{- |
   Module      : GHC.Vis
   Copyright   : (c) Dennis Felsing
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : dennis@felsin9.de

Although ghc-vis is meant to be used in GHCi it can also be used as a library
in regular Haskell programs which are run or compiled by GHC. You can run those
programs using \"runghc example.hs\" or \"ghc -threaded example.hs && ./example\".
Without the \"-threaded\"-Flag ghc-vis does not work correctly. This is an
example using ghc-vis outside of GHCi:

> import GHC.Vis
> main = do
>   putStrLn "Start"
>   let a = "teeest"
>   let b = [1..3]
>   let c = b ++ b
>   let d = [1..]
>   putStrLn $ show $ d !! 1
>   visualization
>   view a "a"
>   view b "b"
>   view c "c"
>   view d "d"
>   getChar
>   switch
>   getChar
>   putStrLn "End"
module GHC.Vis (
  visualization, -- TODO: Maybe rename to vis

import Prelude hiding (catch)

import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (Box, Signal)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as E

import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad

import Control.Exception hiding (evaluate)

import Data.IORef

import System.Timeout
import System.Mem

import GHC.HeapView hiding (name)

import GHC.Vis.Types hiding (view)
import qualified GHC.Vis.Types as T
import GHC.Vis.GTK.Common
import qualified GHC.Vis.GTK.Graph as Graph
import qualified GHC.Vis.GTK.List as List

title :: String
title = "ghc-vis"

backgroundColor :: Color
backgroundColor = Color 0xffff 0xffff 0xffff

defaultSize :: (Int, Int)
defaultSize = (640, 480)

signalTimeout :: Int
signalTimeout = 1000000

-- | This is the main function. It's to be called from GHCi and launches a
--   graphical window in a new thread.
visualization :: IO ()
visualization = do
  vr <- swapMVar visRunning True
  unless vr $ void $ forkIO visMainThread

-- | Add expressions with a name to the visualization window.
view :: a -> String -> IO ()
view a name = put $ NewSignal (asBox a) name

-- | Evaluate an object that is shown in the visualization. (Names start with 't')
eval :: String -> IO ()
eval t = evaluate t >> update

-- | Switch between the list view and the graph view
switch :: IO ()
switch = put SwitchSignal

-- | When an object is updated by accessing it, you have to call this to
--   refresh the visualization window. You can also click on an object to force
--   an update.
update :: IO ()
update = put UpdateSignal

-- | Clear the visualization window, removing all expressions from it.
clear :: IO ()
clear = put ClearSignal

-- | Export the current visualization view to an SVG file.
export :: String -> IO () -- TODO: Work with different file formats (svg, pdf, png)
export filename = put $ ExportSignal filename

put :: Signal -> IO ()
put s = (timeout signalTimeout $ putMVar visSignal s) >> return ()

visMainThread :: IO ()
visMainThread = do
  window <- windowNew

  canvas <- drawingAreaNew

  widgetModifyBg canvas StateNormal backgroundColor

  set window [ windowTitle := title
             , containerChild := canvas
  (uncurry $ windowSetDefaultSize window) defaultSize

  onExpose canvas $ const $ do
    runCorrect Graph.redraw List.redraw >>= \f -> f canvas
    runCorrect Graph.move List.move >>= \f -> f canvas
    return True

  onMotionNotify canvas False $ \e -> do
    modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {mousePos = (E.eventX e, E.eventY e)})
    runCorrect Graph.move List.move >>= \f -> f canvas
    return True

  onButtonPress canvas $ \e -> do
    click <- runCorrect Graph.click List.click
    when (E.eventButton e == LeftButton && E.eventClick e == SingleClick) click
    return True

  widgetShowAll window

  reactThread <- forkIO $ react canvas window
  --onDestroy window mainQuit -- Causes :r problems with multiple windows
  onDestroy window (quit reactThread)

  return ()

quit :: ThreadId -> IO ()
quit reactThread = do
  swapMVar visRunning False
  killThread reactThread

react :: (WidgetClass w1, WidgetClass w2) => w1 -> w2 -> IO b
react canvas window = do
  -- Timeout used to handle ghci reloads (:r)
  -- Reloads cause the visSignal to be reinitialized, but takeMVar is still
  -- waiting for the old one.  This solution is not perfect, but it works for
  -- now.
  mbSignal <- timeout signalTimeout (takeMVar visSignal)
  case mbSignal of
    Nothing -> do
      running <- readMVar visRunning
      if running then react canvas window else
        -- :r caused visRunning to be reset
        (do swapMVar visRunning True
            putMVar visSignal UpdateSignal
            react canvas window)
    Just signal -> do
      case signal of
        NewSignal x n  -> modifyMVar_ visBoxes (
          \y -> if (x,n) `elem` y then return y else return $ y ++ [(x,n)])
        ClearSignal    -> modifyMVar_ visBoxes (\_ -> return [])
        UpdateSignal   -> return ()
        SwitchSignal   -> modifyIORef visState (\s -> s {T.view = succN (T.view s)})
        ExportSignal f -> catch (runCorrect Graph.export List.export >>= \e -> e f)
          (\e -> do let err = show (e :: IOException)
                    hPutStrLn stderr $ "Couldn't export to file \"" ++ f ++ "\": " ++ err
                    return ())

      boxes <- readMVar visBoxes
      performGC -- TODO: Else Blackholes appear. Do we want this?

      runCorrect Graph.updateObjects List.updateObjects >>= \f -> f boxes

      postGUISync $ widgetQueueDraw canvas
      react canvas window

  where succN v = if v == maxBound then minBound else succ v

runCorrect :: f -> f -> IO f
runCorrect f1 f2 = do
  s <- readIORef visState
  return $ case T.view s of
             GraphView -> f1
             ListView  -> f2