--# -path=.:../abstract:../common concrete CompatibilityBul of Compatibility = CatBul ** open Prelude, ResBul in { -- from Noun 19/4/2008 flags coding = cp1251 ; lin NumInt n = {s = \\_ => n.s; n = Pl; nonEmpty = True} ; OrdInt n = {s = \\aform => n.s ++ "-" ++ case aform of { ASg Masc Indef => "ти" ; ASg Fem Indef => "та" ; ASg Neut Indef => "то" ; ASg Masc Def => "тия" ; ASg Fem Def => "тата" ; ASg Neut Def => "тото" ; ASgMascDefNom => "тият" ; APl Indef => "ти" ; APl Def => "тите" } } ; }