module Main where import Control.Monad import Control.Exception import Data.Char import Data.List import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.Process import Test.QuickCheck import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import qualified GHC.ParMake.BuildPlan as BuildPlan import GHC.ParMake.BuildPlan (TargetId, defaultSettings) import GHC.ParMake.Common (appendMap, uniq) import GHC.ParMake.Parse (depsListToDeps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Input data generation for QuickCheck. data DepsList = DepsList [(TargetId, TargetId)] deriving Show instance Arbitrary DepsList where arbitrary = fmap DepsList arbitraryDepsList mkObjsDeps :: [TargetId] -> Gen [(TargetId, TargetId)] mkObjsDeps [] = return [] mkObjsDeps [fn] = return [(fn <.> "o", fn <.> "hs")] mkObjsDeps (fn:fns) = -- Choose a random subset of program modules to be used as dependencies for -- this file. do ifcs' <- listOf $ elements fns let ifcs = uniq . sort $ ifcs' -- Generate a dep list for this file: each .o depends on a .hs plus a -- number of ".hi"s chosen in the previous step. let fnExt = fn <.> "o" let deps = (fnExt, fn <.> "hs") : map (\i -> (fnExt, i <.> "hi")) ifcs -- Generate dep lists for the remaining modules. rest <- (mkObjsDeps fns) return $ deps ++ rest arbitraryDepsList :: Gen [(TargetId, TargetId)] arbitraryDepsList = do fns' <- listOf arbitraryName `suchThat` ((<=) 5 . length) let fns = uniq . sort $ fns' mkObjsDeps fns -- A simpler name generator. -- arbitraryName :: Gen TargetId -- arbitraryName = fmap (:[]) $ elements ['A'..'Z'] arbitraryName :: Gen TargetId arbitraryName = (listOf . elements $ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['0'..'9']) `suchThat` (\l -> (not . null $ l) && (not . isDigit . head $ l) && (length l >= 4) && (isUpper . head $ l)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Properties. pMarkCompleted :: DepsList -> Bool pMarkCompleted (DepsList []) = True pMarkCompleted (DepsList l) = let plan = defaultSettings (depsListToDeps l) [] target = head . BuildPlan.ready $ plan plan' = BuildPlan.markReadyAsBuilding plan plan'' = BuildPlan.markCompleted plan' target in [target] == BuildPlan.completed plan'' pCompile :: DepsList -> Bool pCompile (DepsList []) = True pCompile (DepsList l) = go $ defaultSettings (depsListToDeps l) [] where go plan = if null rdy then check plan else go plan'' where rdy = BuildPlan.ready plan plan' = BuildPlan.markReadyAsBuilding plan plan'' = foldr (flip BuildPlan.markCompleted) plan' rdy check p = BuildPlan.numBuilding p == 0 && (length $ BuildPlan.completed p) == BuildPlan.size p pAppendMap :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool pAppendMap l1 l2 = appendMap id l1 l2 == l1 ++ l2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Unit tests. makeProgram :: String makeProgram = "dist" "build" "ghc-parmake" "ghc-parmake" recreateDirectory :: FilePath -> IO () recreateDirectory dir = do dirExists <- doesDirectoryExist dir when dirExists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir createDirectory dir getExitCode :: FilePath -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO ExitCode getExitCode program args workingDir = do bracket (runInteractiveProcess program args (Just workingDir) Nothing) (\(inh, outh, errh, _) -> mapM_ hClose [inh, outh, errh]) (\(_,_,errh,pid) -> do exitCode <- waitForProcess pid hGetContents errh >>= putStrLn return exitCode) mkTestCase :: FilePath -> Int -> Assertion mkTestCase dirName numJobs = do t1 <- doesDirectoryExist testDir t2 <- doesFileExist makeProgram assertBool ("Directory '" ++ testDir ++ "' doesn't exist!") t1 assertBool ("Executable '" ++ makeProgram ++ "' doesn't exist!") t2 -- Try building the program with different options. buildProgram [] buildProgram ["-hisuf", "hi_p", "-osuf", "o_p"] -- Check output. testProgramOutput <- readProcess testProgram [] "" referenceOutput <- readFile testFile assertEqual "Program output is wrong!" referenceOutput testProgramOutput `finally` removeFile testProgram where buildProgram extraOpts = do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory recreateDirectory oDir let args = [ "Main.hs", "-package", "base", "-j", show numJobs , "-odir", oDirName, "-hidir", oDirName ] ++ extraOpts exitCode <- getExitCode (curDir makeProgram) args testDir assertEqual "ghc-parmake invocation failed!" ExitSuccess exitCode `finally` removeDirectoryRecursive oDir testDir = "tests" "data" dirName oDirName = "tmp" oDir = testDir oDirName testProgram = testDir "Main" testFile = testDir "OUTPUT" -- | Checks that parmake does not create another executable next to -- the source file if the -o option is given. testSuperfluousExe :: Assertion testSuperfluousExe = do curDir <- getCurrentDirectory let testDir = "tests" "data" "output-target" oDirName = "tmp" oDir = testDir oDirName testProgram = oDirName "myprogram" args = [ "--make", "Prog.hs", "-o", testProgram , "-odir", oDirName, "-hidir", oDirName] badExe = testDir "Prog" recreateDirectory oDir -- Remove potentially existing old bad executable progExists <- doesFileExist badExe when progExists $ removeFile badExe exitCode <- getExitCode (curDir makeProgram) args testDir (do assertEqual "ghc-parmake invocation failed!" ExitSuccess exitCode progExist <- doesFileExist (testDir testProgram) assertBool "target specified via -o was not created" progExist badExist <- doesFileExist badExe assertBool "executable was created next to source file (should not)" (not badExist) ) `finally` removeDirectoryRecursive oDir ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test harness main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "properties" [ testProperty "appendMap" pAppendMap , testProperty "markCompleted" pMarkCompleted , testProperty "compile" pCompile ] , testGroup "tests" [ testCase dirName (mkTestCase dirName 2) | dirName <- [ "executable" , "executable-lhs" , "executable-mutrec", "executable-lhs-mutrec" ] ] , testGroup "custom tests" [ testCase "-o does not create superfluous exe" testSuperfluousExe ] ]