module ExampleDemo (Environ,initial,getNext, provideExample, testThis,mkFuncWithArg,searchGoodTree,isMeta) where import PGF --import System.IO import Data.List --import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Map as Map --import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Maybe --import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.Random (RandomGen) --newStdGen type MyType = CId -- name of the categories from the program type ConcType = CId -- categories from the resource grammar, that we parse on type MyFunc = CId -- functions that we need to implement --type FuncWithArg = ((MyFunc, MyType), Expr) -- function with arguments type InterInstr = [String] -- lincats that were generated but not written to the file data FuncWithArg = FuncWithArg {getName :: MyFunc, -- name of the function to generate getType :: MyType, -- return type of the function getTypeArgs :: [MyType] -- types of arguments } deriving (Show,Eq,Ord) -- we assume that it's for English for the moment type TypeMap = Map.Map MyType ConcType -- mapping found from a file type ConcMap = Map.Map MyFunc Expr -- concrete expression after parsing data Environ = Env {getTypeMap :: TypeMap, -- mapping between a category in the grammar and a concrete type from RGL getConcMap :: ConcMap, -- concrete expression after parsing getSigs :: Map.Map MyType [FuncWithArg], -- functions for which we have the concrete syntax already with args getAll :: [FuncWithArg] -- all the functions with arguments } getNext :: Environ -> Environ -> ([MyFunc],[MyFunc]) getNext env example_env = let sgs = getSigs env allfuncs = getAll env names = Set.fromList $ map getName $ concat $ Map.elems sgs exampleable = filter (\x -> (isJust $ getNameExpr x env) && (not $ Set.member x names) -- maybe drop this if you want to also rewrite from examples... ) $ map getName allfuncs testeable = filter (\x -> (isJust $ getNameExpr x env ) && (Set.member x names) ) $ map getName allfuncs in (exampleable,testeable) provideExample :: RandomGen gen => gen -> Environ -> MyFunc -> PGF -> PGF -> Language -> Maybe (Expr,String) provideExample gen env myfunc parsePGF pgfFile lang = fmap giveExample $ getNameExpr myfunc env where giveExample e_ = let newexpr = head $ generateRandomFromDepth gen pgfFile e_ (Just 5) -- change here with the new random generator ty = getType $ head $ filter (\x -> getName x == myfunc) $ getAll env embeddedExpr = maybe "" (\x -> ", as in: " ++ q (linearize pgfFile lang x)) (embedInStart (getAll env) (Map.fromList [(ty,e_)])) lexpr = linearize pgfFile lang newexpr q s = sq++s++sq sq = "\"" in (newexpr,q lexpr ++ embeddedExpr) -- question, you need the IO monad for the random generator, how to do otherwise ?? -- question can you make the expression bold/italic - somehow distinguishable from the rest ? testThis :: Environ -> MyFunc -> PGF -> Language -> Maybe String testThis env myfunc parsePGF lang = fmap (linearize parsePGF lang . mapToResource env . llin env) $ getNameExpr myfunc env -- we assume that even the functions linearized by the user will still be in getSigs along with their linearization -- fill in the blancs of an expression that we want to linearize for testing purposes --------------------------------------------------------------------------- llin :: Environ -> Expr -> Expr llin env expr = let (id,args) = fromJust $ unApp expr --cexpr = fromJust $ Map.lookup id (getConcMap env) in if any isMeta args then let sigs = concat $ Map.elems $ getSigs env tys = findExprWhich sigs id in replaceConcArg 1 tys expr env else mkApp id $ map (llin env) args -- argument of the meta variable to replace, list of arguments left, expression to replace, environment, current replace expression replaceConcArg :: Int -> [MyType] -> Expr -> Environ -> Expr replaceConcArg i [] expr env = expr replaceConcArg i (t:ts) expr env = -- TO DO : insert randomness here !! let ss = fromJust $ Map.lookup t $ getSigs env args = filter (null . getTypeArgs) ss finArg = if null args then let l = last ss in llin env (mkApp (getName l) [mkMeta j | j <- [1..