandEnv,
  history    :: [String]

emptyGFEnv :: GFEnv
emptyGFEnv =
  GFEnv emptyGrammar False (mkCommandEnv emptyPGF) [] {-0-}

wordCompletion gfenv (left,right) = do
  case wc_type (reverse left) of
    CmplCmd pref
      -> ret (length pref) [Haskeline.simpleCompletion name | name <- Map.keys (commands cmdEnv), isPrefixOf pref name]
    CmplStr (Just (Command _ opts _)) s0
      -> do mb_state0 <- try (evaluate (initState pgf (optLang opts) (optType opts)))
            case mb_state0 of
              Right state0 -> let (rprefix,rs) = break isSpace (reverse s0)
                                  s            = reverse rs
                                  prefix       = reverse rprefix
                                  ws           = words s
                              in case loop state0 ws of
                                   Nothing    -> ret 0 []
                                   Just state -> let compls = getCompletions state prefix
                                                 in ret (length prefix) (map (\x -> Haskeline.simpleCompletion x) (Map.keys compls))
              Left (_ :: SomeException) -> ret 0 []
    CmplOpt (Just (Command n _ _)) pref
      -> case Map.lookup n (commands cmdEnv) of
           Just inf -> do let flg_compls = [Haskeline.Completion ('-':flg++"=") ('-':flg) False | (flg,_) <- flags   inf, isPrefixOf pref flg]
                              opt_compls = [Haskeline.Completion ('-':opt)      ('-':opt) True | (opt,_) <- options inf, isPrefixOf pref opt]
                          ret (length pref+1)
           Nothing  -> ret (length pref) []
    CmplIdent (Just (Command "i" _ _)) _        -- HACK: file name completion for command i
      -> Haskeline.completeFilename (left,right)
    CmplIdent _ pref
      -> do mb_abs <- try (evaluate (abstract pgf))
            case mb_abs of
              Right abs -> ret (length pref) [Haskeline.simpleCompletion name | cid <- Map.keys (funs abs), let name = showCId cid, isPrefixOf pref name]
              Left (_ :: SomeException) -> ret (length pref) []
    _ -> ret 0 []
    pgf    = multigrammar cmdEnv
    cmdEnv = commandenv gfenv
    optLang opts = valCIdOpts "lang" (head (languages pgf)) opts
    optType opts = 
      let str = valStrOpts "cat" (showCId $ lookStartCat pgf) opts
      in case readType str of
           Just ty -> ty
           Nothing -> error ("Can't parse '"++str++"' as type")

    loop ps []     = Just ps
    loop ps (t:ts) = case nextState ps (simpleParseInput t) of
                       Left  es -> Nothing
                       Right ps -> loop ps ts

    ret len xs  = return (drop len left,xs)

data CompletionType
  = CmplCmd                   Ident
  | CmplStr   (Maybe Command) String
  | CmplOpt   (Maybe Command) Ident
  | CmplIdent (Maybe Command) Ident
  deriving Show

wc_type :: String -> CompletionType
wc_type = cmd_name
    cmd_name cs =
      let cs1 = dropWhile isSpace cs
      in go cs1 cs1
        go x []       = CmplCmd x
        go x (c:cs)
          | isIdent c = go x cs
          | otherwise = cmd x cs

    cmd x []       = ret CmplIdent x "" 0
    cmd _ ('|':cs) = cmd_name cs
    cmd _ (';':cs) = cmd_name cs
    cmd x ('"':cs) = str x cs cs
    cmd x ('-':cs) = option x cs cs
    cmd x (c  :cs)
      | isIdent c  = ident x (c:cs) cs
      | otherwise  = cmd x cs

    option x y []       = ret CmplOpt x y 1
    option x y ('=':cs) = optValue x y cs
    option x y (c  :cs)
      | isIdent c       = option x y cs
      | otherwise       = cmd x cs
    optValue x y ('"':cs) = str x y cs
    optValue x y cs       = cmd x cs

    ident x y []     = ret CmplIdent x y 0
    ident x y (c:cs)
      | isIdent c    = ident x y cs
      | otherwise    = cmd x cs

    str x y []          = ret CmplStr x y 1
    str x y ('\"':cs)   = cmd x cs
    str x y ('\\':c:cs) = str x y cs
    str x y (c:cs)      = str x y cs

    ret f x y d = f cmd y
        x1 = take (length x - length y - d) x
        x2 = takeWhile (\c -> isIdent c || isSpace c || c == '-' || c == '=' || c == '"') x1
        cmd = case [x | (x,cs) <- RP.readP_to_S pCommand x2, all isSpace cs] of
	        [x] -> Just x
                _   -> Nothing

    isIdent c = c == '_' || c == '\'' || isAlphaNum c