module Main where import Numeric import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.Environment -- AR 3/10/2012 -- Chinese unicode - character - pinyin conversions -- character data from main = do xs <- getArgs s <- readFile "pinyin.txt" let ws = mkList (words s) case xs of "c2p":_ -> interact (useMap (c2pMap ws)) -- Chinese char to Pinyin (all results) "p2c":_ -> interact (useMap (p2cMap ws)) -- Pinyin to Chinese char (all results) "c2u":_ -> interact (useMap (c2uMap ws)) -- Chinese char to Unicode hex "u2c":_ -> interact (useMap (u2cMap ws)) -- Unicode hex to Chinese char "c2pGF":_ -> interact (useMapGF (c2pMap ws)) -- char to pinyin (first result) in string literals (e.g. in GF files) "p2cTry":_ -> interact (tryUseMap (p2cMap ws)) -- pinyin to char, trying syllable with all tone marks _ -> mapM_ (putStrLn . printOne) ws mkList ws = case ws of c:w:ws -> (head (map (flip Numeric.showHex "" . fromEnum) c), (c, chop w)) : mkList ws _ -> [] printOne (u,(c,ws)) = u ++ "\t" ++ c ++ "\t" ++ unwords ws chop = words . map unslash where unslash '/' = ' ' unslash c = c useMap :: Map.Map String String -> String -> String useMap = useMapWith words unwords (const "NONE") tryUseMap :: Map.Map String String -> String -> String tryUseMap m = unlines . map try . words where try w = unwords [c ++ " (" ++ w2 ++ ")" | w2 <- alts w, Just c <- [Map.lookup w2 m]] alts w = w : [w ++ show i | i <- [1 .. 4]] useMapWith :: (String -> [String]) -> ([String] -> String) -> (String -> String) -> Map.Map String String -> String -> String useMapWith ws uws deft m = uws . map (\w -> maybe (deft w) id (Map.lookup w m)) . ws useMapGF m s = case s of --- 'C':'h':'i':'n':cs -> "Chin" ++ useMapGF m cs -- don't change Chinese, China --- 'C':'h':'i' :cs -> "Cmn" ++ useMapGF m cs -- to change language code Chi to Cmn '"':cs -> '"':convert cs c :cs -> c :useMapGF m cs _ -> s where convert cs = case cs of '"':s -> '"' : useMapGF m s c :s | elem c (['A'..'Z']++['a'..'z'])-> [c] ++ convert s c :s -> maybe ['#',c] (head . words) (Map.lookup [c] m) ++ convert s _ -> cs c2pMap ws = Map.fromList [(c,unwords (map tone2tone ps)) | (_,(c,ps)) <- ws] c2nMap ws = Map.fromList [(c,unwords ps) | (_,(c,ps)) <- ws] p2cMap ws = Map.fromListWith (++) [(p,c) | (_,(c,ps)) <- ws, p <- ps] -- store all chars with the same pinyin c2uMap ws = Map.fromList [(c,u) | (u,(c,_)) <- ws] u2cMap ws = Map.fromList [(u,c) | (u,(c,_)) <- ws] -- from numeric tones to diacritics tone2tone :: String -> String tone2tone = combine . change . analyse where analyse :: String -> [String] -- four parts: ch,a,ng,1 analyse s = case reverse s of i:'r': v:x | elem i "1234" -> [reverse x,[v],"r", [i]] i:'n': v:x | elem i "1234" -> [reverse x,[v],"n", [i]] i:'g':'n':v:x | elem i "1234" -> [reverse x,[v],"ng",[i]] i: v:x | elem i "1234" -> [reverse x,[v],"", [i]] 'r': v:x -> [reverse x,[v],"r", []] 'n': v:x -> [reverse x,[v],"n", []] 'g':'n': v:x -> [reverse x,[v],"ng",[]] v :x -> [reverse x,[v],"", []] _ -> error $ "illegal pinyin: " ++ s change ss@[x,[v],ng,i] = case i of [] -> ss _ -> [x,[accent v !! (read i - 1)],ng] combine = concat accent v = case v of 'a' -> "āáǎà" 'e' -> "ēéěè" 'i' -> "īíǐì" 'o' -> "ōóǒò" 'u' -> "ūúǔù" 'ü' -> "ǖǘǚǜ" 'v' -> "ǖǘǚǜ" _ -> error $ "no accents for " ++ [v]