(length $ getTypeArgs l)]]) else mkApp (getName $ last args) [] in let newe = replaceOne i finArg expr in replaceConcArg (i+1) ts newe env -- replace a certain metavariable with a certain expression in another expression - return updated expression replaceOne :: Int -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr replaceOne i erep expr = if isMeta expr && ((fromJust $ unMeta expr) == i) then erep else if isMeta expr then expr else let (id,args) = fromJust $ unApp expr in mkApp id $ map (replaceOne i erep) args findExprWhich :: [FuncWithArg] -> MyFunc -> [MyType] findExprWhich lst f = getTypeArgs $ head $ filter (\x -> getName x == f) lst mapToResource :: Environ -> Expr -> Expr mapToResource env expr = let (id,args) = maybe (error $ "tried to unwrap " ++ showExpr [] expr) (\x -> x) (unApp expr) cmap = getConcMap env cexp = maybe (error $ "didn't find " ++ showCId id ++ " in "++ show cmap) (\x -> x) (Map.lookup id cmap) in if null args then cexp else let newargs = map (mapToResource env) args in replaceAllArgs cexp 1 newargs where replaceAllArgs expr i [] = expr replaceAllArgs expr i (x:xs) = replaceAllArgs (replaceOne i x expr) (i+1) xs ----------------------------------------------- -- embed expression in another one from the start category embedInStart :: [FuncWithArg] -> Map.Map MyType Expr -> Maybe Expr embedInStart fss cs = let currset = Map.toList cs nextset = Map.fromList $ concat [ if elem myt (getTypeArgs farg) then connectWithArg (myt,exp) farg else [] | (myt,exp) <- currset, farg <- fss] nextmap = Map.union cs nextset maybeExpr = Map.lookup startCateg nextset in if isNothing maybeExpr then if Map.size nextmap == Map.size cs then Nothing --error $ "could't build " ++ show startCateg ++ "with " ++ show fss else embedInStart fss nextmap else return $ fromJust maybeExpr where connectWithArg (myt,exp) farg = let ind = head $ elemIndices myt (getTypeArgs farg) in [(getType farg, mkApp (getName farg) $ [mkMeta i | i <- [1..ind]] ++ [exp] ++ [mkMeta i | i <- [(ind + 1)..((length $ getTypeArgs farg) - 1)]])] ----------------------------------------------- {- updateConcMap :: Environ -> MyFunc -> Expr -> Environ updateConcMap env myf expr = Env (getTypeMap env) (Map.insert myf expr (getConcMap env)) (getSigs env) (getAll env) updateInterInstr :: Environ -> MyType -> FuncWithArg -> Environ updateInterInstr env myt myf = let ii = getSigs env newInterInstr = maybe (Map.insert myt [myf] ii) (\x -> Map.insert myt (myf:x) ii) $ Map.lookup myt ii in Env (getTypeMap env) (getConcMap env) newInterInstr (getAll env) putSignatures :: Environ -> [FuncWithArg] -> Environ putSignatures env fss = Env (getTypeMap env) (getConcMap env) (mkSigs fss) (getAll env) updateEnv :: Environ -> FuncWithArg -> MyType -> Expr -> Environ updateEnv env myf myt expr = let ii = getSigs env nn = getName myf newInterInstr = maybe (Map.insert myt [myf] ii) (\x -> Map.insert myt (myf:x) ii) $ Map.lookup myt ii in Env (getTypeMap env) (Map.insert nn expr (getConcMap env)) newInterInstr (getAll env) -} mkSigs :: [FuncWithArg] -> Map.Map MyType [FuncWithArg] mkSigs fss = Map.fromListWith (++) $ zip (map getType fss) (map (\x -> [x]) fss) {------------------------------------ lang :: String lang = "Eng" parseLang :: Language parseLang = fromJust $ readLanguage "ParseEng" parsePGFfile :: String parsePGFfile = "ParseEngAbs.pgf" ------------------------------------} searchGoodTree :: Environ -> Expr -> [Expr] -> IO (Maybe (Expr,Expr)) searchGoodTree env expr [] = return Nothing searchGoodTree env expr (e:es) = do val <- debugReplaceArgs expr e env maybe (searchGoodTree env expr es) (\x -> return $ Just (x,e)) val getNameExpr :: MyFunc -> Environ -> Maybe Expr getNameExpr myfunc env = let allfunc = filter (\x -> getName x == myfunc) $ getAll env in if null allfunc then Nothing else getExpr (head