{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, RankNTypes #-}

-- |
-- Module      : PGF.TypeCheck
-- Maintainer  : Krasimir Angelov
-- Stability   : (stable)
-- Portability : (portable)
-- Type checking in abstract syntax with dependent types.
-- The type checker also performs renaming and checking for unknown
-- functions. The variable references are replaced by de Bruijn indices.

module PGF.TypeCheck ( checkType, checkExpr, inferExpr

                     , ppTcError, TcError(..)

                     -- internals needed for the typechecking of forests
                     , MetaStore, emptyMetaStore, newMeta, newGuardedMeta
                     , getMeta, setMeta, lookupMeta, MetaValue(..)
                     , Scope, emptyScope, scopeSize, scopeEnv, addScopedVar
                     , TcM(..), runTcM, TType(..), Selector(..)
                     , tcExpr, infExpr, eqType, eqValue
                     , lookupFunType, typeGenerators, eval
                     , generateForMetas, generateForForest, checkResolvedMetaStore
                     ) where

import PGF.Data
import PGF.Expr hiding (eval, apply, applyValue, value2expr)
import qualified PGF.Expr as Expr
import PGF.Macros (cidInt, cidFloat, cidString) -- typeOfHypo
import PGF.CId

import Data.Map as Map
import Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.List as List
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
--import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Text.PrettyPrint

-- The Scope

data    TType = TTyp Env Type
newtype Scope = Scope [(CId,TType)]

emptyScope = Scope []

addScopedVar :: CId -> TType -> Scope -> Scope
addScopedVar x tty (Scope gamma) = Scope ((x,tty):gamma)

-- | returns the type and the De Bruijn index of a local variable
lookupVar :: CId -> Scope -> Maybe (Int,TType)
lookupVar x (Scope gamma) = listToMaybe [(i,tty) | ((y,tty),i) <- zip gamma [0..], x == y]

-- | returns the type and the name of a local variable
getVar :: Int -> Scope -> (CId,TType)
getVar i (Scope gamma) = gamma !! i

scopeEnv :: Scope -> Env
scopeEnv (Scope gamma) = let n = length gamma
                         in [VGen (n-i-1) [] | i <- [0..n-1]]

scopeVars :: Scope -> [CId]
scopeVars (Scope gamma) = List.map fst gamma

scopeSize :: Scope -> Int
scopeSize (Scope gamma) = length gamma

-- The Monad

type MetaStore s = IntMap (MetaValue s)
data MetaValue s
  = MUnbound s Scope TType [Expr -> TcM s ()]
  | MBound   Expr
  | MGuarded Expr  [Expr -> TcM s ()] {-# UNPACK #-} !Int   -- the Int is the number of constraints that have to be solved 
                                                            -- to unlock this meta variable

newtype TcM s a = TcM {unTcM :: forall b . Abstr -> (a -> MetaStore s -> s -> b -> b) 
                                                 -> (TcError          -> s -> b -> b) 
                                                 -> (MetaStore s      -> s -> b -> b)}

class Selector s where
  splitSelector :: s -> (s,s)
  select        :: CId -> Scope -> Maybe Int -> TcM s (Expr,TType)

instance Applicative (TcM s) where
  pure = return
  (<*>) = ap

instance Monad (TcM s) where
  return x = TcM (\abstr k h -> k x)
  f >>= g  = TcM (\abstr k h -> unTcM f abstr (\x -> unTcM (g x) abstr k h) h)

instance Selector s => Alternative (TcM s) where
  empty = mzero
  (<|>) = mplus

instance Selector s => MonadPlus (TcM s) where
  mzero = TcM (\abstr k h ms s -> id)
  mplus f g = TcM (\abstr k h ms s -> let (s1,s2) = splitSelector s
                                      in unTcM f abstr k h ms s1 . unTcM g abstr k h ms s2)

instance MonadState s (TcM s) where
  get = TcM (\abstr k h ms s -> k s ms s)
  put s = TcM (\abstr k h ms _ -> k () ms s)

instance MonadError TcError (TcM s) where
  throwError e    = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> h e)
  catchError f fh = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> unTcM f abstr k (\e s -> unTcM (fh e) abstr k h ms s) ms)

instance Functor (TcM s) where
  fmap f m = TcM (\abstr k h -> unTcM m abstr (k . f) h)

