--# -path=.:../abstract:../prelude:../common: concrete VerbGrc of Verb = CatGrc ** open Prelude, ResGrc, (M=MorphoGrc) in { flags optimize=all_subs ; --2 Complementization rules lin UseV = predV ; SlashV2a v = predV2 v ; Slash2V3 v np = insertObjc (\\a => v.c2.s ++ np.s ! v.c2.c) (predV v ** {c2 = v.c3}) ; Slash3V3 v np = insertObjc (\\a => v.c3.s ++ np.s ! v.c2.c) (predV2 v) ; ComplVV v vp = insertObj (\\a => infVP vp a) (predV v) ; -- predVV? Need this for the tablet sent. TODO ComplVS v s = insertObj (\\_ => conjThat ++ s.s) (predV v) ; ComplVQ v q = insertObj (\\_ => q.s ! QIndir) (predV v) ; ComplVA v ap = insertObj (\\a => ap.s ! AF (genderAgr a) (numberAgr a) Nom) (predV v) ; -- TODO check SlashV2V v vp = insertObjc (\\a => infVP vp a) (predV2 v) ; SlashV2S v s = insertObjc (\\_ => conjThat ++ s.s) (predV2 v) ; SlashV2Q v q = insertObjc (\\_ => q.s ! QIndir) (predV2 v) ; -- SlashV2A v ap = insertObjc (\\a => ap.s ! AF (genderAgr a) (numberAgr a) Nom) (predV2 v) ; -- TODO ComplSlash vp np = insertObj (\\a => appPrep vp.c2 np) vp ; -- SlashVV vv vp = -- insertObj (\\a => infVP vv.isAux vp a) (predVV vv) ** {c2 = vp.c2} ; -- Need SlashV2V for the Greek school tablet example: advise the students to abstain from meat -- abstract/Verb.gf: SlashV2V : V2V -> VP -> VPSlash ; -- beg (her) to go -- SlashV2VNP : V2V -> NP -> VPSlash -> VPSlash ; -- beg me to buy SlashV2VNP vv np vp = insertObjPre (\\_ => vv.c2.s ++ np.s ! vv.c2.c) (insertObjc (\\a => infVP vp a) (predV2 vv)) ** {c2 = vp.c2} ; --2 Other ways of forming verb phrases: UseComp comp = insertObj comp.s (predV einai_V) ; ReflVP v = insertObjPre (\\a => v.c2.s ++ M.reflPron ! a ! v.c2.c) v ; -- experimental: Med/Pass PassV2 v = insertObjPre (\\a => case a of {Ag g n p => v.med ! Part GPres (AF g n Nom)}) -- Irrefl => v.med ! Part GPres (AF Masc Sg Nom) }) -- default?? TODO (predV M.eimi_V) ; --- UseVS, UseVQ = \vv -> {s = vv.s ; c2 = [] ; isRefl = vv.isRefl} ; -- no "to" AdvVP vp adv = insertAdv adv.s vp ; AdVVP adv vp = insertObj (\\a => adv.s) vp ; --2 Complements to copula CompAP ap = {s = \\agr => case agr of {Ag g n p => ap.s ! AF g n Nom} } ; CompNP np = {s = \\agr => np.s ! Nom} ; -- TODO: How to drop defArt? CompAdv a = {s = \\agr => a.s} ; CompCN cn = {s = \\agr => let n = numberAgr agr in cn.s ! n ! Nom ++ cn.s2 ! n ! Nom} ; -- Copula alone UseCopula = predV einai_V ; oper einai_V = (lin V M.eimi_V) ; }