--# -path=.:../abstract:../../prelude:../common --1 Arabic Lexical Paradigms -- -- Ali El Dada 2005--2006 -- -- This is an API to the user of the resource grammar -- for adding lexical items. It gives functions for forming -- expressions of open categories: nouns, adjectives, verbs. -- -- Closed categories (determiners, pronouns, conjunctions) are -- accessed through the resource syntax API, $Structural.gf$. -- -- The main difference with $MorphoAra.gf$ is that the types -- referred to are compiled resource grammar types. We have moreover -- had the design principle of always having existing forms, rather -- than stems, as string arguments of the paradigms. -- -- The structure of functions for each word class $C$ is the following: -- first we give a handful of patterns that aim to cover all -- regular cases. Then we give a worst-case function $mkC$, which serves as an -- escape to construct the most irregular words of type $C$. -- -- The following modules are presupposed: resource ParadigmsAra = open Predef, Prelude, MorphoAra, OrthoAra,(ResAra=ResAra), CatAra in { flags optimize = noexpand; coding=utf8 ; oper -- Prepositions are used in many-argument functions for rection. Preposition : Type ; --2 Nouns --This is used for loan words or anything that has untreated irregularities --in the interdigitization process of its words mkN : NTable -> Gender -> Species -> N ; --Takes a root string, a singular pattern string, a broken plural --pattern string, a gender, and species. Gives a noun. brkN : Str -> Str -> Str -> Gender -> Species -> N ; --Takes a root string, a singular pattern string, a gender, --and species. Gives a noun whose plural is sound feminine. sdfN : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Species -> N ; --takes a root string, a singular pattern string, a gender, --and species. Gives a noun whose plural is sound masculine sdmN : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Species -> N ; mkPN : Str -> Gender -> Species -> PN ; --3 Relational nouns mkN2 : N -> Preposition -> N2 ; mkN3 : N -> Preposition -> Preposition -> N3 ; --2 Adjectives --Takes a root string and a pattern string sndA : Str -> Str -> A ; --Takes a root string only clrA : Str -> A ; --3 Two-place adjectives -- -- Two-place adjectives need a preposition for their second argument. mkA2 : A -> Preposition -> A2 ; --2 Adverbs -- Adverbs are not inflected. Most lexical ones have position -- after the verb. Some can be preverbal. mkAdv : Str -> Adv ; mkAdV : Str -> AdV ; -- Adverbs modifying adjectives and sentences can also be formed. mkAdA : Str -> AdA ; --2 Prepositions -- -- A preposition as used for rection in the lexicon, as well as to -- build $PP$s in the resource API, just requires a string. mkPreposition : Str -> Preposition ; -- (These two functions are synonyms.) --2 Verbs --The verb in the imperfect tense gives the most information regV : Str -> V ; --Verb Form I : fa`ala, fa`ila, fa`ula v1 : Str -> Vowel -> Vowel -> V ; --Verb Form II : fa``ala v2 : Str -> V ; --Verb Form III : faa`ala v3 : Str -> V ; --Verb Form IV : 'af`ala v4 : Str -> V ; --Verb Form V : tafa``ala v5 : Str -> V ; --Verb Form VI : tafaa`ala v6 : Str -> V ; --Verb Form VIII 'ifta`ala v8 : Str -> V ; --3 Two-place verbs -- Two-place verbs need a preposition, except the special case with direct object. -- (transitive verbs). Notice that a particle comes from the $V$. mkV2 : V -> Preposition -> V2 ; dirV2 : V -> V2 ; --3 Three-place verbs -- Three-place (ditransitive) verbs need two prepositions, of which -- the first one or both can be absent. mkV3 : V -> Preposition -> Preposition -> V3 ; -- speak, with, about dirV3 : V -> Preposition -> V3 ; -- give,_,to dirdirV3 : V -> V3 ; -- give,_,_ --3 Other complement patterns -- -- Verbs and adjectives can take complements such as sentences, -- questions, verb phrases, and adjectives. mkV0 : V -> V0 ; mkVS : V -> VS ; mkV2S : V -> Str -> V2S ; -- mkVV : V -> VV ; mkV2V : V -> Str -> Str -> V2V ; mkVA : V -> VA ; mkV2A : V -> Str -> V2A ; mkVQ : V -> VQ ; mkV2Q : V -> Str -> V2Q ; mkAS : A -> AS ; mkA2S : A -> Str -> A2S ; mkAV : A -> AV ; mkA2V : A -> Str -> A2V ; -- Notice: categories $AS, A2S, AV, A2V$ are just $A$, -- and the second argument is given -- as an adverb. Likewise -- $V0$ is just $V$. V0 : Type ; AS, A2S, AV, A2V : Type ; --. --2 Definitions of paradigms -- The definitions should not bother the user of the API. So they are -- hidden from the document. regV : Str -> V = \wo -> let rau : Str * Vowel * Vowel = case wo of { "يَ" + fc + "ُ" + l => ; "يَ" + fc + "ِ" + l => ; "يَ" + fc + "َ" + l => ; f@? + "َ" + c@? + "ِ" + l => ; _ => Predef.error ("regV not applicable to" ++ wo) } in v1 rau.p1 rau.p2 rau.p3 ; v1 = \rootStr,vPerf,vImpf -> let { raw = v1' rootStr vPerf vImpf } in { s = \\vf => case rootStr of { _ + "؟" + _ => rectifyHmz(raw.s ! vf); _ => raw.s ! vf }; lock_V = <> } ; va : Vowel = ResAra.a ; v1' : Str -> Vowel -> Vowel -> Verb = \rootStr,vPerf,vImpf -> let { root = mkRoot3 rootStr ; l = dp 2 rootStr } in --last rootStr case of { <"ّ",_> => v1geminate rootStr vPerf vImpf ; <"و"|"ي",_> => v1defective root vImpf ; <_,"و"|"ي"> => v1hollow root vImpf ; _ => v1sound root vPerf vImpf }; v2 = \rootStr -> let { root = mkRoot3 rootStr } in { s = case root.l of { "و"|"ي" => (v2defective root).s; _ => (v2sound root).s }; lock_V = <> }; v3 = \rootStr -> let { tbc = mkRoot3 rootStr ; } in { s = (v3sound tbc).s ; lock_V = <> }; v4 = \rootStr -> let { root = mkRoot3 rootStr } in { s = case root.l of { "و"|"ي" => (v4defective root).s; _ => (v4sound root).s }; lock_V = <> }; v5 = \rootStr -> let { raw = v5' rootStr } in { s = \\vf => case rootStr of { _ + "؟" + _ => rectifyHmz(raw.s ! vf); _ => raw.s ! vf }; lock_V = <> }; v5' : Str -> V = \rootStr -> let { nfs = mkRoot3 rootStr ; } in { s = (v5sound nfs).s ; lock_V = <> }; v6 = \rootStr -> let { fqm = mkRoot3 rootStr ; } in { s = (v6sound fqm).s ; lock_V = <> }; v8 = \rootStr -> let { rbT = mkRoot3 rootStr ; } in { s = (v8sound rbT).s ; lock_V = <> }; Preposition = Str ; mkN nsc gen spec = { s = nsc; --NTable g = gen; h = spec; lock_N = <> }; brkN' : Str -> Str -> Str -> Gender -> Species -> N = \root,sg,pl,gen,spec -> let { kitAb = mkWord sg root; kutub = mkWord pl root } in mkN (reg kitAb kutub) gen