runTcM :: Abstr -> TcM s a -> MetaStore s -> s -> ([(s,TcError)],[(MetaStore s,s,a)])
runTcM abstr f ms s = unTcM f abstr (\x ms s cp b -> let (es,xs) = cp b
                                                     in (es,(ms,s,x) : xs))
                                    (\e    s cp b -> let (es,xs) = cp b
                                                     in ((s,e) : es,xs))
                                    ms s id ([],[])

lookupCatHyps :: CId -> TcM s [Hypo]
lookupCatHyps cat = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> case Map.lookup cat (cats abstr) of
                                            Just (hyps,_,_) -> k hyps ms
                                            Nothing         -> h (UnknownCat cat))

lookupFunType :: CId -> TcM s Type
lookupFunType fun = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> case Map.lookup fun (funs abstr) of
                                            Just (ty,_,_,_) -> k ty ms
                                            Nothing         -> h (UnknownFun fun))

typeGenerators :: Scope -> CId -> TcM s [(Double,Expr,TType)]
typeGenerators scope cat = fmap normalize (liftM2 (++) x y)
    x = return
           [(0.25,EVar i,tty) | (i,(_,tty@(TTyp _ (DTyp _ cat' _)))) <- zip [0..] gamma
                              , cat == cat']
           Scope gamma = scope

    y | cat == cidInt    = return [(1.0,ELit (LInt 999),  TTyp [] (DTyp [] cat []))]
      | cat == cidFloat  = return [(1.0,ELit (LFlt 3.14), TTyp [] (DTyp [] cat []))]
      | cat == cidString = return [(1.0,ELit (LStr "Foo"),TTyp [] (DTyp [] cat []))]
      | otherwise        = TcM (\abstr k h ms ->
                                    case Map.lookup cat (cats abstr) of
                                      Just (_,fns,_) -> unTcM (mapM helper fns) abstr k h ms
                                      Nothing        -> h (UnknownCat cat))

    helper (p,fn) = do
      ty <- lookupFunType fn
      return (p,EFun fn,TTyp [] ty)
    normalize gens = [(p/s,e,tty) | (p,e,tty) <- gens]
        s = sum [p | (p,_,_) <- gens]

emptyMetaStore :: MetaStore s
emptyMetaStore = IntMap.empty

newMeta :: Scope -> TType -> TcM s MetaId
newMeta scope tty = TcM (\abstr k h ms s -> let metaid = IntMap.size ms + 1
                                            in k metaid (IntMap.insert metaid (MUnbound s scope tty []) ms) s)

newGuardedMeta :: Expr -> TcM s MetaId
newGuardedMeta e = TcM (\abstr k h ms s -> let metaid = IntMap.size ms + 1
                                           in k metaid (IntMap.insert metaid (MGuarded e [] 0) ms) s)

getMeta :: MetaId -> TcM s (MetaValue s)
getMeta i = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> case IntMap.lookup i ms of
                                    Just mv -> k mv ms)

setMeta :: MetaId -> MetaValue s -> TcM s ()
setMeta i mv = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k () (IntMap.insert i mv ms))

lookupMeta ms i =
  case IntMap.lookup i ms of
    Just (MBound   t)                 -> Just t
    Just (MGuarded t _ x) | x == 0    -> Just t
                          | otherwise -> Nothing
    Just (MUnbound _ _ _ _)           -> Nothing
    Nothing                           -> Nothing

addConstraint :: MetaId -> MetaId -> (Expr -> TcM s ()) -> TcM s ()
addConstraint i j c = do
  mv   <- getMeta j
  case mv of
    MUnbound s scope tty cs     -> addRef >> setMeta j (MUnbound s scope tty ((\e -> release >> c e) : cs))
    MBound   e                  -> c e
    MGuarded e cs x | x == 0    -> c e
                    | otherwise -> addRef >> setMeta j (MGuarded e ((\e -> release >> c e) : cs) x)
    addRef  = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> case IntMap.lookup i ms of
                                      Just (MGuarded e cs x) -> k () $! IntMap.insert i (MGuarded e cs (x+1)) ms)

    release = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> case IntMap.lookup i ms of
                                      Just (MGuarded e cs x) -> if x == 1
                                                                  then unTcM (sequence_ [c e | c <- cs]) abstr k h $! IntMap.insert i (MGuarded e [] 0) ms
                                                                  else k () $! IntMap.insert i (MGuarded e cs (x-1)) ms)

