{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash, UnboxedTuples, CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface, GHCForeignImportPrim, UnliftedFFITypes, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
Module      :  GHC.HeapView
Copyright   :  (c) 2012 Joachim Breitner
License     :  BSD3
Maintainer  :  Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>

With this module, you can investigate the heap representation of Haskell
values, i.e. to investigate sharing and lazy evaluation.

module GHC.HeapView (
    -- * Heap data types
    -- * Reading from the heap
    -- * Pretty printing
    -- * Heap maps
    -- $heapmap
    -- * Boxes
    -- * Weak boxes

import GHC.Exts         ( Any,
                          Ptr(..), Addr#, Int(..), Word(..), Word#, Int#,
                          ByteArray#, Array#, sizeofByteArray#, sizeofArray#, indexArray#, indexWordArray#,
                          unsafeCoerce# )

import GHC.Arr          (Array(..))

import GHC.Constants    ( wORD_SIZE, tAG_MASK, wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS )

import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )

import Foreign          hiding ( unsafePerformIO )
import Numeric          ( showHex )
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe       ( isJust, fromJust, catMaybes )
import System.Mem.Weak
import Data.Functor
import Data.Foldable    ( Foldable )
import Data.Traversable ( Traversable )
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Control.Arrow    ( first, second )

#include "ghcautoconf.h"

-- | An arbitrarily Haskell value in a safe Box. The point is that even
-- unevaluated thunks can safely be moved around inside the Box, and when
-- required, e.g. in 'getBoxedClosureData', the function knows how far it has
-- to evalue the argument.
data Box = Box Any

#if SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8
type HalfWord = Word32
type HalfWord = Word16

instance Show Box where
-- From libraries/base/GHC/Ptr.lhs
   showsPrec _ (Box a) rs =
    -- unsafePerformIO (print "↓" >> pClosure a) `seq`    
    pad_out (showHex addr "") ++ (if tag>0 then "/" ++ show tag else "") ++ rs
       ptr  = W# (aToWord# a)
       tag  = ptr .&. fromIntegral tAG_MASK -- ((1 `shiftL` TAG_BITS) -1)
       addr = ptr - tag
        -- want 0s prefixed to pad it out to a fixed length.
       pad_out ls = 
          '0':'x':(replicate (2*wORD_SIZE - length ls) '0') ++ ls

instance Eq Box where
  Box a == Box b = case reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag# a b of
    0# -> False
    _  -> True

  This takes an arbitrary value and puts it into a box. Note that calls like

  > asBox (head list) 

  will put the thunk \"head list\" into the box, /not/ the element at the head
  of the list. For that, use careful case expressions:

  > case list of x:_ -> asBox x
asBox :: a -> Box
asBox x = Box (unsafeCoerce# x)

   StgInfoTable parsing derived from ByteCodeItbls.lhs
   Removed the code parameter for now
   Replaced Type by an enumeration
   Remove stuff dependent on GHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE

{-| This is a somewhat faithful representation of an info table. See
   for more details on this data structure. Note that the 'Storable' instance
   provided here does _not_ support writing.
data StgInfoTable = StgInfoTable {
   ptrs   :: HalfWord,
   nptrs  :: HalfWord,
   tipe   :: ClosureType,
   srtlen :: HalfWord
  deriving (Show)

instance Storable StgInfoTable where

   sizeOf itbl 
      = sum
         fieldSz ptrs itbl,
         fieldSz nptrs itbl,
         sizeOf (undefined :: HalfWord),
         fieldSz srtlen itbl

   alignment _ 
      = wORD_SIZE

   poke _a0 _itbl
      = error "Storable StgInfoTable is read-only"

   peek a0
      = flip (evalStateT) (castPtr a0)
      $ do
           ptrs'   <- load
           nptrs'  <- load
           tipe'   <- load
           srtlen' <- load
              StgInfoTable { 
                 ptrs   = ptrs',
                 nptrs  = nptrs',
                 tipe   = toEnum (fromIntegral (tipe'::HalfWord)),
                 srtlen = srtlen'

fieldSz :: (Storable a, Storable b) => (a -> b) -> a -> Int
fieldSz sel x = sizeOf (sel x)

load :: Storable a => PtrIO a
load = do addr <- advance
          lift (peek addr)

type PtrIO = StateT (Ptr Word8) IO

advance :: Storable a => PtrIO (Ptr a)
advance = StateT adv where
    adv addr = case castPtr addr of { addrCast -> return
        (addrCast, addr `plusPtr` sizeOfPointee addrCast) }

sizeOfPointee :: (Storable a) => Ptr a -> Int
sizeOfPointee addr = sizeOf (typeHack addr)
    where typeHack = undefined :: Ptr a -> a

