resource OrthoAra = open Prelude, Predef in { flags coding=utf8 ; oper rectifyHmz: Str -> Str = \word -> case word of { l@(""|"ال") + "؟" + v@("َ"|"ُ") + tail => l + "أ" + v + tail; l@(""|"ال") + "؟" + v@("ِ") + tail => l + "إ" + v + tail; head + v1@("ِ"|"ُ"|"َ"|"ْ"|"ا"|"ي"|"و") + "؟" + v2@(""|"ُ"|"َ"|"ْ"|"ِ") => head + v1 + (tHmz v1) + v2; head + "؟" + tail => head + (bHmz (dp 2 head) (take 2 tail)) + tail; --last head , take 1 tail _ => word }; --hamza at beginning of word (head) hHmz : Str -> Str = \d -> case d of { "ِ" => "إ"; _ => "أ" }; --hamza in middle of word (body) bHmz : Str -> Str -> Str = \d1,d2 -> case of { <"ِ",_> | <_,"ِ"> => "ئ"; <"ُ",_> | <_,"ُ"> => "ؤ"; <"َ",_> | <_,"َ"> => "أ"; _ => "ء" }; --hamza carrier sequence tHmz : Str -> Str = \d -> case d of { "ِ" => "ئ"; "ُ" => "ؤ"; "َ" => "أ"; "ْ"|"ا"|"و"|"ي" => "ء" }; }