-- Copyright (c) 2019 The DAML Authors. All rights reserved. -- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE StarIsType #-} -- WARNING: A copy of DA.Daml.LanguageServer, try to keep them in sync -- This version removes the daml: handling module Development.IDE.LSP.LanguageServer ( runLanguageServer , setupLSP , Log(..) ) where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad.Extra import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Aeson (Value) import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import Development.IDE.LSP.Server import Development.IDE.Session (runWithDb) import Ide.Types (traceWithSpan) import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types import qualified Language.LSP.Server as LSP import System.IO import UnliftIO.Async import UnliftIO.Concurrent import UnliftIO.Directory import UnliftIO.Exception import qualified Colog.Core as Colog import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO) import Development.IDE.Core.IdeConfiguration import Development.IDE.Core.Shake hiding (Log, Priority) import Development.IDE.Core.Tracing import qualified Development.IDE.Session as Session import Development.IDE.Types.Shake (WithHieDb) import Ide.Logger import qualified Ide.Logger as Logger import Language.LSP.Server (LanguageContextEnv, LspServerLog, type (<~>)) import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeInterleaveIO) data Log = LogRegisteringIdeConfig !IdeConfiguration | LogReactorThreadException !SomeException | LogReactorMessageActionException !SomeException | LogReactorThreadStopped | LogCancelledRequest !SomeLspId | LogSession Session.Log | LogLspServer LspServerLog deriving Show instance Pretty Log where pretty = \case LogRegisteringIdeConfig ideConfig -> -- This log is also used to identify if HLS starts successfully in vscode-haskell, -- don't forget to update the corresponding test in vscode-haskell if the text in -- the next line has been modified. "Registering IDE configuration:" <+> viaShow ideConfig LogReactorThreadException e -> vcat [ "ReactorThreadException" , pretty $ displayException e ] LogReactorMessageActionException e -> vcat [ "ReactorMessageActionException" , pretty $ displayException e ] LogReactorThreadStopped -> "Reactor thread stopped" LogCancelledRequest requestId -> "Cancelled request" <+> viaShow requestId LogSession log -> pretty log LogLspServer log -> pretty log -- used to smuggle RankNType WithHieDb through dbMVar newtype WithHieDbShield = WithHieDbShield WithHieDb runLanguageServer :: forall config a m. (Show config) => Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> LSP.Options -> Handle -- input -> Handle -- output -> config -> (config -> Value -> Either T.Text config) -> (MVar () -> IO (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> TRequestMessage Method_Initialize -> IO (Either ResponseError (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, a)), LSP.Handlers (m config), (LanguageContextEnv config, a) -> m config <~> IO)) -> IO () runLanguageServer recorder options inH outH defaultConfig onConfigurationChange setup = do -- This MVar becomes full when the server thread exits or we receive exit message from client. -- LSP server will be canceled when it's full. clientMsgVar <- newEmptyMVar (doInitialize, staticHandlers, interpretHandler) <- setup clientMsgVar let serverDefinition = LSP.ServerDefinition { LSP.onConfigurationChange = onConfigurationChange , LSP.defaultConfig = defaultConfig , LSP.doInitialize = doInitialize , LSP.staticHandlers = (const staticHandlers) , LSP.interpretHandler = interpretHandler , LSP.options = modifyOptions options } let lspCologAction :: MonadIO m2 => Colog.LogAction m2 (Colog.WithSeverity LspServerLog) lspCologAction = toCologActionWithPrio $ cfilter -- filter out bad logs in lsp, see: https://github.com/haskell/lsp/issues/447 (\msg -> priority msg >= Info) (cmapWithPrio LogLspServer recorder) void $ untilMVar clientMsgVar $ void $ LSP.runServerWithHandles lspCologAction lspCologAction inH outH serverDefinition setupLSP :: forall config err. Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> (FilePath -> IO FilePath) -- ^ Map root paths to the location of the hiedb for the project -> LSP.Handlers (ServerM config) -> (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> Maybe FilePath -> WithHieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO IdeState) -> MVar () -> IO (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> TRequestMessage Method_Initialize -> IO (Either err (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState)), LSP.Handlers (ServerM config), (LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState) -> ServerM config <~> IO) setupLSP recorder getHieDbLoc userHandlers getIdeState clientMsgVar = do -- Send everything over a channel, since you need to wait until after initialise before -- LspFuncs is available clientMsgChan :: Chan ReactorMessage <- newChan -- An MVar to control the lifetime of the reactor loop. -- The loop will be stopped and resources freed when it's full reactorLifetime <- newEmptyMVar let stopReactorLoop = void $ tryPutMVar reactorLifetime () -- Forcefully exit let exit = void $ tryPutMVar clientMsgVar () -- The set of requests ids that we have received but not finished processing pendingRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty -- The set of requests that have been cancelled and are also in pendingRequests cancelledRequests <- newTVarIO Set.empty let