concrete IdiomEst of Idiom = CatEst ** open MorphoEst, ParadigmsEst, Prelude in { flags optimize=all_subs ; coding=utf8; lin ExistNP np = let cas : Polarity -> NPForm = \p -> case p of { Pos => NPCase Nom ; -- on olemas lammas Neg => NPCase Part -- ei ole olemas lammast } in mkClause noSubj (agrP3 Sg) (insertObj (\\_,b,_ => "olemas" ++ np.s ! cas b) (predV olla)) ; ExistIP ip = let cas : NPForm = NPCase Nom ; ---- also partitive in Extra vp = insertObj (\\_,b,_ => "olemas") (predV olla) ; cl = mkClause (subjForm (ip ** {isPron = False ; a = agrP3 ip.n}) cas) (agrP3 Sg) vp in { s = \\t,a,p => cl.s ! t ! a ! p ! SDecl } ; -- Notice the nominative in the cleft $NP$: "se on Matti josta Liisa pitää" -- Est: "see on Mati, kellest Liis lugu peab" CleftNP np rs = mkClause (\_ -> "see") (agrP3 Sg) (insertExtrapos (rs.s ! np.a) (insertObj (\\_,_,_ => np.s ! NPCase Nom) (predV olla))) ; -- This gives the almost forbidden "se on Porissa kun Matti asuu". -- Est: "see on Toris, kus Mati elab" (?) CleftAdv ad s = mkClause (\_ -> "see") (agrP3 Sg) (insertExtrapos ("kus" ++ s.s) (insertObj (\\_,_,_ => ad.s) (predV olla))) ; ImpersCl vp = mkClause noSubj (agrP3 Sg) vp ; GenericCl vp = mkClause noSubj (agrP3 Sg) { s = \\_ => vp.s ! VIPass Pres ; s2 = vp.s2 ; adv = vp.adv ; p = vp.p ; ext = vp.ext ; sc = ; } ; ProgrVP vp = let inf = (vp.s ! VIInf InfMas ! Simul ! Pos ! agrP3 Sg).fin ; on = predV olla in { s = on.s ; s2 = \\b,p,a => vp.s2 ! b ! p ! a ++ inf ; adv = vp.adv ; p = vp.p ; ext = vp.ext ; sc = ; } ; -- This gives "otetaan oluet" instead of "ottakaamme oluet". -- The imperative is not available in a $VP$. ImpPl1 vp = let vps = vp.s ! VIPass Pres ! Simul ! Pos ! Ag Pl P1 in {s = vps.fin ++ vps.inf ++ vp.s2 ! True ! Pos ! Ag Pl P1 ++ vp.p ++ vp.ext } ; oper olla = verbOlema ** {sc = NPCase Nom} ; noSubj : Polarity -> Str = \_ -> [] ; }