-- Type errors

-- | If an error occurs in the typechecking phase
-- the type checker returns not a plain text error message
-- but a 'TcError' structure which describes the error.
data TcError
  = UnknownCat      CId                            -- ^ Unknown category name was found.
  | UnknownFun      CId                            -- ^ Unknown function name was found.
  | WrongCatArgs    [CId] Type CId  Int Int        -- ^ A category was applied to wrong number of arguments.
                                                   -- The first integer is the number of expected arguments and
                                                   -- the second the number of given arguments.
                                                   -- The @[CId]@ argument is the list of free variables
                                                   -- in the type. It should be used for the 'showType' function.
  | TypeMismatch    [CId] Expr Type Type           -- ^ The expression is not of the expected type.
                                                   -- The first type is the expected type, while
                                                   -- the second is the inferred. The @[CId]@ argument is the list
                                                   -- of free variables in both the expression and the type. 
                                                   -- It should be used for the 'showType' and 'showExpr' functions.
  | NotFunType      [CId] Expr Type                -- ^ Something that is not of function type was applied to an argument.
  | CannotInferType [CId] Expr                     -- ^ It is not possible to infer the type of an expression.
  | UnresolvedMetaVars [CId] Expr [MetaId]         -- ^ Some metavariables have to be instantiated in order to complete the typechecking.
  | UnexpectedImplArg [CId] Expr                   -- ^ Implicit argument was passed where the type doesn't allow it
  | UnsolvableGoal [CId] MetaId Type               -- ^ There is a goal that cannot be solved
  deriving Eq

-- | Renders the type checking error to a document. See 'Text.PrettyPrint'.
ppTcError :: TcError -> Doc
ppTcError (UnknownCat cat)             = text "Category" <+> ppCId cat <+> text "is not in scope"
ppTcError (UnknownFun fun)             = text "Function" <+> ppCId fun <+> text "is not in scope"
ppTcError (WrongCatArgs xs ty cat m n) = text "Category" <+> ppCId cat <+> text "should have" <+> int m <+> text "argument(s), but has been given" <+> int n $$
                                         text "In the type:" <+> ppType 0 xs ty
ppTcError (TypeMismatch xs e ty1 ty2)  = text "Couldn't match expected type" <+> ppType 0 xs ty1 $$
                                         text "       against inferred type" <+> ppType 0 xs ty2 $$
                                         text "In the expression:" <+> ppExpr 0 xs e
ppTcError (NotFunType xs e ty)         = text "A function type is expected for the expression" <+> ppExpr 0 xs e <+> text "instead of type" <+> ppType 0 xs ty
ppTcError (CannotInferType xs e)       = text "Cannot infer the type of expression" <+> ppExpr 0 xs e
ppTcError (UnresolvedMetaVars xs e ms) = text "Meta variable(s)" <+> fsep (List.map ppMeta ms) <+> text "should be resolved" $$
                                         text "in the expression:" <+> ppExpr 0 xs e
ppTcError (UnexpectedImplArg xs e)     = braces (ppExpr 0 xs e) <+> text "is implicit argument but not implicit argument is expected here"
ppTcError (UnsolvableGoal xs metaid ty)= text "The goal:" <+> ppMeta metaid <+> colon <+> ppType 0 xs ty $$
                                         text "cannot be solved"

-- checkType

-- | Check whether a given type is consistent with the abstract
-- syntax of the grammar.
checkType :: PGF -> Type -> Either TcError Type
checkType pgf ty = 
  unTcM (do ty <- tcType emptyScope ty
            refineType ty)
        (abstract pgf)
        (\ty ms s _ -> Right ty)
        (\err  s _ -> Left err)
        emptyMetaStore () (error "checkType")

tcType :: Scope -> Type -> TcM s Type
tcType scope ty@(DTyp hyps cat es) = do
  (scope,hyps) <- tcHypos scope hyps
  c_hyps <- lookupCatHyps cat
  let m = length es
      n = length [ty | (Explicit,x,ty) <- c_hyps]
  (delta,es) <- tcCatArgs scope es [] c_hyps ty n m
  return (DTyp hyps cat es)