cancelRequest reqId = atomically $ do queued <- readTVar pendingRequests -- We want to avoid that the list of cancelled requests -- keeps growing if we receive cancellations for requests -- that do not exist or have already been processed. when (reqId `elem` queued) $ modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.insert reqId) let clearReqId reqId = atomically $ do modifyTVar pendingRequests (Set.delete reqId) modifyTVar cancelledRequests (Set.delete reqId) -- We implement request cancellation by racing waitForCancel against -- the actual request handler. let waitForCancel reqId = atomically $ do cancelled <- readTVar cancelledRequests unless (reqId `Set.member` cancelled) retry let asyncHandlers = mconcat [ userHandlers , cancelHandler cancelRequest , exitHandler exit , shutdownHandler stopReactorLoop ] -- Cancel requests are special since they need to be handled -- out of order to be useful. Existing handlers are run afterwards. let doInitialize = handleInit recorder getHieDbLoc getIdeState reactorLifetime exit clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan let interpretHandler (env, st) = LSP.Iso (LSP.runLspT env . flip (runReaderT . unServerM) (clientMsgChan,st)) liftIO pure (doInitialize, asyncHandlers, interpretHandler) handleInit :: Recorder (WithPriority Log) -> (FilePath -> IO FilePath) -> (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> Maybe FilePath -> WithHieDb -> IndexQueue -> IO IdeState) -> MVar () -> IO () -> (SomeLspId -> IO ()) -> (SomeLspId -> IO ()) -> Chan ReactorMessage -> LSP.LanguageContextEnv config -> TRequestMessage Method_Initialize -> IO (Either err (LSP.LanguageContextEnv config, IdeState)) handleInit recorder getHieDbLoc getIdeState lifetime exitClientMsg clearReqId waitForCancel clientMsgChan env (TRequestMessage _ _ m params) = otTracedHandler "Initialize" (show m) $ \sp -> do traceWithSpan sp params let root = LSP.resRootPath env dir <- maybe getCurrentDirectory return root dbLoc <- getHieDbLoc dir -- The database needs to be open for the duration of the reactor thread, but we need to pass in a reference -- to 'getIdeState', so we use this dirty trick dbMVar <- newEmptyMVar ~(WithHieDbShield withHieDb,hieChan) <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ takeMVar dbMVar ide <- getIdeState env root withHieDb hieChan let initConfig = parseConfiguration params log Info $ LogRegisteringIdeConfig initConfig registerIdeConfiguration (shakeExtras ide) initConfig let handleServerException (Left e) = do log Error $ LogReactorThreadException e exitClientMsg handleServerException (Right _) = pure () exceptionInHandler e = do log Error $ LogReactorMessageActionException e checkCancelled _id act k = flip finally (clearReqId _id) $ catch (do -- We could optimize this by first checking if the id -- is in the cancelled set. However, this is unlikely to be a -- bottleneck and the additional check might hide -- issues with async exceptions that need to be fixed. cancelOrRes <- race (waitForCancel _id) act case cancelOrRes of Left () -> do log Debug $ LogCancelledRequest _id k $ ResponseError (InL LSPErrorCodes_RequestCancelled) "" Nothing Right res -> pure res ) $ \(e :: SomeException) -> do exceptionInHandler e k $ ResponseError (InR ErrorCodes_InternalError) (T.pack $ show e) Nothing _ <- flip forkFinally handleServerException $ do untilMVar lifetime $ runWithDb (cmapWithPrio LogSession recorder) dbLoc $ \withHieDb hieChan -> do putMVar dbMVar (WithHieDbShield withHieDb,hieChan) forever $ do msg <- readChan clientMsgChan -- We dispatch notifications synchronously and requests asynchronously -- This is to ensure that all file edits and config changes are applied before a request is handled case msg of ReactorNotification act -> handle exceptionInHandler act ReactorRequest _id act k -> void $ async $ checkCancelled _id act k log Info LogReactorThreadStopped pure $ Right (env,ide) where log :: Logger.Priority -> Log -> IO () log = logWith recorder -- | Runs the action until it ends or until the given MVar is put. -- Rethrows any exceptions. untilMVar :: MonadUnliftIO m => MVar () -> m () -> m () untilMVar mvar io = void $ waitAnyCancel =<< traverse async [ io , readMVar mvar ] cancelHandler :: (SomeLspId -> IO ()) -> LSP.Handlers (ServerM c) cancelHandler cancelRequest = LSP.notificationHandler SMethod_CancelRequest $ \TNotificationMessage{_params=CancelParams{_id}} -> liftIO $ cancelRequest (SomeLspId (toLspId _id)) where toLspId :: (Int32 |? T.Text) -> LspId a toLspId (InL x) = IdInt x toLspId (InR y) = IdString y shutdownHandler :: IO () -> LSP.Handlers (ServerM c) shutdownHandler stopReactor = LSP.requestHandler SMethod_Shutdown $ \_ resp -> do (_, ide) <- ask liftIO $ logDebug (ideLogger ide) "Received shutdown message" -- stop the reactor to free up the hiedb connection liftIO stopReactor -- flush out the Shake session to record a Shake profile if applicable liftIO $ shakeShut ide resp $ Right Null exitHandler :: IO () -> LSP.Handlers (ServerM c) exitHandler exit = LSP.notificationHandler SMethod_Exit $ const $ liftIO exit modifyOptions :: LSP.Options -> LSP.Options modifyOptions x = x{ LSP.optTextDocumentSync = Just $ tweakTDS origTDS } where tweakTDS tds = tds{_openClose=Just True, _change=Just TextDocumentSyncKind_Incremental, _save=Just $ InR $ SaveOptions Nothing} origTDS = fromMaybe tdsDefault $ LSP.optTextDocumentSync x tdsDefault = TextDocumentSyncOptions Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing