{-# LANGUAGE CPP, MagicHash, DeriveDataTypeable, NoMonomorphismRestriction, RankNTypes, RecordWildCards #-}

{- |
   Module      : GHC.Vis.Internal
   Copyright   : (c) Dennis Felsing
   License     : 3-Clause BSD-style
   Maintainer  : dennis@felsin9.de

module GHC.Vis.Internal (

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 706
import Prelude hiding (catch)

import GHC.Vis.Types

import GHC.HeapView hiding (pkg, modl, fun, arrWords)

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State hiding (State, fix)

import Data.Word
import Data.Char
import Data.List hiding (insert)
import qualified Data.IntMap as M

import Text.Printf
import Unsafe.Coerce

import System.IO.Unsafe

-- TODO: Remove
instance Eq Box where
  a == b = unsafePerformIO $ areBoxesEqual a b

-- | Parse a closure to a list of VisObjects
parseClosure :: HeapGraphIndex -> PrintState [VisObject]
parseClosure i = do
  o <- correctObject i
  case o of
    Link n -> return [Link n] -- Don't build infinite heaps
    _      -> do HeapGraph m <- gets heapGraph
                 l <- parseInternal i $ hgeClosure $ m M.! i
                 return $ insertObjects o l

correctObject :: HeapGraphIndex -> PrintState VisObject
correctObject i = do
  name <- getName i
  bindings <- gets bindings

  if null name
  then if i `elem` bindings then
                 (do name' <- setName i
                     return $ Named name' [])
                 else return $ Unnamed ""
  else return $ Link name

setName :: HeapGraphIndex -> PrintState String
setName i = do
  n <- getName i
  if null n
  then do
    s@(PState ti fi xi _ (HeapGraph m)) <- get
    let Just hge@(HeapGraphEntry{hgeClosure = c}) = M.lookup i m
    let (name,newState) = case bindingLetter c of
          't' -> ('t' : show ti, s{tCounter' = ti + 1})
          'f' -> ('f' : show fi, s{fCounter' = fi + 1})
          'x' -> ('x' : show xi, s{xCounter' = xi + 1})
          _   -> error "Invalid letter"

    let m' = M.insert i (hge{hgeData = name}) m
    put $ newState{heapGraph = HeapGraph m'}
    return name
  else return n

    bindingLetter c = case c of
        ThunkClosure {..} -> 't'
        SelectorClosure {..} -> 't'
        APClosure {..} -> 't'
        PAPClosure {..} -> 'f'
        BCOClosure {..} -> 't'
        FunClosure {..} -> 'f'
        _ -> 'x'

getName :: HeapGraphIndex -> PrintState String
getName i = do
  HeapGraph m <- gets heapGraph
  return $ hgeData $ m M.! i

insertObjects :: VisObject -> [VisObject] -> [VisObject]
insertObjects _ xs@(Function _ : _) = xs
insertObjects _ xs@(Thunk _ : _) = xs
insertObjects (Link name) _ = [Link name]
insertObjects (Named name _) xs = [Named name xs]
insertObjects (Unnamed _) xs = xs
insertObjects _ _ = error "unexpected arguments"

parseInternal :: HeapGraphIndex -> GenClosure (Maybe HeapGraphIndex) -> PrintState [VisObject]
parseInternal _ (ConsClosure _ [] [dataArg] _pkg modl name) =
 return [Unnamed $ case (modl, name) of
    k | k `elem` [ ("GHC.Word", "W#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W8#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W16#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W32#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W64#")
                 ] -> name ++ " " ++ show dataArg

    k | k `elem` [ ("GHC.Integer.Type", "S#")
                 , ("GHC.Types", "I#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I8#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I16#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I32#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I64#")
                 ] -> name ++ " " ++ show ((fromIntegral :: Word -> Int) dataArg)

    ("GHC.Types", "C#") -> show . chr $ fromIntegral dataArg
    --("GHC.Types", "C#") -> '\'' : (chr $ fromIntegral dataArg) : "'"

