-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved.
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-fields #-} -- to enable prettyPrint
#include "ghc-api-version.h"

-- | GHC utility functions. Importantly, code using our GHC should never:
-- * Call runGhc, use runGhcFast instead. It's faster and doesn't require config we don't have.
-- * Call setSessionDynFlags, use modifyDynFlags instead. It's faster and avoids loading packages.
module Development.IDE.GHC.Util(
    HscEnvEq, hscEnv, newHscEnvEq
    ) where

import Config
import Data.List.Extra
import Fingerprint
import GHC
import GhcMonad
import GhcPlugins hiding (Unique)
import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception
import FileCleanup
import Platform
import Data.Unique
import Development.Shake.Classes
import qualified Data.Text as T
import StringBuffer
import System.FilePath

-- GHC setup

modifyDynFlags :: GhcMonad m => (DynFlags -> DynFlags) -> m ()
modifyDynFlags f = do
  newFlags <- f <$> getSessionDynFlags
  -- We do not use setSessionDynFlags here since we handle package
  -- initialization separately.
  modifySession $ \h ->
    h { hsc_dflags = newFlags, hsc_IC = (hsc_IC h) {ic_dflags = newFlags} }

lookupPackageConfig :: UnitId -> HscEnv -> Maybe PackageConfig
lookupPackageConfig unitId env =
    lookupPackage' False pkgConfigMap unitId
        pkgConfigMap =
            -- For some weird reason, the GHC API does not provide a way to get the PackageConfigMap
            -- from PackageState so we have to wrap it in DynFlags first.
            getPackageConfigMap $ hsc_dflags env

-- would be nice to do this more efficiently...
textToStringBuffer :: T.Text -> StringBuffer
textToStringBuffer = stringToStringBuffer . T.unpack

prettyPrint :: Outputable a => a -> String
prettyPrint = showSDoc fakeDynFlags . ppr

runGhcEnv :: HscEnv -> Ghc a -> IO a
runGhcEnv env act = do
    filesToClean <- newIORef emptyFilesToClean
    dirsToClean <- newIORef mempty
    let dflags = (hsc_dflags env){filesToClean=filesToClean, dirsToClean=dirsToClean, useUnicode=True}
    ref <- newIORef env{hsc_dflags=dflags}
    unGhc act (Session ref) `finally` do
        cleanTempFiles dflags
        cleanTempDirs dflags

-- Fake DynFlags which are mostly undefined, but define enough to do a
-- little bit.
fakeDynFlags :: DynFlags
fakeDynFlags = defaultDynFlags settings mempty
        settings = Settings
                   { sTargetPlatform = platform
                   , sPlatformConstants = platformConstants
                   , sProgramName = "ghc"
                   , sProjectVersion = cProjectVersion
                    , sOpt_P_fingerprint = fingerprint0
        platform = Platform
          { platformWordSize=8
          , platformOS=OSUnknown
          , platformUnregisterised=True
        platformConstants = PlatformConstants
          { pc_DYNAMIC_BY_DEFAULT=False
          , pc_WORD_SIZE=8

moduleImportPaths :: GHC.ParsedModule -> Maybe FilePath
moduleImportPaths pm
  | rootModDir == "." = Just rootPathDir
  | otherwise =
    dropTrailingPathSeparator <$> stripSuffix (normalise rootModDir) (normalise rootPathDir)
    ms   = GHC.pm_mod_summary pm
    file = GHC.ms_hspp_file ms
    mod'  = GHC.ms_mod ms
    rootPathDir  = takeDirectory file
    rootModDir   = takeDirectory . moduleNameSlashes . GHC.moduleName $ mod'

-- | An HscEnv with equality.
data HscEnvEq = HscEnvEq Unique HscEnv

hscEnv :: HscEnvEq -> HscEnv
hscEnv (HscEnvEq _ x) = x

newHscEnvEq :: HscEnv -> IO HscEnvEq
newHscEnvEq e = do u <- newUnique; return $ HscEnvEq u e

instance Show HscEnvEq where
  show (HscEnvEq a _) = "HscEnvEq " ++ show (hashUnique a)

instance Eq HscEnvEq where
  HscEnvEq a _ == HscEnvEq b _ = a == b

instance NFData HscEnvEq where
  rnf (HscEnvEq a b) = rnf (hashUnique a) `seq` b `seq` ()