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A basic tool for looking through scopes and quickly jumping to code within GF's resource grammar library (RGL), created out of necessity. All feedback is welcome.

Understanding the scope information

The scope information shown by this tool is basically the output of running GF with the --tags flag. This lists all the functions visible in the scope of a module, one per line. Each line can have two possible forms:

1. Local functions

mkPrep	oper-type	/lib/src/english/ParadigmsEng.gf:204	Str -> {s : Str; lock_Prep : {}}

For locally defined functions, the second column oper-type indicates the judgement type, followed by the location in the souce file and its type information.

2. External functions

Number	indir	ResEng	R	/lib/doc/browse/tags/ParamX.gf-tags

The indir indicates this function is defined in an external module (note that no distinction is made between functions from opened modules and inherited ones.) ResEng is the name of the opened or inherited module, while R is the alias under which it was opened. The final column points to another tags file where the type information for this function can be found. Note that though the function is available in the given context via the ResEng module, it is actually originally defined in ParamX.

The RGL directory structure

The drop-down at the top left lists all child directories under /lib/src in the GF source code repository. Most directories represent individual languages, however many have special functions:

Abstract syntaxes shared by all resource grammars
The RGL API and instantiations of the API modules in all languages
Resource modules common to all languages
Common low-level functions
In addition, the following directories are not individual languages but language functors, shared by resource grammars for related language families:
Used by Hindi, Persian, Punjabi, Urdu
Used by Catalan, French, Italian, Romanian, Spanish
Used by Danish, Norwegian, Swedish


Something is missing or out of date

All the scoping information shown is not read directly from the RGL on-demand. There is an in-between processing stage which must be run, so if something seems out of date just let me know and I can udpate things manually.

GF Resource Grammar Library Source Browser