concrete DocumentationRus of Documentation = CatRus ** open ResRus, HTML in { flags coding=utf8 ; lincat Inflection = {t : Str; s1,s2,s3 : Str} ; Definition = {s : Str} ; Document = {s : Str} ; Tag = {s : Str} ; lin InflectionN, InflectionN2, InflectionN3 = \n -> { t = "сущ" ; s1= heading1 ("Существительное"++ case n.g of { Masc => "(м.р.)" ; Fem => "(ж.р.)" ; Neut => "(ср.р.)" } ++ case n.anim of { Animate => "Одушевлённое" ; Inanimate => "Неодушевлённое" } ) ; s2= frameTable ( tr (th "Падеж" ++ th "ед. ч." ++ th "мн. ч.") ++ tr (th "Им." ++ td (n.s ! (NF Sg Nom) nom) ++ td (n.s ! (NF Pl Nom nom))) ++ tr (th "Р." ++ td (n.s ! (NF Sg Gen) nom) ++ td (n.s ! (NF Pl Gen nom))) ++ tr (th "Д." ++ td (n.s ! (NF Sg Dat) nom) ++ td (n.s ! (NF Pl Dat nom))) ++ tr (th "В." ++ td (n.s ! (NF Sg Acc) nom) ++ td (n.s ! (NF Pl Acc nom))) ++ tr (th "Тв." ++ td (n.s ! (NF Sg Inst) nom) ++ td (n.s ! (NF Pl Inst nom))) ++ tr (th "Пр." ++ td (n.s ! (NF Sg (Prepos PrepOther) nom)) ++ td (n.s ! (NF Pl (Prepos PrepOther) nom))) ) ; s3= "" } ; InflectionA, InflectionA2 = \a -> { t = "прил" ; s1= heading1 ("Прилагательное" ) ; s2= frameTable ( intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-top-color:white;border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"6\"" "Положительная степень сравнения") ++ tr ( intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\" colspan=\"2\"" "Падеж" ++ intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"3\"" "ед. ч." ++ intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "мн. ч." ) ++ tr(th "муж. р." ++ th "ср. р." ++ th "жен. р.") ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Им." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Nom Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Р." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Gen Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Д." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Dat Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "В." ++ th "одуш." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=\"2\"" (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=\"2\"" (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Animate GPl))) ++ tr ( th "неодуш." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Inanimate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Inanimate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Тв." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Inst Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Пр." ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Inst Animate GPl))) ++ intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"6\"" "Сравнительная степень сравнения") ++ tr (intagAttr "td" "colspan=\"6\" align=\"center\" style=\"border-top-color:black\"" (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Masc)))) ++ -- tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Им." -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Masc))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Neut))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Fem))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Nom Animate GPl))) ++ -- tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Р." -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Masc))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Neut))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Fem))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Gen Animate GPl))) ++ -- tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Д." -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Masc))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Neut))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Fem))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Dat Animate GPl))) ++ -- tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "В." -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Masc))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Neut))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Fem))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Acc Animate GPl))) ++ -- tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Тв." -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Masc))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Neut))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Fem))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF Inst Animate GPl))) ++ -- tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Пр." -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Masc))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Neut))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Fem))) -- ++ td (a.s ! Compar ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate GPl))) ++ intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"6\"" "Превосходная степень сравнения") ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Им." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Nom Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Nom Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Р." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Gen Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Gen Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Д." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Dat Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Dat Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "В." ++ th "одуш." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=\"2\"" (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ intagAttr "td" "rowspan=\"2\"" (a.s ! Posit ! (AF Acc Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Acc Animate GPl))) ++ tr ( th "неодуш." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Acc Inanimate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Acc Inanimate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Тв." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Inst Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF Inst Animate GPl))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "Пр." ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Superl ! (AF (Prepos PrepOther) Animate GPl))) ++ intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"6\"" "Краткая форма") ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"2\"" "" ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AFShort (GSg Masc))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AFShort (GSg Neut))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AFShort (GSg Fem))) ++ td (a.s ! Posit ! (AFShort GPl))) ); s3= "" } ; InflectionV = \v -> { t = "гл" ; s1 = heading1 ("Глагол" ++ case v.asp of { Imperfective => "совершенный" ; Perfective => "несовершенный" }) ; s2 = frameTable ( tr( intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "Лицо" ++ intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"3\"" "ед. ч." ++ intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "мн. ч." ) ++ tr(th "муж. р." ++ th "ср. р." ++ th "жен. р.") ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-bottom-color:white;border-top-color:white;border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "style=\"text-align:center;padding-top:20px;\"colspan=5" "Действительный залог")) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Настоящее время")) ++ tr(th "I" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VPresent P1)))) ++ tr(th "II" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VPresent P2)))) ++ tr(th "III" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VPresent P3)))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Прошедшее время")) ++ tr(th "" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl VPast))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Будущее время")) ++ tr( th "I" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VFuture P1)))) ++ tr(th "II" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VFuture P2)))) ++ tr(th "III" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VFuture P3)))) ); s3 = "" ; } ; InflectionV2, InflectionVV, InflectionVS, InflectionVQ, InflectionVA, InflectionV3, InflectionV2V, InflectionV2S, InflectionV2Q, InflectionV2A = \v -> { t = "гл" ; s1 = heading1 ("Глагол" ++ case v.asp of { Imperfective => "совершенный" ; Perfective => "несовершенный" }) ; s2 = frameTable ( tr( intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "Лицо" ++ intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"3\"" "ед. ч." ++ intagAttr "th" "rowspan=\"2\"" "мн. ч." ) ++ tr(th "муж. р." ++ th "ср. р." ++ th "жен. р.") ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-bottom-color:white;border-top-color:white;border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "style=\"text-align:center;padding-top:20px;\"colspan=5" "Действительный залог")) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Настоящее время")) ++ tr(th "I" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VPresent P1)))) ++ tr(th "II" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VPresent P2)))) ++ tr(th "III" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VPresent P3)))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Прошедшее время")) ++ tr(th "" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl VPast))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Будущее время")) ++ tr( th "I" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VFuture P1)))) ++ tr(th "II" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VFuture P2)))) ++ tr(th "III" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Act (VIND GPl (VFuture P3)))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-bottom-color:white;border-top-color:white;border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "style=\"text-align:center;padding-top:20px;\"colspan=5" "Страдательный залог")) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Настоящее время")) ++ tr(th "I" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl (VPresent P1)))) ++ tr(th "II" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl (VPresent P2)))) ++ tr(th "III" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) (VPresent P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl (VPresent P3)))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Прошедшее время")) ++ tr(th "" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) VPast)) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl VPast))) ++ (intagAttr "tr" "style=\"border-left-color:white;border-right-color:white\"" (intagAttr "th" "colspan=\"5\"" "Будущее время")) ++ tr(th "Первое" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P1))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl (VFuture P1)))) ++ tr(th "Второе" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P2))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl (VFuture P2)))) ++ tr(th "Третье" ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Masc) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Neut) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND (GSg Fem) (VFuture P3))) ++ td (v.s ! VFORM Pass (VIND GPl (VFuture P3)))) ) ; s3 = "" ; } ; InflectionAdv = \adv -> { t = "нар" ; s1= heading1 ("Наречие") ; s2= paragraph (adv.s) ; s3= "" } ; InflectionPrep = \prep -> { t = "пр" ; s1= heading1 ("Предлог") ; s2= paragraph (prep.s) ; s3= "" } ; lin MkDocument d i e = {s = i.s1 ++ d.s ++ i.s2 ++ i.s3 ++ e.s} ; MkTag i = {s = i.t} ; NoDefinition t = {s=t.s}; MkDefinition t d = {s="


"}; MkDefinitionEx t d e = {s="



"}; }