tcHypos :: Scope -> [Hypo] -> TcM s (Scope,[Hypo])
tcHypos scope []     = return (scope,[])
tcHypos scope (h:hs) = do
  (scope,h ) <- tcHypo  scope h
  (scope,hs) <- tcHypos scope hs
  return (scope,h:hs)

tcHypo :: Scope -> Hypo -> TcM s (Scope,Hypo)
tcHypo scope (b,x,ty) = do
  ty <- tcType scope ty
  if x == wildCId
    then return (scope,(b,x,ty))
    else return (addScopedVar x (TTyp (scopeEnv scope) ty) scope,(b,x,ty))

tcCatArgs scope []              delta []                   ty0 n m = return (delta,[])
tcCatArgs scope (EImplArg e:es) delta ((Explicit,x,ty):hs) ty0 n m = throwError (UnexpectedImplArg (scopeVars scope) e)
tcCatArgs scope (EImplArg e:es) delta ((Implicit,x,ty):hs) ty0 n m = do
  e <- tcExpr scope e (TTyp delta ty)
  (delta,es) <- if x == wildCId
                  then tcCatArgs scope es delta  hs ty0 n m
                  else do v <- eval (scopeEnv scope) e
                          tcCatArgs scope es (v:delta) hs ty0 n m
  return (delta,EImplArg e:es)
tcCatArgs scope es delta ((Implicit,x,ty):hs) ty0 n m = do
  i <- newMeta scope (TTyp delta ty)
  (delta,es) <- if x == wildCId
                  then tcCatArgs scope es                                delta  hs ty0 n m
                  else tcCatArgs scope es (VMeta i (scopeEnv scope) [] : delta) hs ty0 n m
  return (delta,EImplArg (EMeta i) : es)
tcCatArgs scope (e:es) delta ((Explicit,x,ty):hs) ty0 n m = do
  e <- tcExpr scope e (TTyp delta ty)
  (delta,es) <- if x == wildCId
                  then tcCatArgs scope es                               delta  hs ty0 n m
                  else do v <- eval (scopeEnv scope) e
                          tcCatArgs scope es (v:delta) hs ty0 n m
  return (delta,e:es)
tcCatArgs scope _ delta _ ty0@(DTyp _ cat _) n m = do
  throwError (WrongCatArgs (scopeVars scope) ty0 cat n m)

-- checkExpr

-- | Checks an expression against a specified type.
checkExpr :: PGF -> Expr -> Type -> Either TcError Expr
checkExpr pgf e ty =
  unTcM (do e <- tcExpr emptyScope e (TTyp [] ty)
            checkResolvedMetaStore emptyScope e)
        (abstract pgf)
        (\e ms s _ -> Right e)
        (\err  s _ -> Left err)
        emptyMetaStore () (error "checkExpr")

tcExpr :: Scope -> Expr -> TType -> TcM s Expr
tcExpr scope e0@(EAbs Implicit x e) tty =
  case tty of
    TTyp delta (DTyp ((Implicit,y,ty):hs) c es) -> do e <- if y == wildCId
                                                             then tcExpr (addScopedVar x (TTyp delta ty) scope)
                                                                         e (TTyp delta (DTyp hs c es))
                                                             else tcExpr (addScopedVar x (TTyp delta ty) scope)
                                                                         e (TTyp ((VGen (scopeSize scope) []):delta) (DTyp hs c es))
                                                      return (EAbs Implicit x e)
    _                                           -> do ty <- evalType (scopeSize scope) tty
                                                      throwError (NotFunType (scopeVars scope) e0 ty)
tcExpr scope e0 (TTyp delta (DTyp ((Implicit,y,ty):hs) c es)) = do
  e0 <- if y == wildCId
          then tcExpr (addScopedVar wildCId (TTyp delta ty) scope)
                      e0 (TTyp delta (DTyp hs c es))
          else tcExpr (addScopedVar wildCId (TTyp delta ty) scope)
                      e0 (TTyp ((VGen (scopeSize scope) []):delta) (DTyp hs c es))
  return (EAbs Implicit wildCId e0)
tcExpr scope e0@(EAbs Explicit x e) tty =
  case tty of
    TTyp delta (DTyp ((Explicit,y,ty):hs) c es) -> do e <- if y == wildCId
                                                             then tcExpr (addScopedVar x (TTyp delta ty) scope)
                                                                         e (TTyp delta (DTyp hs c es))
                                                             else tcExpr (addScopedVar x (TTyp delta ty) scope)
                                                                         e (TTyp ((VGen (scopeSize scope) []):delta) (DTyp hs c es))
                                                      return (EAbs Explicit x e)
    _                                           -> do ty <- evalType (scopeSize scope) tty
                                                      throwError (NotFunType (scopeVars scope) e0 ty)
tcExpr scope (EMeta _) tty = do
  i <- newMeta scope tty
  return (EMeta i)
tcExpr scope e0        tty = do
  (e0,tty0) <- infExpr scope e0
  (e0,tty0) <- appImplArg scope e0 tty0
  i <- newGuardedMeta e0
  eqType scope (scopeSize scope) i tty tty0
  return (EMeta i)

