-- vim: ts=2 sw=2 et :


{- | 
Parse the output of ghci's @:history@ command.

module GHCi.History.Parse 


import GHCi.History
import qualified Parsing
import qualified GHCi.History.Parse.Common as C

import qualified Parsing.Parsec as P
import qualified Parsing.ReadP as P

-- | Given a string containing the output of the ghci @:history@
-- command, parse it using "Text.Parsec", if available,
-- otherwise "Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP".
-- Returns either an error message, or a list of 'HistoryItem's.
-- Examples
-- >>> :{
--  let myHistory = unlines [
--          "-1  : fib (src/Stuff.hs:52:8-16)"
--        , "<end of history>" ]
-- :}
-- >>> parseHistory myHistory
-- Right [HistoryItem {histStepNum = -1, funcName = "fib", fileName = "src/Stuff.hs", startPos = FilePos {lineNum = 52, colNum = 8}, endPos = FilePos {lineNum = 52, colNum = 16}}] 
parseHistory :: String -> Either String [GHCi.History.HistoryItem]
parseHistory str =
  P.parse C.history "(interactive)" str