allfunc) env -- find an expression to generate where we have all the other elements available getExpr :: FuncWithArg -> Environ -> Maybe Expr getExpr farg env = let tys = getTypeArgs farg ctx = getSigs env lst = getConcTypes ctx tys 1 in if (all isJust lst) then Just $ mkApp (getName farg) (map fromJust lst) else Nothing where getConcTypes context [] i = [] getConcTypes context (ty:types) i = let pos = Map.lookup ty context in if isNothing pos || (null $ fromJust pos) then [Nothing] else let mm = last $ fromJust pos mmargs = getTypeArgs mm newi = i + length mmargs - 1 lst = getConcTypes (Map.insert ty (init $ (fromJust pos)) context) types (newi+1) in if (all isJust lst) then -- i..newi (Just $ mkApp (getName mm) [mkMeta j | j <- [1..(length mmargs)]]) : lst else [Nothing] -- only covers simple expressions with meta variables, not the rest... isGeneralizationOf :: Expr -> Expr -> Bool isGeneralizationOf genExpr testExpr = if isMeta genExpr then True else if isMeta testExpr then False else let genUnwrap = unApp genExpr testUnwrap = unApp testExpr in if isNothing genUnwrap || isNothing testUnwrap then False -- see if you can generalize here else let (gencid, genargs) = fromJust genUnwrap (testcid, testargs) = fromJust testUnwrap in (gencid == testcid) && (length genargs == length testargs) && (and [isGeneralizationOf g t | (g,t) <- (zip genargs testargs)]) {-do lst <- getConcTypes context types (i+1) return $ mkMeta i : lst -} debugReplaceArgs :: Expr -> Expr -> Environ -> IO (Maybe Expr) debugReplaceArgs aexpr cexpr env = if isNothing $ unApp aexpr then return Nothing else if any isNothing $ map unApp $ snd $ fromJust $ unApp aexpr then return Nothing else let args = map (fst.fromJust.unApp) $ snd $ fromJust $ unApp aexpr concExprs = map (\x -> fromJust $ Map.lookup x $ getConcMap env) args in startReplace 1 cexpr concExprs where startReplace i cex [] = return $ Just cex startReplace i cex (a:as) = do val <- debugReplaceConc cex i a maybe ( --do putStrLn $ "didn't find "++ showExpr [] a ++ " in " ++showExpr [] cexpr return Nothing) (\x -> --do putStrLn $ "found it, the current expression is "++ showExpr [] x startReplace (i+1) x as) val debugReplaceConc :: Expr -> Int -> Expr -> IO (Maybe Expr) debugReplaceConc expr i e = let (newe,isThere) = searchArg expr in if isThere then return $ Just newe else return $ Nothing where searchArg e_ = if isGeneralizationOf e e_ then (mkMeta i, True) else maybe (e_,False) (\(cid,args) -> let repargs = map searchArg args in (mkApp cid (map fst repargs), or $ map snd repargs)) $ unApp e_ {- -- replaceArgs : Original expression to parse (from abstract syntax) -> Concrete expression (parsed) replaceArgs :: Expr -> Expr -> Environ -> Maybe Expr replaceArgs aexpr cexpr env = if isNothing $ unApp aexpr then error $ "could't unwrap this "++ show aexpr else if any isNothing $ map unApp $ snd $ fromJust $ unApp aexpr then error $ "couldn't unwrap more this : "++ show aexpr else let args = map (fst.fromJust.unApp) $ snd $ fromJust $ unApp aexpr concExprs = map (\x -> fromJust $ Map.lookup x $ getConcMap env) args in startReplace 1 cexpr concExprs where startReplace i cex [] = return cex startReplace i cex (a:as) = maybe Nothing (\x -> startReplace (i+1) x as) $ replaceConc cex i a replaceConc :: Expr -> Int -> Expr -> Maybe Expr replaceConc expr i e = let (newe,isThere) = searchArg expr in if isThere then return newe else Nothing where searchArg e_ = if isGeneralizationOf e e_ then (mkMeta i, True) else maybe (e_,False) (\(cid,args) -> let repargs = map searchArg args in (mkApp cid (map fst repargs), or $ map snd repargs)) $ unApp e_ writeResults :: Environ -> String -> IO () writeResults env fileName = let cmap = getConcMap env lincats = unlines $ map (\(x,y) -> "lincat " ++ showCId x ++ " = " ++ showCId y ++ " ; " ) $ Map.toList $ getTypeMap env sigs = unlines $ map (\x -> let n = getName x no = length $ getTypeArgs x oargs = unwords $ ("lin " ++ showCId n) : ["o"++show i | i <- []] in (oargs ++ " = " ++ (simpleReplace $ showExpr [] $ fromJust $ Map.lookup n cmap) ++ " ; ")) $ concat $ Map.elems $ getSigs env in writeFile fileName ("\n" ++ lincats ++ "\n\n" ++ sigs) simpleReplace :: String -> String simpleReplace [] = [] simpleReplace ('?':xs) = 'o' : simpleReplace xs simpleReplace (x:xs) = x : simpleReplace xs -} isMeta :: Expr -> Bool isMeta = isJust.unMeta -- works with utf-8 characters also, as it seems mkFuncWithArg :: ((CId,CId),[CId]) -> FuncWithArg mkFuncWithArg ((c1,c2),cids) = FuncWithArg c1 c2 cids --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initial :: TypeMap -> ConcMap -> [FuncWithArg] -> [FuncWithArg] -> Environ initial tm cm fss allfs = Env tm cm (mkSigs fss) allfs {- testInit :: [FuncWithArg] -> Environ testInit allfs = initial lTypes Map.empty [] allfs lTypes = Map.fromList [(mkCId "Comment", mkCId "S"),(mkCId "Item", mkCId "NP"), (mkCId "Kind", mkCId "CN"), (mkCId "Quality", mkCId "AP")] -} startCateg = mkCId "Comment" -- question about either to give the startcat or not ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- main = do args <- getArgs case args of [pgfFile] -> do pgf <- readPGF pgfFile parsePGF <- readPGF parsePGFfile fsWithArg <- forExample pgf let funcsWithArg = map (map mkFuncWithArg) fsWithArg let morpho = buildMorpho parsePGF parseLang let fss = concat funcsWithArg let fileName = takeWhile (/='.') pgfFile ++ lang ++ ".gf" env <- start parsePGF pgf morpho (testInit fss) fss putStrLn $ "Should I write the results to a file ? yes/no" ans <-getLine if ans == "yes" then do writeResults env fileName putStrLn $ "Wrote file " ++ fileName else return () _ -> fail "usage : Testing " start :: PGF -> PGF -> Morpho -> Environ -> [FuncWithArg] -> IO Environ start parsePGF pgfFile morpho env lst = do putStrLn "Do you want examples from another language ? (no/concrete syntax name otherwise)" ans1 <- getLine putStrLn "Do you want testing mode ? (yes/no)" ans2 <- getLine case (ans1,ans2) of ("no","no") -> do putStrLn "no extra language, just the abstract syntax tree" interact env lst False Nothing (_,"no") -> interact env lst False (readLanguage ans1) ("no","yes") -> do putStrLn "no extra language, just the abstract syntax tree" interact env lst True Nothing (_,"yes") -> interact env lst True (readLanguage ans1) ("no",_) -> do putStrLn "no extra language, just the abstract syntax tree" putStrLn $ "I assume you don't want the testing mode ... " interact env lst False Nothing (_,_) -> do putStrLn $ "I assume you don't want the testing mode ... " interact env lst False (readLanguage ans1) where interact environ [] func _ = return environ interact environ (farg:fargs) boo otherLang = do maybeEnv <- basicInter farg otherLang environ boo if isNothing maybeEnv then return environ else interact (fromJust maybeEnv) fargs boo otherLang basicInter farg js environ False = let e_ = getExpr farg environ in if isNothing e_ then return $ Just environ else parseAndBuild farg js environ (getType farg) e_ Nothing basicInter farg js environ True = let (e_,e_test) = get2Expr farg environ in if isNothing e_ then return $ Just environ else if isNothing e_test then do putStrLn $ "not enough arguments "++ (showCId $ getName farg) parseAndBuild farg js environ (getType farg) e_ Nothing else parseAndBuild farg js environ (getType farg) e_ e_test -- . head . generateRandomFrom gen2 pgfFile parseAndBuild farg js environ ty e_ e_test = do let expr = fromJust e_ gen1 <- newStdGen gen2 <- newStdGen let newexpr = head $ generateRandomFrom gen1 pgfFile expr let embeddedExpr = maybe "***" (showExpr [] ) (embedInStart (getAll environ) (Map.fromList [(ty,expr)])) let lexpr = if isNothing js then "" else "\n-- " ++ linearize pgfFile (fromJust js) newexpr ++ " --" putStrLn $ "Give an example for " ++ (showExpr [] expr) ++ lexpr ++ "and now" ++ "\n\nas in " ++ embeddedExpr ++ "\n\n" -- ex <- getLine if (ex == ":q") then