-- inferExpr

-- | Tries to infer the type of a given expression. Note that
-- even if the expression is type correct it is not always
-- possible to infer its type in the GF type system.
-- In this case the function returns the 'CannotInferType' error.
inferExpr :: PGF -> Expr -> Either TcError (Expr,Type)
inferExpr pgf e =
  unTcM (do (e,tty) <- infExpr emptyScope e
            e <- checkResolvedMetaStore emptyScope e
            ty <- evalType 0 tty
            return (e,ty))
        (abstract pgf)
        (\e_ty ms s _ -> Right e_ty)
        (\err     s _ -> Left err)
        emptyMetaStore () (error "inferExpr")

infExpr :: Scope -> Expr -> TcM s (Expr,TType)
infExpr scope e0@(EApp e1 e2) = do
  (e1,TTyp delta ty) <- infExpr scope e1
  (e0,delta,ty) <- tcArg scope e1 e2 delta ty
  return (e0,TTyp delta ty)
infExpr scope e0@(EFun x) = do
  case lookupVar x scope of
    Just (i,tty) -> return (EVar i,tty)
    Nothing      -> do ty <- lookupFunType x
                       return (e0,TTyp [] ty)
infExpr scope e0@(EVar i) = do
  return (e0,snd (getVar i scope))
infExpr scope e0@(ELit l) = do
  let cat = case l of
              LStr _ -> mkCId "String"
              LInt _ -> mkCId "Int"
              LFlt _ -> mkCId "Float"
  return (e0,TTyp [] (DTyp [] cat []))
infExpr scope (ETyped e ty) = do
  ty <- tcType scope ty
  e  <- tcExpr scope e (TTyp (scopeEnv scope) ty)
  return (ETyped e ty,TTyp (scopeEnv scope) ty)
infExpr scope (EImplArg e) = do
  (e,tty)  <- infExpr scope e
  return (EImplArg e,tty)
infExpr scope e = throwError (CannotInferType (scopeVars scope) e)

tcArg scope e1 e2 delta ty0@(DTyp [] c es) = do
  ty1 <- evalType (scopeSize scope) (TTyp delta ty0)
  throwError (NotFunType (scopeVars scope) e1 ty1)
tcArg scope e1 (EImplArg e2) delta ty0@(DTyp ((Explicit,x,ty):hs) c es) = throwError (UnexpectedImplArg (scopeVars scope) e2)
tcArg scope e1 (EImplArg e2) delta ty0@(DTyp ((Implicit,x,ty):hs) c es) = do
  e2 <- tcExpr scope e2 (TTyp delta ty)
  if x == wildCId
    then return (EApp e1 (EImplArg e2),                              delta,DTyp hs c es)
    else do v2 <- eval (scopeEnv scope) e2
            return (EApp e1 (EImplArg e2),v2:delta,DTyp hs c es)
tcArg scope e1 e2 delta ty0@(DTyp ((Explicit,x,ty):hs) c es) = do
  e2 <- tcExpr scope e2 (TTyp delta ty)
  if x == wildCId
    then return (EApp e1 e2,delta,DTyp hs c es)
    else do v2 <- eval (scopeEnv scope) e2
            return (EApp e1 e2,v2:delta,DTyp hs c es)
tcArg scope e1 e2 delta ty0@(DTyp ((Implicit,x,ty):hs) c es) = do
  i <- newMeta scope (TTyp delta ty)
  if x == wildCId
    then tcArg scope (EApp e1 (EImplArg (EMeta i))) e2                                delta  (DTyp hs c es)
    else tcArg scope (EApp e1 (EImplArg (EMeta i))) e2 (VMeta i (scopeEnv scope) [] : delta) (DTyp hs c es)

appImplArg scope e (TTyp delta (DTyp ((Implicit,x,ty1):hypos) cat es)) = do
  i <- newMeta scope (TTyp delta ty1)
  let delta' = if x == wildCId
                 then                               delta  
                 else VMeta i (scopeEnv scope) [] : delta
  appImplArg scope (EApp e (EImplArg (EMeta i))) (TTyp delta' (DTyp hypos cat es))
appImplArg scope e tty                                                 = return (e,tty)

