---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Graph -- Maintainer : BB -- Stability : (stable) -- Portability : (portable) -- -- > CVS $Date: 2005/11/10 16:43:44 $ -- > CVS $Author: bringert $ -- > CVS $Revision: 1.2 $ -- -- A simple graph module. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module GF.Data.Graph ( Graph(..), Node, Edge, NodeInfo , newGraph, nodes, edges , nmap, emap, newNode, newNodes, newEdge, newEdges , insertEdgeWith , removeNode, removeNodes , nodeInfo , getIncoming, getOutgoing, getNodeLabel , inDegree, outDegree , nodeLabel , edgeFrom, edgeTo, edgeLabel , reverseGraph, mergeGraphs, renameNodes ) where --import GF.Data.Utilities import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set data Graph n a b = Graph [n] ![Node n a] ![Edge n b] deriving (Eq,Show) type Node n a = (n,a) type Edge n b = (n,n,b) type NodeInfo n a b = Map n (a, [Edge n b], [Edge n b]) -- | Create a new empty graph. newGraph :: [n] -> Graph n a b newGraph ns = Graph ns [] [] -- | Get all the nodes in the graph. nodes :: Graph n a b -> [Node n a] nodes (Graph _ ns _) = ns -- | Get all the edges in the graph. edges :: Graph n a b -> [Edge n b] edges (Graph _ _ es) = es -- | Map a function over the node labels. nmap :: (a -> c) -> Graph n a b -> Graph n c b nmap f (Graph c ns es) = Graph c [(n,f l) | (n,l) <- ns] es -- | Map a function over the edge labels. emap :: (b -> c) -> Graph n a b -> Graph n a c emap f (Graph c ns es) = Graph c ns [(x,y,f l) | (x,y,l) <- es] -- | Add a node to the graph. newNode :: a -- ^ Node label -> Graph n a b -> (Graph n a b,n) -- ^ Node graph and name of new node newNode l (Graph (c:cs) ns es) = (Graph cs ((c,l):ns) es, c) newNodes :: [a] -> Graph n a b -> (Graph n a b,[Node n a]) newNodes ls g = (g', zip ns ls) where (g',ns) = mapAccumL (flip newNode) g ls -- lazy version: --newNodes ls (Graph cs ns es) = (Graph cs' (ns'++ns) es, ns') -- where (xs,cs') = splitAt (length ls) cs -- ns' = zip xs ls newEdge :: Edge n b -> Graph n a b -> Graph n a b newEdge e (Graph c ns es) = Graph c ns (e:es) newEdges :: [Edge n b] -> Graph n a b -> Graph n a b newEdges es g = foldl' (flip newEdge) g es -- lazy version: -- newEdges es' (Graph c ns es) = Graph c ns (es'++es) insertEdgeWith :: Eq n => (b -> b -> b) -> Edge n b -> Graph n a b -> Graph n a b insertEdgeWith f e@(x,y,l) (Graph c ns es) = Graph c ns (h es) where h [] = [e] h (e'@(x',y',l'):es') | x' == x && y' == y = (x',y', f l l'):es' | otherwise = e':h es' -- | Remove a node and all edges to and from that node. removeNode :: Ord n => n -> Graph n a b -> Graph n a b removeNode n = removeNodes (Set.singleton n) -- | Remove a set of nodes and all edges to and from those nodes. removeNodes :: Ord n => Set n -> Graph n a b -> Graph n a b removeNodes xs (Graph c ns es) = Graph c ns' es' where keepNode n = not (Set.member n xs) ns' = [ x | x@(n,_) <- ns, keepNode n ] es' = [ e | e@(f,t,_) <- es, keepNode f && keepNode t ] -- | Get a map of node names to info about each node. nodeInfo :: Ord n => Graph n a b -> NodeInfo n a b nodeInfo g = Map.fromList [ (n, (x, fn inc n, fn out n)) | (n,x) <- nodes g ] where inc = groupEdgesBy edgeTo g out = groupEdgesBy edgeFrom g fn m n = fromMaybe [] (Map.lookup n m) groupEdgesBy :: (Ord n) => (Edge n b -> n) -- ^ Gets the node to group by -> Graph n a b -> Map n [Edge n b] groupEdgesBy f g = Map.fromListWith (++) [(f e, [e]) | e <- edges g] lookupNode :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a b -> n -> (a, [Edge n b], [Edge n b]) lookupNode i n = fromJust $ Map.lookup n i getIncoming :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a b -> n -> [Edge n b] getIncoming i n = let (_,inc,_) = lookupNode i n in inc getOutgoing :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a b -> n -> [Edge n b] getOutgoing i n = let (_,_,out) = lookupNode i n in out inDegree :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a b -> n -> Int inDegree i n = length $ getIncoming i n outDegree :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a b -> n -> Int outDegree i n = length $ getOutgoing i n getNodeLabel :: Ord n => NodeInfo n a b -> n -> a getNodeLabel i n = let (l,_,_) = lookupNode i n in l nodeLabel :: Node n a -> a nodeLabel = snd edgeFrom :: Edge n b -> n edgeFrom (f,_,_) = f edgeTo :: Edge n b -> n edgeTo (_,t,_) = t edgeLabel :: Edge n b -> b edgeLabel (_,_,l) = l reverseGraph :: Graph n a b -> Graph n a b reverseGraph (Graph c ns es) = Graph c ns [ (t,f,l) | (f,t,l) <- es ] -- | Add the nodes from the second graph to the first graph. -- The nodes in the second graph will be renamed using the name -- supply in the first graph. -- This function is more efficient when the second graph -- is smaller than the first. mergeGraphs :: Ord m => Graph n a b -> Graph m a b -> (Graph n a b, m -> n) -- ^ The new graph and a function translating -- the old names of nodes in the second graph -- to names in the new graph. mergeGraphs (Graph c ns1 es1) g2 = (Graph c' (ns2++ns1) (es2++es1), newName) where (xs,c') = splitAt (length (nodes g2)) c newNames = Map.fromList (zip (map fst (nodes g2)) xs) newName n = fromJust $ Map.lookup n newNames Graph _ ns2 es2 = renameNodes newName undefined g2 -- | Rename the nodes in the graph. renameNodes :: (n -> m) -- ^ renaming function -> [m] -- ^ infinite supply of fresh node names, to -- use when adding nodes in the future. -> Graph n a b -> Graph m a b renameNodes newName c (Graph _ ns es) = Graph c ns' es' where ns' = map' (\ (n,x) -> (newName n,x)) ns es' = map' (\ (f,t,l) -> (newName f, newName t, l)) es -- | A strict 'map' map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map' _ [] = [] map' f (x:xs) = ((:) $! f x) $! map' f xs