{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} module Test.Tag (tests) where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Function (on) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.List (nub, sortBy) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text import System.FilePath.ByteString (RawFilePath) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Text () import qualified Pipes import qualified Pipes.Prelude as Pipes import qualified Pipes.Lift as Pipes import GhcTags.Tag import GhcTags.Stream import qualified GhcTags.CTag as CTag import Test.Tag.Generators -- TODO add ETags test tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tag" [ testGroup "compareTags" [ testProperty "antisymmetry" ordAntiSymmetryProp , testProperty "reflexivity" (on ordReflexivityyProp getArbOrdTag) , testProperty "transitivity" (\a b c -> ordTransitiveProp (getArbOrdTag a) (getArbOrdTag b) (getArbOrdTag c)) , testProperty "Eq:consistency" (weakConsistency . getArbOrdTag) , testProperty "sort:idempotent" sortIdempotentProp ] , testGroup "combineTags" [ testProperty "subset" combineTags_subset , testProperty "idempotent" combineTags_idempotent , testProperty "identity" combineTags_identity , testProperty "preserve" combineTags_preserve , testProperty "substitution" combineTags_substitution , testProperty "order" combineTags_order ] , testGroup "combineTagsPipe" [ testProperty "model test" combineTagsPipeProp ] ] -- | 'Tag' generator -- newtype ArbTag = ArbTag { getArbTag :: CTag } deriving Show genTagAddrLine :: Gen CTag genTagAddrLine = Tag <$> (TagName <$> resize 5 genTextNonEmpty) <*> genTagKind SingCTag <*> genSmallFilePath <*> frequency [ (8, TagLine . getPositive <$> arbitrary) , (1, TagCommand . ExCommand . (wrap '/' . fixAddr) <$> genTextNonEmpty) , (1, TagCommand . ExCommand . (wrap '?' . fixAddr) <$> genTextNonEmpty) ] <*> pure NoTagDefinition <*> (TagFields <$> listOf genField) genTagAddrLineCol :: Gen CTag genTagAddrLineCol = Tag <$> (TagName <$> resize 5 genTextNonEmpty) <*> genTagKind SingCTag <*> genSmallFilePath <*> frequency [ (8, TagLineCol <$> (getPositive <$> arbitrary) <*> (getPositive <$> arbitrary)) , (1, TagCommand . ExCommand . (wrap '/' . fixAddr) <$> genTextNonEmpty) , (1, TagCommand . ExCommand . (wrap '?' . fixAddr) <$> genTextNonEmpty) ] <*> pure NoTagDefinition <*> (TagFields <$> listOf genField) instance Arbitrary ArbTag where arbitrary = oneof [ ArbTag <$> genTagAddrLine , ArbTag <$> genTagAddrLineCol ] shrink = map ArbTag . shrinkTag . getArbTag -- | Arbitrary instance with a high probability of gettings the same tags or files. -- newtype ArbOrdTag = ArbOrdTag { getArbOrdTag :: CTag } deriving Show instance Arbitrary ArbOrdTag where arbitrary = fmap ArbOrdTag $ Tag <$> elements (TagName `map` [ "find" , "Ord" , "Eq" ]) <*> genTagKind SingCTag <*> elements [ TagFilePath "Main.hs" , TagFilePath "Lib.hs" ] <*> frequency [ (8, TagLine . getPositive <$> arbitrary) , (1, TagCommand . ExCommand . (wrap '/' . fixAddr) <$> genTextNonEmpty) , (1, TagCommand . ExCommand . (wrap '?' . fixAddr) <$> genTextNonEmpty) ] <*> pure NoTagDefinition <*> pure (TagFields []) shrink = map ArbOrdTag . shrinkTag . getArbOrdTag -- | Generate pairs of tags which are equal in the sense of `compare`. -- data EqTags = EqTags CTag CTag deriving Show instance Arbitrary EqTags where arbitrary = do x <- getArbOrdTag <$> arbitrary fieldsA <- listOf genField fieldsB <- listOf genField pure $ EqTags x { tagFields = TagFields fieldsA } x { tagFields = TagFields fieldsB } -- | Note that this property is weaker than