--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../../prelude --1 Finnish auxiliary operations. -- This module contains operations that are needed to make the -- resource syntax work. To define everything that is needed to -- implement $Test$, it moreover contains regular lexical -- patterns needed for $Lex$. resource ResFin = ParamX ** open Prelude in { flags optimize=all ; coding=utf8 ; --2 Parameters for $Noun$ -- This is the $Case$ as needed for both nouns and $NP$s. param Case = Nom | Gen | Part | Transl | Ess | Iness | Elat | Illat | Adess | Ablat | Allat | Abess ; -- Comit, Instruct in NForm NForm = NCase Number Case | NComit | NInstruct -- no number dist | NPossNom Number | NPossGen Number --- number needed for syntax of AdjCN | NPossTransl Number | NPossIllat Number | NCompound ; -- special compound form, e.g. "nais" --- These cases are possible for subjects. SubjCase = SCNom | SCGen | SCPart | SCElat | SCAdess | SCAblat ; oper appSubjCase : SubjCase -> ResFin.NP -> Str = \sc,np -> np.s ! subjcase2npform sc ; subjcase2npform : SubjCase -> NPForm = \sc -> case sc of { SCNom => NPCase Nom ; SCGen => NPCase Gen ; SCPart => NPCase Part ; SCElat => NPCase Elat ; SCAdess => NPCase Adess ; SCAblat => NPCase Ablat } ; npform2subjcase : NPForm -> SubjCase = \sc -> case sc of { NPCase Gen => SCGen ; NPCase Part => SCPart ; NPCase Elat => SCElat ; NPCase Adess => SCAdess ; NPCase Ablat => SCAblat ; _ => SCNom } ; -- Agreement of $NP$ has number*person and the polite second ("te olette valmis"). param Agr = Ag Number Person | AgPol ; -- Vowel harmony, used for CNs in determining the correct possessive suffix. Harmony = Back | Front ; oper complNumAgr : Agr -> Number = \a -> case a of { Ag n _ => n ; AgPol => Sg } ; verbAgr : Agr -> {n : Number ; p : Person} = \a -> case a of { Ag n p => {n = n ; p = p} ; AgPol => {n = Pl ; p = P2} } ; oper NP = {s : NPForm => Str ; a : Agr ; isPron : Bool} ; -- --2 Adjectives -- -- The major division is between the comparison degrees. A degree fixed, -- an adjective is like common nouns, except for the adverbial form. param AForm = AN NForm | AAdv ; oper Adjective : Type = {s : Degree => AForm => Str} ; --2 Noun phrases -- -- Two forms of *virtual accusative* are needed for nouns in singular, -- the nominative and the genitive one ("ostan talon"/"osta talo"). -- For nouns in plural, only a nominative accusative exist. Pronouns -- have a uniform, special accusative form ("minut", etc). param NPForm = NPCase Case | NPAcc | NPSep ; -- NPSep is NP used alone, e.g. in an Utt and as complement to copula. Equals NPCase Nom except for pro-drop oper npform2case : Number -> NPForm -> Case = \n,f -> -- type signature: workaround for gfc bug 9/11/2007 case < : NPForm * Number> of { => c ; => Gen ; -- appCompl does the job => Nom ; => Nom } ; n2nform : NForm -> NForm = \nf -> case nf of { NPossNom n => NCase n Nom ; ---- NPossGen n => NCase n Gen ; NPossTransl n => NCase n Transl ; NPossIllat n => NCase n Illat ; _ => nf } ; --2 For $Verb$ -- A special form is needed for