module Main where import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe import Data.Char import System.Cmd import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit -- To clone a project from one language to another: -- -- 1. for each Module in 'modules', copy ModuleFROM to ModuleTO -- 2. in each ModuleTO, replace substrings FROM by TO, if not prefixes of an Ident -- 3. in each ModuleTO in 'specifics', comment out every line in the body, except -- those whose first word is in 'commons'. -- -- Syntax: runghc Clone FROM TO -- Example: runhugs Clone Swe Nor -- The following lines are for the phrasebook project, and can be changed -- to fit other projects. modules = "Phrasebook":"Sentences":specifics specifics = ["Words","Greetings"] commons = ["Apple","Beer","Bread","Fish","Milk","Salt","Water","Wine", "Bad","Cold","Good","Warm","AHasChildren"] main = do from:to:_ <- getArgs mapM_ (clone from to) modules clone from to pref = do s <- readFile (pref ++ from ++ ".gf") writeFile (pref ++ to ++ ".gf") (commentIf (isSpecific pref) (replaceLang from to s)) isSpecific = flip elem specifics replaceLang s1 s2 = repl where repl s = case s of c:cs -> case splitAt lgs s of (pre,c:rest) | pre == s1 && elem c " \n\t,:=(){}.-[];" -> s2 ++ [c] ++ repl rest _ -> c : repl cs _ -> s lgs = 3 -- length s1 -- the file name has the form, i.e. 3-letter lang name, suffix .gf getLangName fi = let (nal,ferp) = splitAt 3 (drop 3 (reverse fi)) in (reverse ferp,reverse nal) commentIf c = if c then (unlines . commentBody . lines) else id commentBody ss = header ++ map comment body ++ ["}"] where (header,body) = break (isJment . words) ss isJment ws = case ws of k:_ | elem k ["flags","lin","lincat","oper","param"] -> True _ -> False comment l = case l of _ | take 2 l == "--" -> l -- already commented _ | all isSpace l -> l -- empty line _ | elem (head (words l)) commons -> l -- in 'commons' _ -> "--" ++ l