   Data Type representing Closures

{-| A closure type enumeration, in order matching the actual value on the heap.
   Needs to be synchronized with
data ClosureType =
	| CONSTR_1_0
	| CONSTR_0_1
	| CONSTR_2_0
	| CONSTR_1_1
	| CONSTR_0_2
	| FUN
	| FUN_1_0
	| FUN_0_1
	| FUN_2_0
	| FUN_1_1
	| FUN_0_2
	| THUNK_1_0
	| THUNK_0_1
	| THUNK_2_0
	| THUNK_1_1
	| THUNK_0_2
	| BCO
	| AP
	| PAP
	| IND
	| TSO
 deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Ord)

{-| This is the main data type of this module, representing a Haskell value on
  the heap. This reflects

  The data type is parametrized by the type to store references in, which
  should be either 'Box' or 'WeakBox', with appropriate type synonyms 'Closure'
  and 'WeakClosure'.
data GenClosure b =
    ConsClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , ptrArgs    :: [b]
        , dataArgs   :: [Word]
        , pkg        :: String
        , modl       :: String
        , name       :: String
    } |
    ThunkClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , ptrArgs    :: [b]
        , dataArgs   :: [Word]
    } |
    SelectorClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , selectee   :: b
    } |
    IndClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , indirectee   :: b
    } |
    BlackholeClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , indirectee   :: b
    } |
    APClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , arity      :: HalfWord
        , n_args     :: HalfWord
        , fun        :: b
        , payload    :: [b]
    } |
    PAPClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , arity      :: HalfWord
        , n_args     :: HalfWord
        , fun        :: b
        , payload    :: [b]
    } |
    APStackClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , fun        :: b
        , payload    :: [b]
    } |
    BCOClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , instrs     :: b
        , literals   :: b
        , bcoptrs    :: b
        , arity      :: HalfWord
        , size       :: HalfWord
        , bitmap     :: Word
    } |
    ArrWordsClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , bytes      :: Word
        , arrWords   :: [Word]
    } |
    MutArrClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , mccPtrs    :: Word
        , mccSize    :: Word
        , mccPayload :: [b]
        -- Card table ignored
    } |
    MutVarClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , var        :: b
    } |
    MVarClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , queueHead  :: b
        , queueTail  :: b
        , value      :: b
    } |
    FunClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , ptrArgs    :: [b]
        , dataArgs   :: [Word]
    } |
    BlockingQueueClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , link       :: b
        , blackHole  :: b
        , owner      :: b
        , queue      :: b
    } |
    OtherClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
        , hvalues    :: [b]
        , rawWords   :: [Word]
    } |
    UnsupportedClosure {
        info         :: StgInfoTable 
 deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

type Closure = GenClosure Box

-- | For generic code, this function returns all referenced closures. 
allPtrs :: GenClosure b -> [b]
allPtrs (ConsClosure {..}) = ptrArgs
allPtrs (ThunkClosure {..}) = ptrArgs
allPtrs (SelectorClosure {..}) = [selectee]
allPtrs (IndClosure {..}) = [indirectee]
allPtrs (BlackholeClosure {..}) = [indirectee]
allPtrs (APClosure {..}) = fun:payload
allPtrs (PAPClosure {..}) = fun:payload
allPtrs (APStackClosure {..}) = fun:payload
allPtrs (BCOClosure {..}) = [instrs,literals,bcoptrs]
allPtrs (ArrWordsClosure {..}) = []
allPtrs (MutArrClosure {..}) = mccPayload
allPtrs (MutVarClosure {..}) = [var]
allPtrs (MVarClosure {..}) = [queueHead,queueTail,value]
allPtrs (FunClosure {..}) = ptrArgs
allPtrs (BlockingQueueClosure {..}) = [link, blackHole, owner, queue]
allPtrs (OtherClosure {..}) = hvalues
allPtrs (UnsupportedClosure {..}) = []