the negated plural imperative. param VForm = Inf InfForm | Presn Number Person | Impf Number Person --# notpresent | Condit Number Person --# notpresent | Potent Number Person --# notpresent | PotentNeg --# notpresent | Imper Number | ImperP3 Number | ImperP1Pl | ImpNegPl | PassPresn Bool | PassImpf Bool --# notpresent | PassCondit Bool --# notpresent | PassPotent Bool --# notpresent | PassImper Bool | PastPartAct AForm | PastPartPass AForm | PresPartAct AForm | PresPartPass AForm | AgentPart AForm ; InfForm = Inf1 -- puhua | Inf1Long -- puhuakseni | Inf2Iness -- puhuessa | Inf2Instr -- puhuen | Inf2InessPass -- puhuttaessa | Inf3Iness -- puhumassa | Inf3Elat -- puhumasta | Inf3Illat -- puhumaan | Inf3Adess -- puhumalla | Inf3Abess -- puhumatta | Inf3Instr -- puhuman | Inf3InstrPass -- puhuttaman | Inf4Nom -- puhuminen | Inf4Part -- puhumista | Inf5 -- puhumaisillani | InfPresPart -- puhuvan | InfPresPartAgr -- puhuva(mme) ; -- These forms appear in complements to VV and V2V. VVType = VVInf | VVIness | VVIllat | VVPresPart ; oper vvtype2infform : VVType -> InfForm = \vt -> case vt of { VVInf => Inf1 ; VVIness => Inf3Iness ; VVIllat => Inf3Illat ; VVPresPart => InfPresPart } ; infform2vvtype : InfForm -> VVType = \vt -> case vt of { Inf3Iness => VVIness ; Inf3Illat => VVIllat ; InfPresPart => VVPresPart ; _ => VVInf } ; param SType = SDecl | SQuest ; --2 For $Relative$ RAgr = RNoAg | RAg Agr ; --2 For $Numeral$ CardOrd = NCard NForm | NOrd NForm ; --2 Transformations between parameter types oper agrP3 : Number -> Agr = \n -> Ag n P3 ; conjAgr : Agr -> Agr -> Agr = \a,b -> case of { => Ag (conjNumber n m) (conjPerson p q) ; => Ag Pl (conjPerson p P2) ; => Ag Pl (conjPerson p P2) ; _ => b } ; --- Compl : Type = { s : Str * Str * (Agr => Str) ; c : NPForm ; } ; appCompl : Bool -> Polarity -> Compl -> ResFin.NP -> Str = \isFin,b,co,np -> let c = case co.c of { NPAcc => case b of { Neg => NPCase Part ; -- en näe taloa/sinua Pos => case isFin of { True => NPAcc ; -- näen/täytyy nähdä sinut _ => case np.isPron of { False => NPCase Nom ; -- täytyy nähdä talo _ => NPAcc } } } ; _ => co.c } ; nps = np.s ! c ; cos1 = co.s.p1 ; cos2 = case c of { NPCase Gen => case np.isPron of { True => co.s.p3 ! np.a ; False => co.s.p2 } ; _ => co.s.p2 } ; in cos1 ++ nps ++ cos2 ; -- For $Verb$. Verb : Type = { s : VForm => Str } ; param VIForm = VIFin Tense | VIInf InfForm | VIPass Tense | VIImper ; oper -- For $Sentence$. Clause : Type = { s : Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => SType => Str } ; ClausePlus : Type = { s : Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => {subj,fin,inf,compl,adv,ext : Str ; h : Harmony} } ; insertKinClausePlus : Predef.Ints 1 -> ClausePlus -> ClausePlus = \p,cl -> { s = \\t,a,b => let c = cl.s ! t ! a ! b in case p of { 0 => {subj = c.subj ++ kin b Back ; fin = c.fin ; inf = c.inf ; -- Jussikin nukkuu compl = c.compl ; adv = c.adv ; ext = c.ext ; h = c.h} ; 1 => {subj = c.subj ; fin = c.fin ++ kin b c.h ; inf = c.inf ; -- Jussi nukkuukin compl = c.compl ; adv = c.adv ; ext = c.ext ; h = c.h} } } ; insertObjClausePlus : Predef.Ints 1 -> Bool -> (Polarity => Str) -> ClausePlus -> ClausePlus = \p,ifKin,obj,cl -> { s = \\t,a,b => let c = cl.s ! t ! a ! b ; co = obj ! b ++ if_then_Str ifKin (kin b Back) [] ; in case p of { 0 => {subj = c.subj ; fin = c.fin ; inf = c.inf ; compl = co ; adv = c.compl ++ c.adv ; ext = c.ext ; h = c.h} ; -- Jussi juo maitoakin 1 => {subj = c.subj ; fin = c.fin ; inf = c.inf ; compl = c.compl ; adv = co ; ext = c.adv ++ c.ext ; h = c.h} -- Jussi nukkuu nytkin } } ; kin : Polarity -> Harmony -> Str = \p,b -> case p of {Pos => (mkPart "kin" "kin").s ! b ; Neg => (mkPart "kaan" "kään").s ! b} ; mkPart : Str -> Str -> {s : Harmony => Str} = \ko,koe -> {s = table {Back => glueTok ko ; Front => glueTok koe}} ; glueTok : Str -> Str = \s -> "&+" ++ s ; -- This is used for subjects of passives: therefore isFin in False. subjForm : NP -> SubjCase -> Polarity -> Str = \np,sc,b -> appCompl False b {s = <[],[],\\_ => []> ; c = subjcase2npform sc} np ; questPart : Harmony -> Str = \b -> case b of {Back => "ko" ; _ => "kö"} ; -- The definitions below were moved here from $MorphoFin$ so that the -- auxiliary of predication can be defined. verbOlla : Verb = let ollut = (noun2adj (nhn (sRae "ollut" "olleena"))).s ; oltu = (noun2adj (nhn (sKukko "oltu" "ollun" "oltuja"))).s ; oleva = (noun2adj (nhn (sKukko "oleva" "olevan" "olevia"))).s ; oltava = (noun2adj (nhn (sKukko "oltava" "oltavan" "oltavia"))).s ; olema = (noun2adj (nhn (sKukko "olema" "oleman" "olemia"))).s ; in {s = table { Inf Inf1 => "olla" ; Inf Inf1Long => "ollakse" ; Inf Inf2Iness => "ollessa" ; Inf Inf2Instr => "ollen" ; Inf Inf2InessPass => "oltaessa" ; Inf Inf3Iness => "olemassa" ; Inf Inf3Elat => "olemasta" ; Inf Inf3Illat => "olemaan" ; Inf Inf3Adess => "olemalla" ; Inf Inf3Abess => "olematta" ; Inf Inf3Instr => "oleman" ; Inf Inf3InstrPass => "oltaman" ; Inf Inf4Nom => "oleminen" ; Inf Inf4Part => "olemista" ; Inf Inf5 => "olemaisilla" ; Inf InfPresPart => "olevan" ; Inf InfPresPartAgr => "oleva" ; Presn Sg P1 => "olen" ; Presn Sg P2 => "olet" ; Presn Sg P3 => "on" ; Presn Pl P1 => "olemme" ; Presn Pl P2 => "olette" ; Presn Pl P3 => "ovat" ; Impf Sg P1 => "olin" ; --# notpresent Impf Sg P2 => "olit" ; --# notpresent Impf Sg P3 => "oli" ; --# notpresent Impf Pl P1 => "olimme" ; --# notpresent Impf Pl P2 => "olitte" ; --# notpresent Impf Pl P3 => "olivat" ; --# notpresent Condit Sg P1 => "olisin" ; --# notpresent Condit Sg P2 => "olisit" ; --# notpresent Condit Sg P3 => "olisi" ; --# notpresent Condit Pl P1 => "olisimme" ; --# notpresent Condit Pl P2 => "olisitte" ; --# notpresent Condit Pl P3 => "olisivat" ; --# notpresent Potent Sg P1 => "lienen" ; --# notpresent Potent Sg P2 => "lienet" ; --# notpresent Potent Sg P3 => "lienee" ; --# notpresent Potent Pl P1 => "lienemme" ; --# notpresent Potent Pl P2 => "lienette" ; --# notpresent Potent Pl P3 => "lienevät" ; --# notpresent PotentNeg => "liene" ; --# notpresent Imper Sg => "ole" ; Imper Pl => "olkaa" ; ImperP3 Sg => "olkoon" ; ImperP3 