return Nothing else let ctype = fromJust $ Map.lookup (getType farg) (getTypeMap environ) in do env' <- decypher farg ex expr environ (fromJust $ readType $ showCId ctype) e_test return (Just env') decypher farg ex expr environ ty e_test = --do putStrLn $ "We need to parse " ++ ex ++ " as " ++ show ctype let pTrees = parse parsePGF (fromJust $ readLanguage "ParseEng") ty ex in pickTree farg expr environ ex e_test pTrees -- putStrLn $ "And now for testing, \n is this also correct yes/no \n ## " ++ (linearize parsePGF parseLang $ mapToResource newenv $ llin newenv e_test) ++ " ##" -- select the right tree among the options given by the parser pickTree farg expr environ ex e_test [] = let miswords = morphoMissing morpho (words ex) in if null miswords then do putStrLn $ "all words known, but some syntactic construction is not covered by the grammar..." return environ else do putStrLn $ "the following words are unknown, please add them to the lexicon: " ++ show miswords return environ pickTree farg expr environ ex e_test [tree] = do val <- searchGoodTree environ expr [tree] -- maybe order here after the probabilities for better precision maybe (do putStrLn $ "none of the trees is consistent with the rest of the grammar, please check arguments " return environ) (\(x,newtree) -> let newenv = updateEnv environ farg (getType farg) x in do putStrLn $ "the result is "++showExpr [] x newtestenv <- testTest newenv e_test -- question ? should it belong there - there is just one possibility of a tree... return newenv) val pickTree farg expr environ ex e_test parseTrees = do putStrLn $ "There is more than one possibility, do you want to choose the right tree yourself ? yes/no " putStr " >" ans <- getLine if ans == "yes" then do pTree <- chooseRightTree parseTrees processTree farg environ expr pTree e_test else processTree farg environ expr parseTrees e_test -- introduce testing function, if it doesn't work, then reparse, take that tree testTree envv e_test = return envv -- TO DO - add testing here testTest envv Nothing = return envv testTest envv (Just exxpr) = testTree envv exxpr -- allows the user to pick his own tree chooseRightTree trees = return trees -- TO DO - add something clever here -- selects the tree from where one can abstract over the original arguments processTree farg environ expr lsTrees e_test = let trmes = if length lsTrees == 1 then "the tree is not consistent " else "none of the trees is consistent " in do val <- searchGoodTree environ expr lsTrees maybe (do putStrLn $ trmes ++ "with the rest of the grammar, please check arguments! " return environ) (\(x,newtree) -> let newenv = updateEnv environ farg (getType farg) x in do putStrLn $ "the result is "++showExpr [] x newtestenv <- testTest newenv e_test return newenv) val ------------------------------- get2Expr :: FuncWithArg -> Environ -> (Maybe Expr, Maybe Expr) get2Expr farg env = let tys = getTypeArgs farg ctx = getSigs env (lst1,lst2) = getConcTypes2 ctx tys 1 arg1 = if (all isJust lst1) then Just $ mkApp (getName farg) (map fromJust lst1) else Nothing arg2 = if (all isJust lst2) then Just $ mkApp (getName farg) (map fromJust lst2) else Nothing in if arg1 == arg2 then (arg1, Nothing) else (arg1,arg2) where getConcTypes2 context [] i = ([],[]) getConcTypes2 context (ty:types) i = let pos = Map.lookup ty context in if isNothing pos || (null $ fromJust pos) then ([Nothing],[Nothing]) else let (mm,tt) = (last $ fromJust pos, head $ fromJust pos) mmargs = getTypeArgs mm newi = i + length mmargs - 1 (lst1,lst2) = getConcTypes2 (Map.insert ty (init (fromJust pos)) context) types (newi+1) ttargs = getTypeArgs tt newtti = i + length ttargs - 1 fstArg = if (all isJust lst1) then -- i..newi (Just $ mkApp (getName mm) [mkMeta j | j <- [1..(length mmargs)]]) : lst1 else [Nothing] sndArg = if (all isJust lst2) then (Just $ mkApp (getName tt) [mkMeta j | j <- [1..(length ttargs)]]) : lst2 else [Nothing] in (fstArg,sndArg) -}