foreign import prim "aToWordzh" aToWord# :: Any -> Word#
foreign import prim "slurpClosurezh" slurpClosure# :: Any -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# b #)
foreign import prim "reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag" reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag# :: Any -> Any -> Int#
-- Workd-around code until http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/5931 was
-- accepted

-- foreign import prim "aToWordzh" aToWord'# :: Addr# -> Word#
foreign import prim "slurpClosurezh" slurpClosure'# :: Word#  -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# b #)

foreign import prim "reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag" reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag'# :: Word# -> Word# -> Int#

-- This is a datatype that has the same layout as Ptr, so that by
-- unsafeCoerce'ing, we obtain the Addr of the wrapped value
data Ptr' a = Ptr' a

aToWord# :: Any -> Word#
aToWord# a = case Ptr' a of mb@(Ptr' _) -> case unsafeCoerce# mb :: Word of W# addr -> addr

slurpClosure# :: Any -> (# Addr#, ByteArray#, Array# b #)
slurpClosure# a = slurpClosure'# (aToWord# a)

reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag# :: Any -> Any -> Int#
reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag# a b = reallyUnsafePtrEqualityUpToTag'# (aToWord# a) (aToWord# b)

--pClosure x = do
--    getClosure x >>= print

-- | This returns the raw representation of the given argument. The second
-- component of the triple are the words on the heap, and the third component
-- are those words that are actually pointers. Once back in Haskell word, the
-- 'Word'  may be outdated after a garbage collector run, but the corresponding
-- 'Box' will still point to the correct value.
getClosureRaw :: a -> IO (Ptr StgInfoTable, [Word], [Box])
getClosureRaw x =
    case slurpClosure# (unsafeCoerce# x) of
        (# iptr, dat, ptrs #) -> do
            let nelems = (I# (sizeofByteArray# dat)) `div` wORD_SIZE
                rawWords = [W# (indexWordArray# dat i) | I# i <- [0.. fromIntegral nelems -1] ]
                pelems = I# (sizeofArray# ptrs) 
                ptrList = amap' Box $ Array 0 (pelems - 1) pelems ptrs
            ptrList `seq` rawWords `seq` return (Ptr iptr, rawWords, ptrList)

-- From compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
amap' :: (t -> b) -> Array Int t -> [b]
amap' f (Array i0 i _ arr#) = map g [0 .. i - i0]
    where g (I# i#) = case indexArray# arr# i# of
                          (# e #) -> f e

-- derived from vacuum-, which got it from
-- compiler/ghci/DebuggerUtils.hs
dataConInfoPtrToNames :: Ptr StgInfoTable -> IO (String, String, String)
dataConInfoPtrToNames ptr = do
    conDescAddress <- getConDescAddress ptr
    wl <- peekArray0 0 conDescAddress
    let (pkg, modl, name) = parse wl
    return (b2s pkg, b2s modl, b2s name)
    b2s :: [Word8] -> String
    b2s = fmap (chr . fromIntegral)

    getConDescAddress :: Ptr StgInfoTable -> IO (Ptr Word8)
    getConDescAddress ptr'
      | True = do
          offsetToString <- peek (ptr' `plusPtr` (negate wORD_SIZE))
          return $ (ptr' `plusPtr` stdInfoTableSizeB)
                    `plusPtr` (fromIntegral (offsetToString :: Word))
    -- This is code for !ghciTablesNextToCode: 
      | otherwise = peek . intPtrToPtr
                      . (+ fromIntegral
                        . ptrToIntPtr $ ptr

    -- hmmmmmm. Is there any way to tell this?
    opt_SccProfilingOn = False

    stdInfoTableSizeW :: Int
    -- The size of a standard info table varies with profiling/ticky etc,
    -- so we can't get it from Constants
    -- It must vary in sync with mkStdInfoTable
      = size_fixed + size_prof
        size_fixed = 2  -- layout, type
        size_prof | opt_SccProfilingOn = 2
                  | otherwise    = 0

    stdInfoTableSizeB :: Int
    stdInfoTableSizeB = stdInfoTableSizeW * wORD_SIZE

-- From vacuum-
parse :: [Word8] -> ([Word8], [Word8], [Word8])
parse input = if not . all (>0) . fmap length $ [pkg,modl,occ]
                --then (error . concat)
                --        ["getConDescAddress:parse:"
                --        ,"(not . all (>0) . fmap le"
                --        ,"ngth $ [pkg,modl,occ]"]
                then ([], [], input) -- Not in the pkg.modl.occ format, for example END_TSO_QUEUE
                else (pkg, modl, occ)
--   = ASSERT (all (>0) (map length [pkg, modl, occ])) (pkg, modl, occ)   -- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
        (pkg, rest1) = break (== fromIntegral (ord ':')) input
        (modl, occ)
            = (concat $ intersperse [dot] $ reverse modWords, occWord)
            (modWords, occWord) = if (length rest1 < 1) --  XXXXXXXXx YUKX
                                    --then error "getConDescAddress:parse:length rest1 < 1"
                                    then parseModOcc [] []
                                    else parseModOcc [] (tail rest1)
        -- ASSERT (length rest1 > 0) (parseModOcc [] (tail rest1))
        dot = fromIntegral (ord '.')
        parseModOcc :: [[Word8]] -> [Word8] -> ([[Word8]], [Word8])
        parseModOcc acc str
            = case break (== dot) str of
                (top, []) -> (acc, top)
                (top, _:bot) -> parseModOcc (top : acc) bot

-- | This function returns parsed heap representation of the argument _at this
-- moment_, even if it is unevaluated or an indirection or other exotic stuff.
-- Beware when passing something to this function, the same caveats as for
-- 'asBox' apply.
getClosureData :: a -> IO Closure
getClosureData x = do
    (iptr, wds, ptrs) <- getClosureRaw x
    itbl <- peek iptr
    case tipe itbl of 
        t | t >= CONSTR && t <= CONSTR_NOCAF_STATIC -> do
            (pkg, modl, name) <- dataConInfoPtrToNames iptr
            return $ ConsClosure itbl ptrs (drop (length ptrs + 1) wds) pkg modl name

        t | t >= THUNK && t <= THUNK_STATIC -> do
            return $ ThunkClosure itbl ptrs (drop (length ptrs + 2) wds)

        t | t >= FUN && t <= FUN_STATIC -> do
            return $ FunClosure itbl ptrs (drop (length ptrs + 1) wds)

        AP ->
            return $ APClosure itbl 
                (fromIntegral $ wds !! 2)
                (fromIntegral $ shiftR (wds !! 2) (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS `div` 2))
                (head ptrs) (tail ptrs)

        PAP ->
            return $ PAPClosure itbl 
                (fromIntegral $ wds !! 2)
                (fromIntegral $ shiftR (wds !! 2) (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS `div` 2))
                (head ptrs) (tail ptrs)

        AP_STACK ->
            return $ APStackClosure itbl (head ptrs) (tail ptrs)

            return $ SelectorClosure itbl (head ptrs)

        IND ->
            return $ IndClosure itbl (head ptrs)
        IND_STATIC ->
            return $ IndClosure itbl (head ptrs)
        BLACKHOLE ->
            return $ BlackholeClosure itbl (head ptrs)

        BCO ->
            return $ BCOClosure itbl (ptrs !! 0) (ptrs !! 1) (ptrs !! 2)
                (fromIntegral $ wds !! 4)
                (fromIntegral $ shiftR (wds !! 4) (wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS `div` 2))
                (wds !! 5)