-- eqType

eqType :: Scope -> Int -> MetaId -> TType -> TType -> TcM s ()
eqType scope k i0 tty1@(TTyp delta1 ty1@(DTyp hyps1 cat1 es1)) tty2@(TTyp delta2 ty2@(DTyp hyps2 cat2 es2))
  | cat1 == cat2 = do (k,delta1,delta2) <- eqHyps k delta1 hyps1 delta2 hyps2
                      sequence_ [eqExpr raiseTypeMatchError (addConstraint i0) k delta1 e1 delta2 e2 | (e1,e2) <- zip es1 es2]
  | otherwise    = raiseTypeMatchError
    raiseTypeMatchError = do ty1 <- evalType k tty1
                             ty2 <- evalType k tty2
                             e   <- refineExpr (EMeta i0)
                             throwError (TypeMismatch (scopeVars scope) e ty1 ty2)

    eqHyps :: Int -> Env -> [Hypo] -> Env -> [Hypo] -> TcM s (Int,Env,Env)
    eqHyps k delta1 []                 delta2 []                 =
      return (k,delta1,delta2)
    eqHyps k delta1 ((_,x,ty1) : h1s) delta2 ((_,y,ty2) : h2s) = do
      eqType scope k i0 (TTyp delta1 ty1) (TTyp delta2 ty2)
      if x == wildCId && y == wildCId
        then eqHyps k delta1 h1s delta2 h2s
        else if x /= wildCId && y /= wildCId
               then eqHyps (k+1) ((VGen k []):delta1) h1s ((VGen k []):delta2) h2s
               else raiseTypeMatchError
    eqHyps k delta1               h1s  delta2               h2s  = raiseTypeMatchError

eqExpr :: (forall a . TcM s a) -> (MetaId -> (Expr -> TcM s ()) -> TcM s ()) -> Int -> Env -> Expr -> Env -> Expr -> TcM s ()
eqExpr fail suspend k env1 e1 env2 e2 = do
  v1 <- eval env1 e1
  v2 <- eval env2 e2
  eqValue fail suspend k v1 v2

eqValue :: (forall a . TcM s a) -> (MetaId -> (Expr -> TcM s ()) -> TcM s ()) -> Int -> Value -> Value -> TcM s ()
eqValue fail suspend k v1 v2 = do
  v1 <- deRef v1
  v2 <- deRef v2
  eqValue' k v1 v2
    deRef v@(VMeta i env vs) = do
      mv   <- getMeta i
      case mv of
        MBound   e                 -> apply env e vs
        MGuarded e _ x | x == 0    -> apply env e vs
                       | otherwise -> return v
        MUnbound _ _ _ _           -> return v
    deRef v = return v

