-- ghc-mod: Making Haskell development *more* fun
-- Copyright (C) 2015  Daniel Gröber <dxld ÄT darkboxed DOT org>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Monad.Types (
  -- * Monad Types
  , GmlT(..)
  , LightGhc(..)
  , GmGhc
  , IOish
  -- * Environment, state and logging
  , GhcModEnv(..)
  , GhcModState(..)
  , GhcModCaches(..)
  , defaultGhcModState
  , GmGhcSession(..)
  , GmComponent(..)
  , CompilerMode(..)
  -- * Accessing 'GhcModEnv', 'GhcModState' and 'GhcModLog'
  , GmLogLevel(..)
  , GhcModLog(..)
  , GhcModError(..)
  , Gm
  , GmEnv(..)
  , GmState(..)
  , GmLog(..)
  , cradle
  , options
  , withOptions
  , getCompilerMode
  , setCompilerMode
  -- * Re-exporting convenient stuff
  , MonadIO
  , liftIO
  , gmlGetSession
  , gmlSetSession
  ) where

-- MonadUtils of GHC 7.6 or earlier defines its own MonadIO.
-- RWST does not automatically become an instance of MonadIO.
-- MonadUtils of GHC 7.8 or later imports MonadIO in Monad.Control.IO.Class.
-- So, RWST automatically becomes an instance of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
-- 'CoreMonad.MonadIO' and 'Control.Monad.IO.Class.MonadIO' are different
-- classes before ghc 7.8

-- RWST doen't have a MonadIO instance before ghc 7.8

import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Types

import GHC
import DynFlags
import Exception
import HscTypes

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT(..), MonadError(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Journal (JournalT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))

import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase(..), liftBase)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control

import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Class (MonadState(..))
import Control.Monad.Journal.Class (MonadJournal(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.Error (Error(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as MTL

import Data.Monoid (Monoid)

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.IORef
import Prelude

import qualified MonadUtils as GHC (MonadIO(..))

-- | This is basically a newtype wrapper around 'StateT', 'ErrorT', 'JournalT'
-- and 'ReaderT' with custom instances for 'GhcMonad' and it's constraints that
-- means you can run (almost) all functions from the GHC API on top of 'GhcModT'
-- transparently.
-- The inner monad @m@ should have instances for 'MonadIO' and
-- 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO', in the common case this is simply 'IO'. Most @mtl@
-- monads already have 'MonadBaseControl' 'IO' instances, see the
-- @monad-control@ package.
newtype GhcModT m a = GhcModT {
      unGhcModT :: StateT GhcModState
                     (ErrorT GhcModError
                       (JournalT GhcModLog
                         (ReaderT GhcModEnv m) ) ) a
    } deriving ( Functor
               , Applicative
               , Alternative
               , Monad
               , MonadPlus
               , MTL.MonadIO
               , GHC.MonadIO
               , MonadError GhcModError

newtype GmlT m a = GmlT { unGmlT :: GhcModT m a }
    deriving ( Functor
             , Applicative
             , Alternative
             , Monad
             , MonadPlus
             , MonadTrans
             , MTL.MonadIO
             , GHC.MonadIO
             , MonadError GhcModError
             , GmEnv
             , GmState
             , GmLog

newtype LightGhc a = LightGhc { unLightGhc :: ReaderT (IORef HscEnv) IO a }
    deriving ( Functor
             , Applicative
             , Monad
             , MTL.MonadIO
             , GHC.MonadIO

instance MTL.MonadIO m => GHC.MonadIO (ReaderT x m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MTL.MonadIO m => GHC.MonadIO (StateT x m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance (Error e, MTL.MonadIO m) => GHC.MonadIO (ErrorT e m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MTL.MonadIO m => GHC.MonadIO (JournalT x m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MTL.MonadIO m => GHC.MonadIO (MaybeT m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO

instance MonadIO IO where
    liftIO = id
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ReaderT x m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (StateT x m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance (Error e, MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ErrorT e m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (JournalT x m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (MaybeT m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MonadIOC m => MonadIO (GhcModT m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MonadIOC m => MonadIO (GmlT m) where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO
instance MonadIO LightGhc where
    liftIO = MTL.liftIO

class Monad m => GmEnv m where
    gmeAsk :: m GhcModEnv
    gmeAsk = gmeReader id

    gmeReader :: (GhcModEnv -> a) -> m a
    gmeReader f = f `liftM` gmeAsk

    gmeLocal :: (GhcModEnv -> GhcModEnv) -> m a -> m a
    {-# MINIMAL (gmeAsk | gmeReader), gmeLocal #-}