        ARR_WORDS ->
            return $ ArrWordsClosure itbl (wds !! 1) (drop 2 wds)

        t | t == MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN || t == MUT_ARR_PTRS_FROZEN0 ->
            return $ MutArrClosure itbl (wds !! 1) (wds !! 2) ptrs

        t | t == MUT_VAR_CLEAN || t == MUT_VAR_DIRTY ->
            return $ MutVarClosure itbl (head ptrs)

        t | t == MVAR_CLEAN || t == MVAR_DIRTY ->
            return $ MVarClosure itbl (ptrs !! 0) (ptrs !! 1) (ptrs !! 2)

            return $ OtherClosure itbl ptrs wds
        --    return $ BlockingQueueClosure itbl
        --        (ptrs !! 0) (ptrs !! 1) (ptrs !! 2) (ptrs !! 3)

        --  return $ OtherClosure itbl ptrs wds
        _ ->
            return $ UnsupportedClosure itbl

-- | Like 'getClosureData', but taking a 'Box', so it is easier to work with.
getBoxedClosureData :: Box -> IO Closure
getBoxedClosureData (Box a) = getClosureData a

isChar :: GenClosure b -> Maybe Char
isChar (ConsClosure { name = "C#", dataArgs = [ch], ptrArgs = []}) = Just (chr (fromIntegral ch))
isChar _ = Nothing

isCons :: GenClosure b -> Maybe (b, b)
isCons (ConsClosure { name = ":", dataArgs = [], ptrArgs = [h,t]}) = Just (h,t)
isCons _ = Nothing

isTup :: GenClosure b -> Maybe [b]
isTup (ConsClosure { dataArgs = [], ..}) =
    if length name >= 3 &&
       head name == '(' && last name == ')' &&
       all (==',') (tail (init name))
    then Just ptrArgs else Nothing
isTup _ = Nothing

isNil :: GenClosure b -> Bool
isNil (ConsClosure { name = "[]", dataArgs = [], ptrArgs = []}) = True
isNil _ = False

-- | A pretty-printer that tries to generate valid Haskell for evalutated data.
-- It assumes that for the included boxes, you already replaced them by Strings
-- using 'Data.Foldable.map' or, if you need to do IO, 'Data.Foldable.mapM'.
-- The parameter gives the precedendence, to avoid avoidable parenthesises.
ppPrintClosure :: (Int -> b -> String) -> Int -> GenClosure b -> String
ppPrintClosure showBox prec c = case c of
    _ | Just ch <- isChar c -> app $
        ["C#", show ch]
    _ | Just (h,t) <- isCons c -> addBraces (5 <= prec) $
        showBox 5 h ++ " : " ++ showBox 4 t
    _ | Just vs <- isTup c ->
        "(" ++ intercalate "," (map (showBox 0) vs) ++ ")"
    ConsClosure {..} -> app $
        name : map (showBox 10) ptrArgs ++ map show dataArgs
    ThunkClosure {..} -> app $
        "_thunk" : map (showBox 10) ptrArgs ++ map show dataArgs
    SelectorClosure {..} -> app
        ["_sel", showBox 10 selectee]
    IndClosure {..} -> app
        ["_ind", showBox 10 indirectee]
    BlackholeClosure {..} -> app
        ["_bh",  showBox 10 indirectee]
    APClosure {..} -> app $ map (showBox 10) $
        fun : payload
    PAPClosure {..} -> app $ map (showBox 10) $
        fun : payload
    APStackClosure {..} -> app $ map (showBox 10) $
        fun : payload
    BCOClosure {..} -> app
    ArrWordsClosure {..} -> app
        ["toArray", intercalate "," (map show arrWords) ]
    MutArrClosure {..} -> app
        ["toMutArray", intercalate "," (map (showBox 10) mccPayload)]
    MutVarClosure {..} -> app $
        ["_mutVar", (showBox 10) var]
    MVarClosure {..} -> app $
        ["MVar", (showBox 10) value]
    FunClosure {..} -> 
        "_fun" ++ braceize (map (showBox 0) ptrArgs ++ map show dataArgs)
    BlockingQueueClosure {..} -> 
    OtherClosure {..} ->
    UnsupportedClosure {..} ->
    addBraces True t = "(" ++ t ++ ")"
    addBraces False t = t
    app [] = "()"
    app [a] = a 
    app xs = addBraces (10 <= prec) (intercalate " " xs)
    braceize [] = ""
    braceize xs = "{" ++ intercalate "," xs ++ "}"
-- $heapmap
-- For more global views of the heap, you can use heap maps. These come in
-- variations, either a trees or as graphs, depending on
-- whether you want to detect cycles and sharing or not.