spec; brkN root sg pl gen spec = let { raw = brkN' root sg pl gen spec} in { s = \\n,d,c => case root of { _ + "؟" + _ => rectifyHmz(raw.s ! n ! d ! c); _ => raw.s ! n ! d ! c }; g = gen; h = spec ; lock_N = <> }; sdfN = \root,sg,gen,spec -> let { kalima = mkWord sg root; } in mkN (sndf kalima) gen spec; sdmN = \root,sg,gen,spec -> let { mucallim = mkWord sg root; } in mkN (sndm mucallim) gen spec; mkPN = \str,gen,species -> { s = \\c => str + indecl!c ; g = gen; h = species; lock_PN = <> }; mkN2 = \n,p -> n ** {lock_N2 = <> ; c2 = p} ; mkN3 = \n,p,q -> n ** {lock_N3 = <> ; c2 = p ; c3 = q} ; mkPron : (_,_,_ : Str) -> PerGenNum -> NP = \ana,nI,I,pgn -> { s = table { Nom => ana; Acc => nI; Gen => I }; a = {pgn = pgn; isPron = True }; lock_NP = <> }; -- e.g. al-jamii3, 2a7ad regNP : Str -> Number -> NP = \word,n -> { s = \\c => word ++ vowel ! c ; ---- gives strange chars a = {pgn = Per3 Masc n; isPron = False }; lock_NP = <> }; -- e.g. hadha, dhaalika indeclNP : Str -> Number -> NP = \word,n -> { s = \\c => word ; a = {pgn = Per3 Masc n; isPron = False }; lock_NP = <> }; mkQuant7 : (_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> State -> Quant = \hava,havihi,havAn,havayn,hAtAn,hAtayn,hA'ulA,det -> { s = \\n,s,g,c => case of { <_,Masc,_,Sg> => hava; <_,Fem,_,Sg> => havihi; <_,Masc,Nom,Dl>=> havAn; <_,Masc,_,Dl> => havayn; <_,Fem,Nom,Dl> => hAtAn; <_,Fem,_,Dl> => hAtayn; => hA'ulA; _ => havihi }; d = Def; isPron = False; isNum = False; lock_Quant = <> }; mkQuant3 : (_,_,_ : Str) -> State -> Quant = \dalika,tilka,ula'ika,det -> { s = \\n,s,g,c => case of { <_,Masc,_,Sg> => dalika; <_,Fem,_,Sg> => tilka; => ula'ika; _ => tilka }; d = Def; isPron = False; isNum = False; lock_Quant = <> }; sndA root pat = let raw = sndA' root pat in { s = \\af => case root of { _ + "؟" + _ => rectifyHmz(raw.s ! af); _ => raw.s ! af }; lock_A = <> }; sndA' : Str -> Str -> A = \root,pat -> let { kabIr = mkWord pat root; akbar = mkWord "أَفعَل" root } in { s = table { APosit g n d c => (positAdj kabIr) ! g ! n ! d ! c ; AComp d c => (indeclN akbar) ! d ! c }; lock_A = <> }; clrA root = let { eaHmar = mkWord "أَفعَل" root; HamrA' = mkWord "فَعلاء" root; Humr = mkWord "فُعل" root } in { s = clr eaHmar HamrA' Humr; lock_A = <> }; mkA2 a p = a ** {c2 = p ; lock_A2 = <>} ; mkAdv x = ss x ** {lock_Adv = <>} ; mkAdV x = ss x ** {lock_AdV = <>} ; mkAdA x = ss x ** {lock_AdA = <>} ; mkPreposition p = p ; mkV2 v p = v ** {s = v.s ; c2 = p ; lock_V2 = <>} ; dirV2 v = mkV2 v [] ; mkV3 v p q = v ** {s = v.s ; c2 = p ; c3 = q ; lock_V3 = <>} ; dirV3 v p = mkV3 v [] p ; dirdirV3 v = dirV3 v [] ; mkVS v = v ** {lock_VS = <>} ; mkVQ v = v ** {lock_VQ = <>} ; V0 : Type = V ; ---- V2S, V2V, V2Q, V2A : Type = V2 ; AS, A2S, AV : Type = A ; A2V : Type = A2 ; mkV0 v = v ** {lock_V = <>} ; mkV2S v p = mkV2 v p ** {lock_V2S = <>} ; mkV2V v p t = mkV2 v p ** {s4 = t ; lock_V2V = <>} ; mkVA v = v ** {lock_VA = <>} ; mkV2A v p = mkV2 v p ** {lock_V2A = <>} ; mkV2Q v p = mkV2 v p ** {lock_V2Q = <>} ; mkAS v = v ** {lock_A = <>} ; mkA2S v p = mkA2 v p ** {lock_A = <>} ; mkAV v = v ** {lock_A = <>} ; mkA2V v p = mkA2 v p ** {lock_A2 = <>} ; } ;