--# -path=.:../../lib/src/chunk:../../lib/src/translator:../phrasebook/gfos concrete AppSwe of App = TranslateSwe - [ -- Verb SlashV2a,ComplSlash, -- replaced by a more efficient inlined version SlashV2V, Slash2V3, Slash3V3, SlashV2S, SlashV2Q, SlashV2A, SlashVV, SlashV2VNP, AdvVPSlash, AdVVPSlash, VPSlashPrep, -- Sentence SlashVP, SlashVS, PredSCVP, AdvSlash, SlashPrep, SlashVS, EmbedS, EmbedQS, EmbedVP, RelS, -- Question ComplSlashIP,AdvQVP,AddAdvQVP,QuestQVP, -- Idiom CleftNP, CleftAdv, ImpP3, -- Construction -- Extensions PassVPSlash, PassAgentVPSlash -- not reachable anyway ], PhrasebookSwe - [open_Adv,closed_A,open_A] ** AppFunctor with (Syntax = SyntaxSwe) ;