-- | Heap maps as tree, i.e. no sharing, no cycles.
data HeapTree = HeapTree WeakBox (GenClosure HeapTree) | EndOfHeapTree

heapTreeClosure :: HeapTree -> Maybe (GenClosure HeapTree)
heapTreeClosure (HeapTree _ c) = Just c
heapTreeClosure EndOfHeapTree = Nothing

-- | Constructing an 'HeapTree' from a boxed value. It takes a depth parameter
-- that prevents it from running ad infinitum for cyclic or infinite
-- structures.
buildHeapTree :: Int -> Box -> IO HeapTree
buildHeapTree 0 _ = do
    return $ EndOfHeapTree
buildHeapTree n b = do
    w <- weakBox b
    c <- getBoxedClosureData b
    c' <- T.mapM (buildHeapTree (n-1)) c
    return $ HeapTree w c'

-- | Pretty-Printing a heap Tree
-- Example output for @[Just 4, Nothing, *something*]@, where *something* is an
-- unevaluated expression depending on the command line argument.
-- >[Just (I# 4),Nothing,Just (_thunk ["arg1","arg2"])]
ppHeapTree :: HeapTree -> String
ppHeapTree = go 0
    go _ EndOfHeapTree = "..."
    go prec t@(HeapTree _ c')
        | Just s <- isHeapTreeString t = show s
        | Just l <- isHeapTreeList t   = "[" ++ intercalate "," (map ppHeapTree l) ++ "]"
        | otherwise                    =  ppPrintClosure go prec c'

isHeapTreeList :: HeapTree -> Maybe ([HeapTree])
isHeapTreeList tree = do
    c <- heapTreeClosure tree
    if isNil c
      then return []
      else do
        (h,t) <- isCons c
        t' <- isHeapTreeList t
        return $ (:) h t'

isHeapTreeString :: HeapTree -> Maybe String
isHeapTreeString t = do
    list <- isHeapTreeList t
    -- We do not want to print empty lists as "" as we do not know that they
    -- are really strings.
    if (null list)
        then Nothing
        else mapM (isChar <=< heapTreeClosure) list

-- | For heap graphs, i.e. data structures that also represent sharing and
-- cyclic structures, these are the entries. If the referenced value is
-- @Nothing@, then we do not have that value in the map, most likely due to
-- exceeding the recursion bound passed to 'buildHeapGraph'.
data HeapGraphEntry = HeapGraphEntry WeakBox (GenClosure (Maybe HeapGraphIndex))
    deriving (Show)
type HeapGraphIndex = Int

-- | The whole graph. The suggested interface is to only use 'lookupHeapGraph',
-- as the internal representation may change. Nevertheless, we export it here:
-- Sometimes the user knows better what he needs than we do.
newtype HeapGraph = HeapGraph (M.IntMap HeapGraphEntry)
    deriving (Show)

lookupHeapGraph :: HeapGraphIndex -> HeapGraph -> Maybe HeapGraphEntry
lookupHeapGraph i (HeapGraph m) = M.lookup i m

heapGraphRoot :: HeapGraphIndex
heapGraphRoot = 0

-- | Creates a 'HeapGraph' for the value in the box, but not recursing further
-- than the given limit. The initial value has index 'heapGraphRoot'.
buildHeapGraph :: Int -> Box -> IO HeapGraph
buildHeapGraph limit initialBox = do
    let initialState = ([], [0..])
    HeapGraph <$> execWriterT (runStateT (add limit initialBox) initialState)
    add 0 _ = return Nothing
    add n b = do
        -- If the box is in the map, return the index
        (existing,_) <- get
        case lookup b existing of
            Just i -> return $ Just i
            Nothing -> do
                -- Otherwise, allocate a new index
                i <- nextI
                -- And register it
                modify (first ((b,i):))
                c <- liftIO $ getBoxedClosureData b
                -- Find indicies for all boxes contained in the map
                c' <- T.mapM (add (n-1)) c
                w <- liftIO $ weakBox b
                -- Add add the resulting closure to the map
                lift $ tell (M.singleton i (HeapGraphEntry w c'))
                return $ Just i
    nextI = do
        i <- gets (head . snd)
        modify (second tail)
        return i

