resource MorphoAra = ResAra ** open Prelude in { flags optimize = all ;--noexpand; coding=utf8 ; oper mkDet : Str -> Number -> State -> Det = \word,num,state -> { s = \\_,_,c => word + vowel ! c ; n = numberToSize num; d = state; --only Const is used now. check StructuralAra isNum = False; isPron = False }; mkPredet : Str -> Bool -> Predet = \word,decl -> { s = \\c => case decl of { True => word + vowel!c; False => word }; isDecl = decl }; mkQuantNum : Str -> Number -> State -> { s: Species => Gender => Case => Str; n: Number; d : State; isPron: Bool; isNum : Bool} = \waHid,num,state -> let waHida = waHid + "َة" in { s = \\_,g,c => let word = case g of { Masc => waHid; Fem => waHida } in Al ! state + word + dec1sg ! state ! c; n = num; d = state; isPron = False; isNum = True }; vowel : Case => Str = table { Nom => "ُ"; Acc => "َ"; Gen => "ِ" }; }