Pl => "olkoot" ; ImperP1Pl => "olkaamme" ; ImpNegPl => "olko" ; PassPresn True => "ollaan" ; PassPresn False => "olla" ; PassImpf True => "oltiin" ; --# notpresent PassImpf False => "oltu" ; --# notpresent PassCondit True => "oltaisiin" ; --# notpresent PassCondit False => "oltaisi" ; --# notpresent PassPotent True => "oltaneen" ; --# notpresent PassPotent False => "oltane" ; --# notpresent PassImper True => "oltakoon" ; PassImper False => "oltako" ; PastPartAct n => ollut ! n ; PastPartPass n => oltu ! n ; PresPartAct n => oleva ! n ; PresPartPass n => oltava ! n ; AgentPart n => olema ! n } } ; --3 Verbs -- -- The present, past, conditional. and infinitive stems, acc. to Koskenniemi. -- Unfortunately not enough (without complicated processes). -- We moreover give grade alternation forms as arguments, since it does not -- happen automatically. --- A problem remains with the verb "seistä", where the infinitive --- stem has vowel harmony "ä" but the others "a", thus "seisoivat" but "seiskää". noun2adj : CommonNoun -> Adj = noun2adjComp True ; noun2adjComp : Bool -> CommonNoun -> Adj = \isPos,tuore -> let tuoreesti = Predef.tk 1 (tuore.s ! NCase Sg Gen) + "sti" ; tuoreemmin = Predef.tk 2 (tuore.s ! NCase Sg Gen) + "in" in {s = table { AN f => tuore.s ! f ; AAdv => if_then_Str isPos tuoreesti tuoreemmin } } ; CommonNoun = {s : NForm => Str ; h : Harmony } ; --IL 11/2012, vowharmony -- To form an adjective, it is usually enough to give a noun declension: the -- adverbial form is regular. Adj : Type = {s : AForm => Str} ; NounH : Type = { a,vesi,vede,vete,vetta,veteen,vetii,vesii,vesien,vesia,vesiin : Str } ; -- worst-case macro mkSubst : Str -> (_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> NounH = \a,vesi,vede,vete,vetta,veteen,vetii,vesii,vesien,vesia,vesiin -> {a = a ; vesi = vesi ; vede = vede ; vete = vete ; vetta = vetta ; veteen = veteen ; vetii = vetii ; vesii = vesii ; vesien = vesien ; vesia = vesia ; vesiin = vesiin } ; nhn : NounH -> CommonNoun = \nh -> let a = nh.a ; vesi = nh.vesi ; vede = nh.vede ; vete = nh.vete ; vetta = nh.vetta ; veteen = nh.veteen ; vetii = nh.vetii ; vesii = nh.vesii ; vesien = nh.vesien ; vesia = nh.vesia ; vesiin = nh.vesiin ; harmony : Harmony = case a of {"a" => Back ; _ => Front } in {s = table { NCase Sg Nom => vesi ; NCase Sg Gen => vede + "n" ; NCase Sg Part => vetta ; NCase Sg Transl => vede + "ksi" ; NCase Sg Ess => vete + ("n" + a) ; NCase Sg Iness => vede + ("ss" + a) ; NCase Sg Elat => vede + ("st" + a) ; NCase Sg Illat => veteen ; NCase Sg Adess => vede + ("ll" + a) ; NCase Sg Ablat => vede + ("lt" + a) ; NCase Sg Allat => vede + "lle" ; NCase Sg Abess => vede + ("tt" + a) ; NCase Pl Nom => vede + "t" ; NCase Pl Gen => vesien ; NCase Pl Part => vesia ; NCase Pl Transl => vesii + "ksi" ; NCase Pl Ess => vetii + ("n" + a) ; NCase Pl Iness => vesii + ("ss" + a) ; NCase Pl Elat => vesii + ("st" + a) ; NCase Pl Illat => vesiin ; NCase Pl Adess => vesii + ("ll" + a) ; NCase Pl Ablat => vesii + ("lt" + a) ; NCase Pl Allat => vesii + "lle" ; NCase