-- | Pretty-prints a HeapGraph. The resulting string contains newlines. Example
-- for @let s = "Ki" in (s, s, cycle "Ho")@:
-- >let x1 = "Ki"
-- >    x6 = C# 'H' : C# 'o' : x6
-- >in (x1,x1,x6)
ppHeapGraph :: HeapGraph -> String
ppHeapGraph (HeapGraph m) = letWrapper ++ ppRef 0 (Just heapGraphRoot)
    -- All variables occuring more than once
    bindings = boundMultipleTimes (HeapGraph m) [heapGraphRoot] 

    letWrapper =
        if null bindings
        then ""
        else "let " ++ intercalate "\n    " (map ppBinding bindings) ++ "\nin "

    ppBinding i = "x" ++ show i ++ " = " ++ ppEntry 0 (iToE i)

    ppEntry prec e@(HeapGraphEntry _ c)
        | Just s <- isString e = show s
        | Just l <- isList e = "[" ++ intercalate "," (map (ppRef 0) l) ++ "]"
        | otherwise = ppPrintClosure ppRef prec c

    ppRef _ Nothing = "..."
    ppRef prec (Just i) | i `elem` bindings = "x" ++ show i
                        | otherwise = ppEntry prec (iToE i) 
    iToE i = fromJust (M.lookup i m)

    iToUnboundE i = if i `elem` bindings then Nothing else M.lookup i m

    isList :: HeapGraphEntry -> Maybe ([Maybe HeapGraphIndex])
    isList (HeapGraphEntry _ c) = 
        if isNil c
          then return []
          else do
            (h,t) <- isCons c
            ti <- t
            e <- iToUnboundE ti
            t' <- isList e
            return $ (:) h t'

    isString :: HeapGraphEntry -> Maybe String
    isString e = do
        list <- isList e
        -- We do not want to print empty lists as "" as we do not know that they
        -- are really strings.
        if (null list)
            then Nothing
            else mapM (isChar . (\(HeapGraphEntry _ c) -> c) <=< iToUnboundE <=< id) list

-- | In the given HeapMap, list all indices that are used more than once. The
-- second parameter adds external references, commonly @[heapGraphRoot]@.
boundMultipleTimes :: HeapGraph -> [HeapGraphIndex] -> [HeapGraphIndex]
boundMultipleTimes (HeapGraph m) roots = map head $ filter (not.null) $ map tail $ group $ sort $
     roots ++ concatMap (\(HeapGraphEntry _ c) -> catMaybes (allPtrs c)) (M.elems m)

-- | An a variant of 'Box' that does not keep the value alive.
-- Like 'Box', its 'Show' instance is highly unsafe.
newtype WeakBox = WeakBox (Weak Box)

type WeakClosure = GenClosure WeakBox

instance Show WeakBox where
    showsPrec p (WeakBox w) rs = case unsafePerformIO (deRefWeak w) of
        Nothing -> let txt = "(freed)" in
                   replicate (2*wORD_SIZE - length txt) ' ' ++ txt ++ rs
        Just b -> showsPrec p b rs

  Turns a 'Box' into a 'WeakBox', allowing the referenced value to be garbage
weakBox :: Box -> IO WeakBox
weakBox b@(Box a) = WeakBox `fmap` mkWeak a b Nothing

  Checks whether the value referenced by a weak box is still alive
isAlive :: WeakBox -> IO Bool
isAlive (WeakBox w) = isJust `fmap` deRefWeak w

  Dereferences the weak box
derefWeakBox :: WeakBox -> IO (Maybe Box)
derefWeakBox (WeakBox w) = deRefWeak w

weakenClosure :: Closure -> IO WeakClosure
weakenClosure = T.mapM weakBox