    eqValue' k (VSusp i env vs1 c)            v2                             = suspend i (\e -> apply env e vs1 >>= \v1 -> eqValue fail suspend k (c v1) v2)
    eqValue' k v1                             (VSusp i env vs2 c)            = suspend i (\e -> apply env e vs2 >>= \v2 -> eqValue fail suspend k v1 (c v2))
    eqValue' k (VMeta i env1 vs1)             (VMeta j env2 vs2) | i  == j   = zipWithM_ (eqValue fail suspend k) vs1 vs2
    eqValue' k (VMeta i env1 vs1)             v2                             = do mv <- getMeta i
                                                                                  case mv of
                                                                                    MUnbound _ scopei _ cs -> bind i scopei cs env1 vs1 v2
                                                                                    MGuarded e cs x        -> setMeta i (MGuarded e ((\e -> apply env1 e vs1 >>= \v1 -> eqValue' k v1 v2) : cs) x)
    eqValue' k v1                             (VMeta i env2 vs2)             = do mv <- getMeta i
                                                                                  case mv of
                                                                                    MUnbound _ scopei _ cs -> bind i scopei cs env2 vs2 v1
                                                                                    MGuarded e cs x        -> setMeta i (MGuarded e ((\e -> apply env2 e vs2 >>= \v2 -> eqValue' k v1 v2) : cs) x)
    eqValue' k (VApp f1 vs1)                  (VApp f2 vs2)   | f1 == f2     = zipWithM_ (eqValue fail suspend k) vs1 vs2
    eqValue' k (VConst f1 vs1)                (VConst f2 vs2) | f1 == f2     = zipWithM_ (eqValue fail suspend k) vs1 vs2
    eqValue' k (VLit l1)                      (VLit l2    )   | l1 == l2     = return ()
    eqValue' k (VGen  i vs1)                  (VGen  j vs2)   | i  == j      = zipWithM_ (eqValue fail suspend k) vs1 vs2
    eqValue' k (VClosure env1 (EAbs _ x1 e1)) (VClosure env2 (EAbs _ x2 e2)) = let v = VGen k []
                                                                               in eqExpr fail suspend (k+1) (v:env1) e1 (v:env2) e2
    eqValue' k (VClosure env1 (EAbs _ x1 e1)) v2                             = let v = VGen k []
                                                                               in do v1 <- eval (v:env1) e1
                                                                                     v2 <- applyValue v2 [v]
                                                                                     eqValue fail suspend (k+1) v1 v2
    eqValue' k v1                             (VClosure env2 (EAbs _ x2 e2)) = let v = VGen k []
                                                                               in do v1 <- applyValue v1 [v]
                                                                                     v2 <- eval (v:env2) e2
                                                                                     eqValue fail suspend (k+1) v1 v2
    eqValue' k v1                             v2                             = fail

    bind i scope cs env vs0 v = do
      let k  = scopeSize scope
          vs  = reverse (take k env) ++ vs0
          xs  = nub [i | VGen i [] <- vs]
      if length vs /= length xs
        then suspend i (\e -> apply env e vs0 >>= \iv -> eqValue fail suspend k iv v)
        else do v <- occurCheck i k xs v
                e0 <- value2expr (length xs) v
                let e = addLam vs0 e0
                setMeta i (MBound e)
                sequence_ [c e | c <- cs]
        addLam []     e = e
        addLam (v:vs) e = EAbs Explicit var (addLam vs e)

        var = mkCId "v"

    occurCheck i0 k xs (VApp f vs)      = do vs <- mapM (occurCheck i0 k xs) vs
                                             return (VApp f vs)
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VLit l)         = return (VLit l)
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VMeta i env vs) = do if i == i0
                                               then fail
                                               else return ()
                                             mv <- getMeta i
                                             case mv of
                                               MBound   e                                   -> apply env e vs >>= occurCheck i0 k xs
                                               MGuarded e _ _                               -> apply env e vs >>= occurCheck i0 k xs
                                               MUnbound _ scopei _ _ | scopeSize scopei > k -> fail
                                                                     | otherwise            -> do vs <- mapM (occurCheck i0 k xs) vs
                                                                                                  return (VMeta i env vs)
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VSusp i env vs cnt) = do suspend i (\e -> apply env e vs >>= \v -> occurCheck i0 k xs (cnt v) >> return ())
                                                 return (VSusp i env vs cnt)
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VGen  i vs)     = case List.findIndex (==i) xs of
                                            Just i  -> do vs <- mapM (occurCheck i0 k xs) vs
                                                          return (VGen i vs)
                                            Nothing -> fail
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VConst f vs)    = do vs <- mapM (occurCheck i0 k xs) vs
                                             return (VConst f vs)
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VClosure env e) = do env <- mapM (occurCheck i0 k xs) env
                                             return (VClosure env e)
    occurCheck i0 k xs (VImplArg e)     = do e <- occurCheck i0 k xs e
                                             return (VImplArg e)