    ("GHC.Types", "D#") -> printf "D# %0.5f" (unsafeCoerce dataArg :: Double)
    ("GHC.Types", "F#") -> printf "F# %0.5f" (unsafeCoerce dataArg :: Double)

    _ -> printf "%s %d" (infixFix name) dataArg

parseInternal _ (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 1 3 _ _) _ [_,0,0] _ "Data.ByteString.Internal" "PS")
  = return [Unnamed "ByteString 0 0"]

parseInternal _ (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 1 3 _ _) [bPtr] [_,start,end] _ "Data.ByteString.Internal" "PS")
  = do cPtr  <- liftM mbParens $ contParse bPtr
       return $ Unnamed (printf "ByteString %d %d " start end) : cPtr

parseInternal _ (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 2 3 _ _) [bPtr1,bPtr2] [_,start,end] _ "Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal" "Chunk")
  = do cPtr1 <- liftM mbParens $ contParse bPtr1
       cPtr2 <- liftM mbParens $ contParse bPtr2
       return $ Unnamed (printf "Chunk %d %d " start end) : cPtr1 ++ [Unnamed " "] ++ cPtr2

parseInternal _ (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 2 0 _ _) [bHead,bTail] [] _ "GHC.Types" ":")
  = do cHead <- liftM mbParens $ contParse bHead
       cTail <- liftM mbParens $ contParse bTail
       return $ cHead ++ [Unnamed ":"] ++ cTail

parseInternal _ (ConsClosure _ bPtrs dArgs _ _ name)
  = do cPtrs <- mapM (liftM mbParens . contParse) bPtrs
       let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed " "] cPtrs
       let sPtrs = if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed " " : tPtrs
       return $ Unnamed (unwords $ infixFix name : map show dArgs) : sPtrs

parseInternal _ (ArrWordsClosure _ _ arrWords)
  = return $ intercalate [Unnamed ","] (map (\x -> [Unnamed (printf "0x%x" x)]) arrWords)

parseInternal _ (IndClosure _ b)
  = contParse b

parseInternal _ (SelectorClosure _ b)
  = contParse b

parseInternal _ (BlackholeClosure _ b)
  = contParse b

parseInternal _ BlockingQueueClosure{}
  = return [Unnamed "BlockingQueue"]

parseInternal _ (OtherClosure (StgInfoTable _ _ cTipe _) _ _)
  = return [Unnamed $ show cTipe]

parseInternal _ (UnsupportedClosure (StgInfoTable _ _ cTipe _))
  = return [Unnamed $ show cTipe]

-- Reversed order of ptrs
parseInternal b (ThunkClosure _ bPtrs args) = do
  name <- setName b
  cPtrs <- mapM contParse $ reverse bPtrs
  let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] cPtrs
      sPtrs = if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed "(" : tPtrs ++ [Unnamed ")"]
      sArgs = Unnamed $ if null args then "" else show args
  return $ Thunk (infixFix name) : sPtrs ++ [sArgs]

parseInternal i (FunClosure _ bPtrs args) = do
  name <- setName i
  cPtrs <- mapM contParse $ reverse bPtrs
  let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] cPtrs
      sPtrs = if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed "(" : tPtrs ++ [Unnamed ")"]
      sArgs = Unnamed $ if null args then "" else show args
  return $ Function (infixFix name) : sPtrs ++ [sArgs]

-- bPtrs here can currently point to Nothing, because else we might get infinite heaps
parseInternal _ (MutArrClosure _ _ _ bPtrs)
  -- = do cPtrs <- mutArrContParse2 bPtrs
  = do cPtrs <- mapM contParse bPtrs
       let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] cPtrs
       return $ if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed "(" : tPtrs ++ [Unnamed ")"]

parseInternal _ (MutVarClosure _ b)
  = do c <- contParse b
       return $ Unnamed "MutVar " : c

parseInternal _ (BCOClosure _ _ _ bPtr _ _ _)
  -- = do cPtrs <- bcoContParse2 [bPtr]
  = do cPtrs <- mapM contParse [bPtr]
       let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] cPtrs
       return $ Unnamed "BCO" : tPtrs