required. There are unequal `Tag`s -- in the sense of `==`, which are considered equal by `compare`. -- ordAntiSymmetryProp :: EqTags -> Bool ordAntiSymmetryProp (EqTags a b) = a `compareTags` b == EQ -- We don't provide 'Ord' instance, since it's not compatible with 'compare', -- see 'weakConsistency'. -- (≤), (≥) :: Tag tk -> Tag tk -> Bool a ≤ b = a `compareTags` b /= GT a ≥ b = a `compareTags` b /= LT ordReflexivityyProp :: Tag tk -> Tag tk -> Bool ordReflexivityyProp a b = a ≤ b || a ≥ b ordTransitiveProp :: Tag tk -> Tag tk -> Tag tk -> Property ordTransitiveProp a b c = a ≤ b && b ≤ c || a ≥ b && b ≥ c ==> if | a ≤ b && b ≤ c -> a ≤ c | a ≥ b && b ≥ c -> a ≥ c | otherwise -> error "impossible happened" where sortIdempotentProp :: [ArbTag] -> Bool sortIdempotentProp ts = let ts' = getArbTag `map` ts ts'' = sortBy compareTags ts' in sortBy compareTags ts'' == ts'' -- | The -- -- prop> a == b ==> a `compare` b == EQ` -- -- But since 'Tag' is using derived 'Eq' instance, it is equivalent to weakConsistency :: Tag tk -> Bool weakConsistency a = a `compareTags` a == EQ -- -- combineTags properties -- genSmallFilePath :: Gen TagFilePath genSmallFilePath = TagFilePath <$> suchThat (resize 3 arbitrary) (not . Text.null) -- | sorted list of Tags newtype ArbTagList = ArbTagList { getArbTagList :: [CTag] } deriving Show instance Arbitrary ArbTagList where arbitrary = (ArbTagList . nub . sortBy CTag.compareTags . map getArbTag) <$> listOf arbitrary shrink (ArbTagList ts) = (ArbTagList . sortBy compareTags) `map` shrinkList shrinkTag ts -- | List of tags from the same file -- data ArbTagsFromFile = ArbTagsFromFile TagFilePath [CTag] deriving Show instance Arbitrary ArbTagsFromFile where arbitrary = do filePath <- genSmallFilePath ArbTagList tags <- arbitrary let tags' = (\t -> t { tagFilePath = filePath, tagFields = mempty }) `map` tags pure $ ArbTagsFromFile filePath (sortBy compareTags tags') shrink (ArbTagsFromFile fp@(TagFilePath rawPath) tags) = [ ArbTagsFromFile fp (sortBy compareTags tags') -- Don't shrink file name! | tags' <- shrinkList shrinkTag' tags ] ++ [ ArbTagsFromFile (TagFilePath rawPath') ((\t -> t { tagFilePath = TagFilePath rawPath' }) `map` tags) | rawPath' <- shrink rawPath , not (Text.null rawPath') ] -- -- Utils -- encodeTagFilePath :: TagFilePath -> RawFilePath encodeTagFilePath = Text.encodeUtf8 . getRawFilePath -- properties combineTags_subset :: ArbTagsFromFile -> [ArbTag] -> Bool combineTags_subset (ArbTagsFromFile fp as) bs = let bs' = getArbTag `map` bs cs = combineTags CTag.compareTags (encodeTagFilePath fp) as bs' in all (`elem` cs) as -- | The tag list be ordered for this property to hold. -- combineTags_idempotent :: ArbTagsFromFile -> ArbTagList -> Bool combineTags_idempotent (ArbTagsFromFile fp as) (ArbTagList bs) = combineTags CTag.compareTags fp' as bs == combineTags CTag.compareTags fp' as (combineTags CTag.compareTags fp' as bs) where fp' = encodeTagFilePath fp -- | The tag list cannot connot contain duplicates for this property to hold. -- combineTags_identity :: ArbTagsFromFile -> Bool combineTags_identity (ArbTagsFromFile fp as) = combineTags CTag.compareTags (encodeTagFilePath fp) as as == as -- | Does not modify tags outside of the module. -- combineTags_preserve :: ArbTagsFromFile -> ArbTagList -> Bool combineTags_preserve (ArbTagsFromFile fp as) (ArbTagList bs) = filter (\t -> not $ (getRawFilePath fp) `Text.isSuffixOf` (getRawFilePath $ tagFilePath t)) (combineTags CTag.compareTags (encodeTagFilePath fp) as bs) == filter (\t -> not $ (getRawFilePath fp) `Text.isSuffixOf` (getRawFilePath $ tagFilePath t)) bs -- | Substitutes all tags of the current file. -- combineTags_substitution :: ArbTagsFromFile -> ArbTagList -> Bool combineTags_substitution (ArbTagsFromFile fp as) (ArbTagList bs) = filter (\t -> tagFilePath t == fp) (combineTags CTag.compareTags (encodeTagFilePath fp) as bs) == as -- | 'combineTags' must preserver order of tags. -- combineTags_order :: ArbTagsFromFile -> ArbTagList -> Bool combineTags_order (ArbTagsFromFile fp as) (ArbTagList bs) = let cs = combineTags CTag.compareTags (encodeTagFilePath fp) as bs in sortBy compareTags cs == cs -- -- combineTagsPipe model test -- -- | We need a special generator; the property holds only for list of tags -- which have the same address: `TagLine` or `TagLineCol` but not mixed. -- -- The reason for that is that the piped `combineTagsPipe` needs to compare -- tags, and the `Eq` instance cannot distinquishe a tag with address -- `TagLine 10` with `TagLine 10 3`, even if they are the same tags. The crux -- of the problem is that `ctags` have no way of representing a column number. -- data ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList = ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList TagFilePath [CTag] [CTag] deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Make addresses monotonic -- fixAddresses :: [CTag] -> [CTag] fixAddresses = snd . foldr f (TagLineCol 0 0, []) where next :: CTagAddress -> CTagAddress next (TagLineCol l c) = TagLineCol l (succ c) next (TagLine l) = TagLine (succ l) next addr = addr f :: CTag -> (CTagAddress, [CTag]) -> (CTagAddress, [CTag]) f tag@Tag {tagAddr} (addr, ts) | tagAddr > addr = (tagAddr, tag : ts) | otherwise = let nextAddr = next addr in (nextAddr, tag { tagAddr = nextAddr } : ts) instance Arbitrary ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList where arbitrary = do filePath <- genSmallFilePath bool <- arbitrary let tagGen = if bool then genTagAddrLine else genTagAddrLineCol tagsFromFile <- fixAddresses . map (fixFile filePath) . nub . sortBy compareTags <$> listOf tagGen tags <- nub . sortBy compareTags <$> listOf tagGen pure $ ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList filePath tagsFromFile tags where fixFile p t = t { tagFilePath = p , tagFields = mempty } -- A very basic shrinker shrink (ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList filePath@(TagFilePath rawPath) as bs) = [ ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList (TagFilePath rawPath') ((\t -> t { tagFilePath = TagFilePath rawPath' }) `map` as) bs | rawPath' <- shrink rawPath , not (Text.null rawPath') ] ++ [ ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList filePath ((\t -> t { tagFilePath = filePath }) `map` as') bs | as' <- shrinkList shrinkTag as ] ++ [ ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList filePath as bs' | bs' <- shrinkList shrinkTag bs ] -- | Check, that the `combineTagsPipe` and agree with it's non-stream version -- 'combineTags' -- -- This is an example of a model test (where `combineTags` is regarded a model -- of `combeinTagsPipe`). -- combineTagsPipeProp :: ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList -> Property combineTagsPipeProp (ArbTagsFromFileAndTagList modPath as bs) = combineTags CTag.compareTags modPath' as bs === case runStateT (Pipes.toListM @(StateT [CTag] Identity) (Pipes.for -- yield all `bs` (traverse_ Pipes.yield bs) (\tag -> Pipes.stateP $ fmap ((),) . combineTagsPipe CTag.compareTags modPath' tag))) -- take 'as' a state as of Identity (tags, rest) -> tags ++ rest where modPath' = encodeTagFilePath modPath