-- three ways of dealing with meta variables that
-- still have to be resolved

checkResolvedMetaStore :: Scope -> Expr -> TcM s Expr
checkResolvedMetaStore scope e = do
  e <- refineExpr e
  TcM (\abstr k h ms -> 
           let xs = [i | (i,mv) <- IntMap.toList ms, not (isResolved mv)]
           in if List.null xs
                then k () ms
                else h (UnresolvedMetaVars (scopeVars scope) e xs))
  return e
    isResolved (MUnbound _ _ _ []) = True
    isResolved (MGuarded  _ _ _)   = True
    isResolved (MBound    _)       = True
    isResolved _                   = False

generateForMetas :: Selector s => (Scope -> TType -> TcM s Expr) -> Expr -> TcM s Expr
generateForMetas prove e = do
  (e,_) <- infExpr emptyScope e
  refineExpr e
    fillinVariables = do
      fvs <- TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k [(i,s,scope,tty,cs) | (i,MUnbound s scope tty cs) <- IntMap.toList ms] ms)
      case fvs of
        []                   -> return ()
        (i,_,scope,tty,cs):_ -> do e <- prove scope tty
                                   setMeta i (MBound e)
                                   sequence_ [c e | c <- cs]

generateForForest :: (Scope -> TType -> TcM FId Expr) -> Expr -> TcM FId Expr
generateForForest prove e = do
--  fillinVariables
  refineExpr e
    fillinVariables = do
      fvs <- TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k [(i,s,scope,tty,cs) | (i,MUnbound s scope tty cs) <- IntMap.toList ms] ms)
      case fvs of
        []                   -> return ()
        (i,s,scope,tty,cs):_ -> TcM (\abstr k h ms s0 ->
                                        case snd $ runTcM abstr (prove scope tty) ms s of
                                          []           -> unTcM (do ty <- evalType (scopeSize scope) tty
                                                                    throwError (UnsolvableGoal (scopeVars scope) s ty)
                                                                ) abstr k h ms s
                                          ((ms,_,e):_) -> unTcM (do setMeta i (MBound e)
                                                                    sequence_ [c e | c <- cs]
                                                                ) abstr k h ms s)

-- evalType

evalType :: Int -> TType -> TcM s Type
evalType k (TTyp delta ty) = evalTy funs k delta ty
    evalTy sig k delta (DTyp hyps cat es) = do
      (k,delta,hyps) <- evalHypos sig k delta hyps
      es <- mapM (\e -> eval delta e >>= value2expr k) es
      return (DTyp hyps cat es)

    evalHypos sig k delta []              = return (k,delta,[])
    evalHypos sig k delta ((b,x,ty):hyps) = do
      ty <- evalTy sig k delta ty
      (k,delta,hyps) <- if x == wildCId
                          then evalHypos sig k                  delta  hyps
                          else evalHypos sig (k+1) ((VGen k []):delta) hyps
      return (k,delta,(b,x,ty) : hyps)

-- refinement

refineExpr :: Expr -> TcM s Expr
refineExpr e = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k (refineExpr_ ms e) ms)

refineExpr_ ms e = refine e
    refine (EAbs b x e)  = EAbs b x (refine e)
    refine (EApp e1 e2)  = EApp (refine e1) (refine e2)
    refine (ELit l)      = ELit l
    refine (EMeta i)     = case IntMap.lookup i ms of
                             Just (MBound   e    ) -> refine e
                             Just (MGuarded e _ _) -> refine e
                             _                     -> EMeta i
    refine (EFun f)      = EFun f
    refine (EVar i)      = EVar i
    refine (ETyped e ty) = ETyped (refine e) (refineType_ ms ty)
    refine (EImplArg e)  = EImplArg (refine e)

refineType :: Type -> TcM s Type
refineType ty = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k (refineType_ ms ty) ms)

refineType_ ms (DTyp hyps cat es) = DTyp [(b,x,refineType_ ms ty) | (b,x,ty) <- hyps] cat (List.map (refineExpr_ ms) es)

eval :: Env -> Expr -> TcM s Value
eval env e = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k (Expr.eval (funs abstr,lookupMeta ms) env e) ms)

apply :: Env -> Expr -> [Value] -> TcM s Value
apply env e vs = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k (Expr.apply (funs abstr,lookupMeta ms) env e vs) ms)

applyValue :: Value -> [Value] -> TcM s Value
applyValue v vs = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k (Expr.applyValue (funs abstr,lookupMeta ms) v vs) ms)

value2expr :: Int -> Value -> TcM s Expr
value2expr i v = TcM (\abstr k h ms -> k (Expr.value2expr (funs abstr,lookupMeta ms) i v) ms)