concrete LiftChi of Lift = RGLBaseChi - [Pol,Tense,Ant] ,PredChi ** open CommonScand, ResChi, PredInstanceChi, Prelude in { --flags literal=Symb ; oper liftV = PredInstanceChi.liftV ; lin LiftV v = liftV v ; LiftV2 v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2} ; LiftVS v = liftV v ; LiftVQ v = liftV v ; LiftVA v = liftV v ; ---- c1? LiftVN v = liftV v ; ---- c1? LiftVV v = liftV v ; LiftV3 v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2 ; c2 = v.c3} ; LiftV2S v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2} ; LiftV2Q v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2} ; LiftV2V v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2 ; c2 = v.c3} ; LiftV2A v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2} ; LiftV2N v = : PrVerb> ** {c1 = v.c2} ; LiftAP ap = {s = \\a => ap.s ; c1,c2 = noComplCase ; obj1 = \\_ => []} ; --- monosyl LiftA2 ap = {s = \\a => ap.s ; c1 = ap.c2 ; c2 = noComplCase ; obj1 = \\_ => []} ; --- isPre LiftCN cn = {s = \\n => cn.s ; c1,c2 = noComplCase ; obj1 = \\_ => []} ; LiftN2 cn = {s = \\n => cn.s ; c1 = cn.c2 ; c2 = noComplCase ; obj1 = \\_ => []} ; AppAPCN ap cn = {s = ap.s ! UUnit ++ cn.s ; c = cn.c} ; ---- LiftAdv a = {advType = a.advType ; prepPre = a.s ; prepPost = []} ; LiftAdV a = {advType = ATTime ; prepPre = a.s ; prepPost = []} ; ---- the first adv place LiftPrep p = p ; }