import Data.Char import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import qualified Data.Set as S wiktFile = "en-fr-enwiktionary.txt" dictFuns = "dictfuns.txt" irregFre = "irregFre.txt" oldFre = "oldFre.txt" -- AR 10/10/2013 -- extracting a lexicon from Wiktionary as presented in -- -- downloaded from -- -- abjure_V2 : V2 ; ==> (abjure_V, 2) main = do funs <- readFile dictFuns >>= return . map (break (\c -> isDigit c || isSpace c)) . lines let funmap = M.fromList [(w,takeWhile (not . isSpace) c) | (w,c) <- funs] fverbmap <- readFile irregFre >>= return . M.fromList . map mkVerb . lines oldFre <- readFile oldFre >>= return . S.fromList . map (head . words) . lines wiks0 <- readFile wiktFile >>= return . map analyseLine . lines let wiks1 = [(w1,c1,f1) | (w0,c0,f0) <- wiks0, c0 /= "?", not (all isSpace f0), -- not empty string let w = w0 ++ "_" ++ c0, Just cs <- [M.lookup w funmap], let c1 = c0 ++ cs, let w1 = w0 ++ "_" ++ c1, not (S.member w1 oldFre), let f1 = analyseFre fverbmap c0 (uncomment f0), notElem ' ' (fst f1) -- exclude multiwords, for sanity ] let dict = unlines $ map convertLine $ groupEntries wiks1 -- putStrLn dict writeFile "NewDictFre.txt" dict -- [sur un sofa or sur un canapé] s'allonger ==> s'allonger uncomment s = case break (=='[') s of (s1,_:s2) -> s1 ++ case break (== ']') s2 of (_,_:s4) -> s4 _ -> [] _ -> s groupEntries = map variants . groupBy sameFun where sameFun (f,_,_) (g,_,_) = f == g variants fes@((f,c,_):_) = (f,c,[s | (_,_,s) <- fes]) -- abjure {v} /æbˈdʒʊɹ/ (to renounce with solemnity) :: abjurer ==> (abjure, V, abjurer) analyseLine l = case words l of w:c:rest | head c == '{' && elem "::" rest -> (fun w,cat c, takeWhile (/=',') (unwords (tail (dropWhile (/= "::") rest)))) _ -> ([],[],[]) fun = map fc where fc c = if isAlphaNum c then c else '_' cat s = case (init (tail s)) of "adj" -> "A" "n" -> "N" "v" -> "V" "prop" -> "PN" "adv" -> "Adv" "conj" -> "Conj" "interj" -> "Interj" "determiner" -> "Det" _ -> "?" analyseFre vmap c s = case (c, break (=='{') s) of ("N", (w,"{m}")) -> (init w,["masculine"]) ("N", (w,"{f}")) -> (init w,["feminine"]) ("PN", (w,"{m}")) -> (init w,["masculine"]) ("PN", (w,"{f}")) -> (init w,["feminine"]) ("A", (w,'{':_)) -> (init w,[]) (_, (w,'{':_)) -> (init w,[]) (_,_) -> case (c, splitAt 2 s) of ('V':_, ("se", ' ':v)) -> (mkV v, ["reflV"]) ('V':_, ("s'", v)) -> (mkV v, ["reflV"]) ('V':_, _) -> (mkV s, []) _ -> (s, []) where mkV s = case M.lookup s vmap of Just f -> "I." ++ f _ -> s mkVerb s = case words s of v:_ -> (takeWhile (/='_') v, v) convertLine (eng,cat,fps) = eng ++ " = " ++ unwords (intersperse "|" (map lin fps)) ++ " ;" where lin (fre,ps) = case (cat,fre,ps) of ('V':_, 'I':'.':_, ["reflV"]) -> "mk" ++ cat ++ " (reflV (mkV " ++ fre ++ "))" ('V':_, 'I':'.':_, []) -> "mk" ++ cat ++ " (mkV " ++ fre ++ ")" ('V':_, _, ["reflV"]) -> "mk" ++ cat ++ " (reflV (mkV \"" ++ fre ++ "\"))" ('V':_, _, []) -> "mk" ++ cat ++ " (mkV \"" ++ fre ++ "\")" _ -> "mk" ++ cat ++ " \"" ++ fre ++ "\" " ++ unwords ps