{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main where import GHC.RTS.Events import GHC.RTS.Events.Merge import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis.SparkThread import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis.Thread import GHC.RTS.Events.Analysis.Capability import System.Environment import Text.Printf import Data.List import Data.Either (rights) import Data.Function import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import System.IO import System.Exit main = getArgs >>= command command ["--help"] = do putStr usage command ["show", file] = do log <- readLogOrDie file putStrLn $ ppEventLog log command ["show", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let eventTypeMap = buildEventTypeMap . eventTypes . header $ eventLog let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let mappings = rights . validates capabilityThreadRunMachine $ capEvents let indexes = map (uncurry capabilityThreadIndexer) $ zip mappings capEvents let threadMap = M.fromListWith (++) . reverse $ zip indexes (map return capEvents) putStrLn "Event Types:" putStrLn . unlines . map ppEventType . eventTypes . header $ eventLog putStrLn "Thread Indexed Events:" putStrLn . showMap ((++ "\n") . show) (unlines . map ((" " ++) . ppEvent eventTypeMap)) $ threadMap command ["show", "caps", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let eventTypeMap = buildEventTypeMap . eventTypes . header $ eventLog let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let indexes = map ce_cap capEvents let capMap = M.fromListWith (++) . reverse $ zip indexes (map return capEvents) putStrLn "Event Types:" putStrLn . unlines . map ppEventType . eventTypes . header $ eventLog putStrLn "Cap Indexed Events:" putStrLn . showMap ((++ "\n") . show) (unlines . map ((" " ++) . ppEvent eventTypeMap)) $ capMap command ["merge", out, file1, file2] = do log1 <- readLogOrDie file1 log2 <- readLogOrDie file2 let m = mergeEventLogs log1 log2 writeEventLogToFile out m command ["validate", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate (routeM capabilityThreadRunMachine capabilityThreadIndexer (refineM (spec . ce_event) threadMachine)) capEvents putStrLn $ showValidate (\(m, n) -> "\nThread States:\n" ++ showIndexed show show m ++ "\nCap States:\n" ++ showIndexed show show n) show result command ["validate", "threadpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityThreadPoolMachine capEvents putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "threadrun", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityThreadRunMachine capEvents putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "taskpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityTaskPoolMachine capEvents putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "tasks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate capabilityTaskOSMachine capEvents putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["validate", "sparks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = validate (routeM capabilitySparkThreadMachine capabilitySparkThreadIndexer (refineM (spec . ce_event) sparkThreadMachine)) capEvents putStrLn $ showValidate show show result command ["simulate", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate (routeM capabilityThreadRunMachine capabilityThreadIndexer (refineM (spec . ce_event) threadMachine)) capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "threadpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityThreadPoolMachine capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "threadrun", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityThreadRunMachine capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "taskpool", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityTaskPoolMachine capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "tasks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate capabilityTaskOSMachine capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["simulate", "sparks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = simulate (routeM capabilitySparkThreadMachine capabilitySparkThreadIndexer (refineM (spec . ce_event) sparkThreadMachine)) capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["profile", "threads", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = profileRouted (refineM (spec. ce_event) threadMachine) capabilityThreadRunMachine capabilityThreadIndexer (time . ce_event) capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command ["profile", "sparks", file] = do eventLog <- readLogOrDie file let capEvents = sortEvents . events . dat $ eventLog let result = profileRouted (refineM (spec . ce_event) sparkThreadMachine) capabilitySparkThreadMachine capabilitySparkThreadIndexer (time . ce_event) capEvents putStrLn . showProcess $ result command _ = putStr usage >> die "Unrecognized command" usage = unlines $ map pad strings where align = 4 + (maximum . map (length . fst) $ strings) pad (x, y) = zipWith const (x ++ repeat ' ') (replicate align ()) ++ y strings = [ ("ghc-events --help:", "Display this help.") , ("ghc-events show :", "Pretty print an event log.") , ("ghc-events show threads :", "Pretty print an event log, ordered by threads.") , ("ghc-events show caps :", "Pretty print an event log, ordered by capabilities.") , ("ghc-events merge :", "Merge two event logs.") , ("ghc-events sparks-csv :", "Print spark information in CSV.") , ("ghc-events validate threads :", "Validate thread states.") , ("ghc-events validate threadpool :", "Validate thread pool state.") , ("ghc-events validate threadrun :", "Validate thread running state.") , ("ghc-events validate tasks :", "Validate task states.") , ("ghc-events validate sparks :", "Validate spark thread states.") , ("ghc-events simulate threads :", "Simulate thread states.") , ("ghc-events simulate threadpool :", "Simulate thread pool state.") , ("ghc-events simulate threadrun :", "Simulate thread running state.") , ("ghc-events simulate tasks :", "Simulate task states.") , ("ghc-events simulate sparks :", "Simulate spark thread states.") , ("ghc-events profile threads :", "Profile thread states.") , ("ghc-events profile sparks :", "Profile spark thread states.") ] readLogOrDie file = do e <- readEventLogFromFile file case e of Left s -> die ("Failed to parse " ++ file ++ ": " ++ s) Right log -> return log #if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) die s = do hPutStrLn stderr s; exitWith (ExitFailure 1) #endif showValidate :: (s -> String) -> (i -> String) -> Either (s, i) s -> String showValidate showState showInput (Left (state, input)) = "Invalid eventlog:" ++ "\nState:\n" ++ ( showState state ) ++ "\nInput:\n" ++ ( showInput input ) showValidate showState _ (Right state) = "Valid eventlog: " ++ ( showState state ) showProcess :: (Show e, Show a) => Process e a -> String showProcess process = "Trace:\n" ++ (unlines . map show . toList) process ++ "\n" ++ (maybe "Valid." (("Invalid:\n" ++) . show) . toMaybe) process showIndexed :: (k -> String) -> (v -> String) -> Map k v -> String showIndexed showKey showValue m | M.null m = "Empty map\n" | otherwise = "Indexed output:\n" ++ concatMap (\(k, v) -> "Key: " ++ ( showKey k ) ++ ", Value: " ++ ( showValue v ) ++ "\n") (M.toList m) showMap :: Ord k => (k -> String) -> (a -> String) -> M.Map k a -> String showMap showKey showValue m = concat $ zipWith (++) (map showKey . M.keys $ m :: [String]) (map (showValue . (M.!) m) . M.keys $ m :: [String])