parseInternal i (APClosure _ _ _ fun pl) = do
  name <- setName i
  fPtr <- contParse fun
  pPtrs <- mapM contParse $ reverse pl
  let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] pPtrs
      sPtrs = if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed "[" : tPtrs ++ [Unnamed "]"]
  return $ Thunk (infixFix name) : fPtr ++ sPtrs

parseInternal i (PAPClosure _ _ _ fun pl) = do
  name <- setName i
  fPtr <- contParse fun
  pPtrs <- mapM contParse $ reverse pl
  let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] pPtrs
      sPtrs = if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed "[" : tPtrs ++ [Unnamed "]"]
  return $ Function (infixFix name) : fPtr ++ sPtrs

parseInternal i (APStackClosure _ fun pl) = do
  name <- setName i
  fPtr <- contParse fun
  pPtrs <- mapM contParse $ reverse pl
  let tPtrs = intercalate [Unnamed ","] pPtrs
      sPtrs = if null tPtrs then [Unnamed ""] else Unnamed "[" : tPtrs ++ [Unnamed "]"]
  return $ Thunk (infixFix name) : fPtr ++ sPtrs

parseInternal _ (MVarClosure _ qHead qTail qValue)
   = do cHead <- liftM mbParens $ contParse qHead
        cTail <- liftM mbParens $ contParse qTail
        cValue <- liftM mbParens $ contParse qValue
        return $ Unnamed "MVar#(" : cHead ++ [Unnamed ","] ++ cTail ++ [Unnamed ","] ++ cValue ++ [Unnamed ")"]

contParse :: Maybe HeapGraphIndex -> PrintState [VisObject]
contParse Nothing = return []
contParse (Just i) = parseClosure i

-- It turned out that bcoContParse actually does go into an infinite loop, for
-- example for this:
-- foldr' op i [] = i
-- foldr' op i (x:xs) = op x (foldr' op i xs)
-- :view foldr'
-- We fix this by giving visited closures a dummy name, so we recognize when we
-- get into a loop.
--bcoContParse :: [Box] -> MaybeT PrintState [[VisObject]]
--bcoContParse [] = return []
--bcoContParse (b:bs) = gets heapMap >>= \h -> case lookup b h of
--  Nothing    -> do let ptf = unsafePerformIO $ getBoxedClosureData b >>= pointersToFollow2
--                   r <- lift $ countReferences b
--                   n <- getName b
--                   case n of
--                     Just _ -> bcoContParse bs
--                     Nothing -> do
--                       when (r > 1) $ setVisited b
--                       bcoContParse $ ptf ++ bs
--  Just (_,c) -> do p  <- parseClosure b c
--                   ps <- bcoContParse bs
--                   return $ p : ps

--mutArrContParse :: [Box] -> MaybeT PrintState [[VisObject]]
--mutArrContParse [] = return []
--mutArrContParse (b:bs) = gets heapMap >>= \h -> case lookup b h of
--  Nothing -> mutArrContParse bs
--  Just (_,c) -> do p  <- parseClosure b c
--                   ps <- mutArrContParse bs
--                   return $ p : ps

-- TODO: Doesn't work quite right, for example with (1,"fo")
mbParens :: [VisObject] -> [VisObject]
mbParens t = if needsParens
    then Unnamed "(" : t ++ [Unnamed ")"]
    else t
  where needsParens = go (0 :: Int) $ show t
        go 0 (' ':_) = True
        go _ [] = False
        go c (')':ts) = go (c-1) ts
        go c ('(':ts) = go (c+1) ts
        go c ('\'':'(':ts) = go c ts
        go c ('\'':')':ts) = go c ts
        go c (_:ts) = go c ts
--mbParens t | ' ' `objElem` t = Unnamed "(" : t ++ [Unnamed ")"]
--           | otherwise     = t
--  where objElem c = any go
--          where go (Unnamed xs) = c `elem` xs
--                go (Named _ os) = any go os
--                go _ = False

