import Data.Char import Data.List main = mkLatin mkLatin = do ws <- readFile "DICTPAGE.RAW" >>= return . lines let fcs = mkDict ws let fs = [unwords [status st ++ "fun",f,":",cat,";","--",eng] | [st, f,cat,_,eng] <- fcs] let ls = [unwords [status st ++ "lin",f,"=",lat,";"] | [st, f,_,lat,_] <- fcs] writeFile "" "abstract DictLatAbs = Cat ** {" appendFile "" "\n-- extracted from\n" appendFile "" (unlines fs) appendFile "" "}" writeFile "" "concrete DictLat of DictLatAbs = CatLat ** open ParadigmsLat in {" appendFile "" "\n-- extracted from\n" appendFile "" (unlines ls) appendFile "" "}" let es = [unwords [status st ++ "lin",f,"=",mkEng cat eng,";"] | [st, f,cat,_,eng] <- fcs] writeFile "" "concrete DictLatEng of DictLatAbs = CatEng ** open ParadigmsEng in {" appendFile "" "\n-- extracted from\n" appendFile "" (unlines es) appendFile "" "}" --- putStrLn $ unlines ls mkDict :: [String] -> [[String]] -- fun, cat, lat, eng mkDict = map mkOne . zip [10001 ..] . map cleanUp where cleanUp s = let (lat,eng) = break (=='[') s in (words (filter (\c -> c==' ' || isLetter c) lat), eng) mkOne (i,(lws,eng)) = addId i (mkLat lws) ++ [eng] mkLat lws = case lws of x:y:"N":_:g:_ -> f [x, "N", lin "mkN" [show x,show y, (snd (gender g))]] where f = if fst (gender g) then ok else todo x:y:"N": g:_ -> f [x, "N", lin "mkN" [show x,show y, (snd (gender g))]] where f = if fst (gender g) then ok else todo x:"gen":z:"ADJ":_ -> ok [x, "A", lin "mkA" [show x]] x:y:z:"ADJ":_ -> ok [x, "A", lin "mkA" [show x]] x:"ADV":_ -> ok [x, "Adv", lin "mkAdv" [show x]] x:y:z:u:"V":_:"INTRANS":_ -> okv [y, "V", lin "mkV" [show y,show x,show z,show u]] x:y:z:u:"V":_:"TRANS":_ -> okv [y, "V2", lin "mkV2" ["(" ++ lin "mkV" [show y,show x,show z,show u] ++ ")"]] x:y:z:u:"V":_:"DEP":_ -> todo [y, "V", lin "depV" ["(" ++ lin "mkV" [show y,show x,show z,show u] ++ ")"]] x:y:z:u:"V":_ -> okv [y, "V", lin "mkV" [show y,show x,show z,show u]] _ -> todo ["TODO","",unwords lws] addId i (st:f:c:rest) = st:(f ++ "_" ++ show i ++ "_" ++ c):c:rest gender g = case g of "M" -> (True, "masculine") "F" -> (True, "feminine") "N" -> (True, "neuter") "C" -> (True, "masculine {-C-}") _ -> (False, g ++ "{-??-}") fun x c = x ++ "_" ++ c lin f xs = unwords (f:xs) todo xs = "1":xs ok xs = "0":xs okv r@(f:_) = if elem (take 3 (reverse f)) ["era","ere","eri"] then ok r else todo r status st = case st of "0" -> "" _ -> "-- " -- build an English version: TODO better analysis of the notation mkEng cat eng = unwords $ intersperse "|" $ map mkOne engs where mkOne s = unwords ["mk" ++ cat, show s] engs = [clean (takeWhile (flip notElem "\r,;") (drop 11 eng))] ---- TODO clean s = case s of '\\':r:cs -> clean cs c:cs -> c:clean cs _ -> s -- [DXXFS] :: counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column; -- [EEQEE] :: Father; (Aramaic); bishop of Syriac/Coptic church; (false read obba/decanter);