type Gm m = (GmEnv m, GmState m, GmLog m)

instance Monad m => GmEnv (GhcModT m) where
    gmeAsk = GhcModT ask
    gmeReader = GhcModT . reader
    gmeLocal f a = GhcModT $ local f (unGhcModT a)

instance GmEnv m => GmEnv (StateT s m) where
    gmeAsk = lift gmeAsk
    gmeReader = lift . gmeReader
    gmeLocal f (StateT a) = StateT $ \s -> gmeLocal f (a s)

class Monad m => GmState m where
    gmsGet :: m GhcModState
    gmsGet = gmsState (\s -> (s, s))

    gmsPut :: GhcModState -> m ()
    gmsPut s = gmsState (\_ -> ((), s))

    gmsState :: (GhcModState -> (a, GhcModState)) -> m a
    gmsState f = do
      s <- gmsGet
      let ~(a, s') = f s
      gmsPut s'
      return a
    {-# MINIMAL gmsState | gmsGet, gmsPut #-}

instance Monad m => GmState (StateT GhcModState m) where
    gmsGet = get
    gmsPut = put
    gmsState = state

instance Monad m => GmState (GhcModT m) where
    gmsGet = GhcModT get
    gmsPut = GhcModT . put
    gmsState = GhcModT . state

instance GmState m => GmState (MaybeT m) where
    gmsGet = MaybeT $ Just `liftM` gmsGet
    gmsPut = MaybeT . (Just `liftM`) . gmsPut
    gmsState = MaybeT . (Just `liftM`) . gmsState

class Monad m => GmLog m where
    gmlJournal :: GhcModLog -> m ()
    gmlHistory :: m GhcModLog
    gmlClear   :: m ()

instance Monad m => GmLog (JournalT GhcModLog m) where
    gmlJournal = journal
    gmlHistory = history
    gmlClear   = clear

instance Monad m => GmLog (GhcModT m) where
    gmlJournal = GhcModT . lift . lift . journal
    gmlHistory = GhcModT $ lift $ lift history
    gmlClear   = GhcModT $ lift $ lift clear

instance (Monad m, GmLog m) => GmLog (ReaderT r m) where
    gmlJournal = lift . gmlJournal
    gmlHistory = lift gmlHistory
    gmlClear = lift  gmlClear

instance (Monad m, GmLog m) => GmLog (StateT s m) where
    gmlJournal = lift . gmlJournal
    gmlHistory = lift gmlHistory
    gmlClear = lift gmlClear

instance Monad m => MonadJournal GhcModLog (GhcModT m) where
  journal !w = GhcModT $ lift $ lift $ (journal w)
  history    = GhcModT $ lift $ lift $ history
  clear      = GhcModT $ lift $ lift $ clear

instance MonadTrans GhcModT where
    lift = GhcModT . lift . lift . lift . lift

instance forall r m. MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (GhcModT m) where
    local f ma = gmLiftWithInner (\run -> local f (run ma))
    ask = gmLiftInner ask

instance (Monoid w, MonadWriter w m) => MonadWriter w (GhcModT m) where
    tell = gmLiftInner . tell
    listen ma =
      liftWith (\run -> listen (run ma)) >>= \(sta, w) ->
          flip (,) w `liftM` restoreT (return sta)

    pass maww = maww >>= gmLiftInner . pass . return

instance MonadState s m => MonadState s (GhcModT m) where
    get = GhcModT $ lift $ lift $ lift get
    put = GhcModT . lift . lift . lift . put
    state = GhcModT . lift . lift . lift . state

instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBase IO (GmlT m) where
    liftBase = GmlT . liftBase

instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (GmlT m) where
    type StM (GmlT m) a = StM (GhcModT m) a
    liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith
    restoreM = defaultRestoreM
    {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
    {-# INLINE restoreM #-}

instance MonadTransControl GmlT where
    type StT GmlT a = StT GhcModT a
    liftWith = defaultLiftWith GmlT unGmlT
    restoreT = defaultRestoreT GmlT

instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBase IO (GhcModT m) where
    liftBase = GhcModT . liftBase

instance (MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadBaseControl IO (GhcModT m) where
    type StM (GhcModT m) a =
          StM (StateT GhcModState
                (ErrorT GhcModError
                  (JournalT GhcModLog
                    (ReaderT GhcModEnv m) ) ) ) a