Pl Abess => vesii + ("tt" + a) ; NComit => vetii + "ne" ; NInstruct => vesii + "n" ; NPossNom _ => vete ; NPossGen Sg => vete ; NPossGen Pl => Predef.tk 1 vesien ; NPossTransl Sg => vede + "kse" ; NPossTransl Pl => vesii + "kse" ; NPossIllat Sg => Predef.tk 1 veteen ; NPossIllat Pl => Predef.tk 1 vesiin ; NCompound => vesi } ; h = harmony } ; -- Surprisingly, making the test for the partitive, this not only covers -- "rae", "perhe", "savuke", but also "rengas", "lyhyt" (except $Sg Illat$), etc. sRae : (_,_ : Str) -> NounH = \rae,rakeena -> let { a = Predef.dp 1 rakeena ; rakee = Predef.tk 2 rakeena ; rakei = Predef.tk 1 rakee + "i" ; raet = rae + (ifTok Str (Predef.dp 1 rae) "e" "t" []) } in mkSubst a rae rakee rakee (raet + ("t" + a)) (rakee + "seen") rakei rakei (rakei + "den") (rakei + ("t" + a)) (rakei + "siin") ; -- Nouns with partitive "a"/"ä" ; -- to account for grade and vowel alternation, three forms are usually enough -- Examples: "talo", "kukko", "huippu", "koira", "kukka", "syylä",... sKukko : (_,_,_ : Str) -> NounH = \kukko,kukon,kukkoja -> let { o = Predef.dp 1 kukko ; a = Predef.dp 1 kukkoja ; kukkoj = Predef.tk 1 kukkoja ; i = Predef.dp 1 kukkoj ; ifi = ifTok Str i "i" ; kukkoi = ifi kukkoj (Predef.tk 1 kukkoj) ; e = Predef.dp 1 kukkoi ; kukoi = Predef.tk 2 kukon + Predef.dp 1 kukkoi } in mkSubst a kukko (Predef.tk 1 kukon) kukko (kukko + a) (kukko + o + "n") (kukkoi + ifi "" "i") (kukoi + ifi "" "i") (ifTok Str e "e" (Predef.tk 1 kukkoi + "ien") (kukkoi + ifi "en" "jen")) kukkoja (kukkoi + ifi "in" "ihin") ; -- Reflexive pronoun. --- Possessive could be shared with the more general $NounFin.DetCN$. oper reflPron : Agr -> NP = \agr -> let itse = (nhn (sKukko "itse" "itsen" "itsejä")).s ; nsa = possSuffixFront agr in { s = table { NPCase Nom | NPSep => itse ! NPossNom Sg ; NPCase Gen | NPAcc => itse ! NPossNom Sg + nsa ; NPCase Transl => itse ! NPossTransl Sg + nsa ; NPCase Illat => itse ! NPossIllat Sg + nsa ; NPCase c => itse ! NCase Sg c + nsa } ; a = agr ; isPron = False -- no special acc form } ; possSuffixGen : Harmony -> Agr -> Str = \h,agr -> case h of { Front => BIND ++ possSuffixFront agr ; Back => BIND ++ possSuffix agr } ; possSuffixFront : Agr -> Str = \agr -> table Agr ["ni" ; "si" ; "nsä" ; "mme" ; "nne" ; "nsä" ; "nne"] ! agr ; possSuffix : Agr -> Str = \agr -> table Agr ["ni" ; "si" ; "nsa" ; "mme" ; "nne" ; "nsa" ; "nne"] ! agr ; oper rp2np : Number -> {s : Number => NPForm => Str ; a : RAgr} -> NP = \n,rp -> { s = rp.s ! n ; a = agrP3 Sg ; -- does not matter (--- at least in Slash) isPron = False -- has no special accusative } ; etta_Conj : Str = "että" ; heavyDet : PDet -> PDet ** {sp : Case => Str} = \d -> d ** {sp = d.s1} ; PDet : Type = { s1 : Case => Str ; s2 : Harmony => Str ; n : Number ; isNum : Bool ; isPoss : Bool ; isDef : Bool ; isNeg : Bool } ; heavyQuant : PQuant -> PQuant ** {sp : Number => Case => Str} = \d -> d ** {sp = d.s1} ; PQuant : Type = { s1 : Number => Case => Str ; s2 : Harmony => Str ; isPoss : Bool ; isDef : Bool ; isNeg : Bool } ; }