--showClosure :: Closure -> String
--showClosure = unwords . showClosureFields

-- | Textual representation of Heap objects, used in the graph visualization.
showClosureFields :: GenClosure t -> [String]
showClosureFields (ConsClosure _ _ [dataArg] _ modl name) =
 case (modl, name) of
    k | k `elem` [ ("GHC.Word", "W#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W8#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W16#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W32#")
                 , ("GHC.Word", "W64#")
                 ] -> [name, show dataArg]

    k | k `elem` [ ("GHC.Integer.Type", "S#")
                 , ("GHC.Types", "I#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I8#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I16#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I32#")
                 , ("GHC.Int", "I64#")
                 ] -> [name, show ((fromIntegral :: Word -> Int) dataArg)]

    ("GHC.Types", "C#") -> ["C#", [chr $ fromIntegral dataArg]]

    ("GHC.Types", "D#") -> ["D#", printf "%0.5f" (unsafeCoerce dataArg :: Double)]
    ("GHC.Types", "F#") -> ["F#", printf "%0.5f" (unsafeCoerce dataArg :: Double)]

    -- :m +GHC.Arr
    -- let b = array ((1,1),(3,2)) [((1,1),42),((1,2),23),((2,1),999),((2,2),1000),((3,1),1001),((3,2),1002)]
    -- b
    -- :view b
    _ -> [name, show dataArg]

showClosureFields (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 1 3 _ 0) _ [_,0,0] _ "Data.ByteString.Internal" "PS")
  = ["ByteString","0","0"]

showClosureFields (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 1 3 _ 0) [_] [_,start,end] _ "Data.ByteString.Internal" "PS")
  = ["ByteString",printf "%d" start,printf "%d" end]

showClosureFields (ConsClosure (StgInfoTable 2 3 _ 1) [_,_] [_,start,end] _ "Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal" "Chunk")
  = ["Chunk",printf "%d" start,printf "%d" end]

showClosureFields (ConsClosure _ _ dArgs _ _ name)
  = name : map show dArgs

-- Reversed order of ptrs
showClosureFields ThunkClosure{}
  = ["Thunk"]

showClosureFields SelectorClosure{}
  = ["Selector"]

-- Probably should delete these from Graph
showClosureFields IndClosure{}
  = ["Ind"]

showClosureFields BlackholeClosure{}
  = ["Blackhole"]

showClosureFields APClosure{}
  = ["AP"]

showClosureFields PAPClosure{}
  = ["PAP"]

showClosureFields APStackClosure{}
  = ["APStack"]

showClosureFields BCOClosure{}
  = ["BCO"]

showClosureFields (ArrWordsClosure _ _ arrWords)
  = map (printf "0x%x") arrWords

showClosureFields MutArrClosure{}
  = ["MutArr"]

showClosureFields MutVarClosure{}
  = ["MutVar"]

showClosureFields MVarClosure{}
  = ["MVar#"]

showClosureFields FunClosure{}
  = ["Fun"]

showClosureFields BlockingQueueClosure{}
  = ["BlockingQueue"]

showClosureFields (OtherClosure (StgInfoTable _ _ cTipe _) _ _)
  = [show cTipe]

showClosureFields (UnsupportedClosure (StgInfoTable _ _ cTipe _))
  = [show cTipe]

--showClosure c = "Missing pattern for " ++ show c

-- | Make infix names prefix
infixFix :: String -> String
infixFix xs
  | isInfix xs = '(' : xs ++ ")"
  | otherwise  = xs

-- | Determine whether a name is an infix name, based on
-- http://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/haskellch2.html
isInfix :: String -> Bool
isInfix []              = False
isInfix ('[':_)         = False
isInfix ('(':_)         = False
isInfix (x:_)
  | x `elem` ascSymbols = True
  | isSymbol x          = True
  | isPunctuation x     = True
  | otherwise           = False
  where ascSymbols = "!#$%&*+./<=>?@  \\^|-~:"