    liftBaseWith f = GhcModT (liftBaseWith $ \runInBase ->
        f $ runInBase . unGhcModT)

    restoreM = GhcModT . restoreM
    {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
    {-# INLINE restoreM #-}

instance MonadTransControl GhcModT where
    type StT GhcModT a = (Either GhcModError (a, GhcModState), GhcModLog)

    liftWith f = GhcModT $
      liftWith $ \runS ->
        liftWith $ \runE ->
          liftWith $ \runJ ->
            liftWith $ \runR ->
              f $ \ma -> runR $ runJ $ runE $ runS $ unGhcModT ma
    restoreT = GhcModT . restoreT . restoreT . restoreT . restoreT
    {-# INLINE liftWith #-}
    {-# INLINE restoreT #-}

gmLiftInner :: Monad m => m a -> GhcModT m a
gmLiftInner = GhcModT . lift . lift . lift . lift

gmLiftWithInner :: (MonadTransControl t, Monad m, Monad (t m))
                => (Run t -> m (StT t a)) -> t m a
gmLiftWithInner f = liftWith f >>= restoreT . return

-- GHC cannot prove the following instances to be decidable automatically using
-- the FlexibleContexts extension as they violate the second Paterson Condition,
-- namely that: The assertion has fewer constructors and variables (taken
-- together and counting repetitions) than the head. Specifically the
-- @MonadBaseControl IO m@ constraint in 'IOish' is causing this violation.

type GmGhc m = (IOish m, GhcMonad m)

instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => GhcMonad (GmlT m) where
    getSession = gmlGetSession
    setSession = gmlSetSession

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

gmlGetSession :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => GmlT m HscEnv
gmlGetSession = do
        ref <- gmgsSession . fromJust . gmGhcSession <$> gmsGet
        GHC.liftIO $ readIORef ref

gmlSetSession :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => HscEnv -> GmlT m ()
gmlSetSession a = do
        ref <- gmgsSession . fromJust . gmGhcSession <$> gmsGet
        GHC.liftIO $ flip writeIORef a ref

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance GhcMonad LightGhc where
    getSession = (GHC.liftIO . readIORef) =<< LightGhc ask
    setSession a = (GHC.liftIO . flip writeIORef a) =<< LightGhc ask

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => HasDynFlags (GmlT m) where
    getDynFlags = hsc_dflags <$> getSession

instance HasDynFlags LightGhc where
    getDynFlags = hsc_dflags <$> getSession

instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => ExceptionMonad (GhcModT m) where
    gcatch act handler = control $ \run ->
        run act `gcatch` (run . handler)

    gmask = liftBaseOp gmask . liftRestore
     where liftRestore f r = f $ liftBaseOp_ r

instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => ExceptionMonad (GmlT m) where
    gcatch act handler = control $ \run ->
        run act `gcatch` (run . handler)

    gmask = liftBaseOp gmask . liftRestore
     where liftRestore f r = f $ liftBaseOp_ r

instance ExceptionMonad LightGhc where
  gcatch act handl =
      LightGhc $ unLightGhc act `gcatch` \e -> unLightGhc (handl e)
  gmask f =
      LightGhc $ gmask $ \io_restore ->let
          g_restore (LightGhc m) = LightGhc $ io_restore m
        unLightGhc (f g_restore)

instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => ExceptionMonad (StateT s m) where
    gcatch act handler = control $ \run ->
        run act `gcatch` (run . handler)

    gmask = liftBaseOp gmask . liftRestore
     where liftRestore f r = f $ liftBaseOp_ r

instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => ExceptionMonad (ReaderT s m) where
    gcatch act handler = control $ \run ->
        run act `gcatch` (run . handler)

    gmask = liftBaseOp gmask . liftRestore
     where liftRestore f r = f $ liftBaseOp_ r


options :: GmEnv m => m Options
options = gmOptions `liftM` gmeAsk

cradle :: GmEnv m => m Cradle
cradle = gmCradle `liftM` gmeAsk

getCompilerMode :: GmState m => m CompilerMode
getCompilerMode = gmCompilerMode `liftM` gmsGet

setCompilerMode :: GmState m => CompilerMode -> m ()
setCompilerMode mode = (\s -> gmsPut s { gmCompilerMode = mode } ) =<< gmsGet

withOptions :: GmEnv m => (Options -> Options) -> m a -> m a
withOptions changeOpt action = gmeLocal changeEnv action
    changeEnv e = e { gmOptions = changeOpt opt }
        opt = gmOptions e