{- |
   Module      : GHC.Vis
   Copyright   : (c) Dennis Felsing
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : dennis@felsin9.de
module GHC.Vis (

import Prelude hiding (catch)

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Box, Signal)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as E

import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate)

import Data.IORef

import System.Timeout
import System.Mem

import GHC.Vis.Types
import GHC.Vis.GTK.Common
import qualified GHC.Vis.GTK.Graph as Graph
import qualified GHC.Vis.GTK.List as List

title :: String
title = "ghc-vis"

backgroundColor :: Color
backgroundColor = Color 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff

defaultSize :: (Int, Int)
defaultSize = (640, 480)

signalTimeout :: Int
signalTimeout = 1000000

-- | This is the main function. It's to be called from GHCi and launches a
--   graphical window in a new thread.
visualization :: IO ()
visualization = do
  vr <- swapMVar visRunning True
  unless vr $ void $ forkIO visMainThread

visMainThread :: IO ()
visMainThread = do
  window <- windowNew

  canvas <- drawingAreaNew

  widgetModifyBg canvas StateNormal backgroundColor

  set window [ windowTitle := title
             , containerChild := canvas
  (uncurry $ windowSetDefaultSize window) defaultSize

  onExpose canvas $ const $ do
    runCorrect Graph.redraw List.redraw >>= \f -> f canvas
    runCorrect Graph.move List.move >>= \f -> f canvas
    return True

  onMotionNotify canvas False $ \e -> do
    modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {mousePos = (E.eventX e, E.eventY e)})
    runCorrect Graph.move List.move >>= \f -> f canvas
    return True

  onButtonPress canvas $ \e -> do
    click <- runCorrect Graph.click List.click
    when (E.eventButton e == LeftButton && E.eventClick e == SingleClick) click
    return True

  widgetShowAll window

  reactThread <- forkIO $ react canvas window
  --onDestroy window mainQuit -- Causes :r problems with multiple windows
  onDestroy window (quit reactThread)

  return ()

quit :: ThreadId -> IO ()
quit reactThread = do
  swapMVar visRunning False
  killThread reactThread

react :: (WidgetClass w1, WidgetClass w2) => w1 -> w2 -> IO b
react canvas window = do
  -- Timeout used to handle ghci reloads (:r)
  -- Reloads cause the visSignal to be reinitialized, but takeMVar is still
  -- waiting for the old one.  This solution is not perfect, but it works for
  -- now.
  mbSignal <- timeout signalTimeout (takeMVar visSignal)
  case mbSignal of
    Nothing -> do
      running <- readMVar visRunning
      if running then react canvas window else
        -- :r caused visRunning to be reset
        (do swapMVar visRunning True
            putMVar visSignal UpdateSignal
            react canvas window)
    Just signal -> do
      case signal of
        NewSignal x n  -> modifyMVar_ visBoxes (
          \y -> if (x,n) `elem` y then return y else return $ y ++ [(x,n)])
        ClearSignal    -> modifyMVar_ visBoxes (\_ -> return [])
        UpdateSignal   -> return ()
        SwitchSignal   -> modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {view = succN (view s)})
        ExportSignal f -> catch (runCorrect Graph.export List.export >>= \e -> e f)
          (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException)
                    hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't export to file \"" ++ f ++ "\": " ++ err
                    return ())

      boxes <- readMVar visBoxes
      performGC -- TODO: Else Blackholes appear. Do we want this?

      runCorrect Graph.updateObjects List.updateObjects >>= \f -> f boxes

      postGUISync $ widgetQueueDraw canvas
      react canvas window

  where succN v = if v == maxBound then minBound else succ v

runCorrect :: f -> f -> IO f
runCorrect f1 f2 = do
  s <- readIORef visState
  return $ case view s of
             GraphView -> f1
             ListView  -> f2