Readme for ghclive-


Google Summer of Code 2012 project, GHCi for the web


Chrome 21.x Firefox 14.x

Does not work with Firefox 10

Quick start installation

git clone && cd ghclive && cabal install && ghclive then point your browser to http://localhost:3000

Here's some source code to paste into the editor buffer:

import Diagrams.Prelude
import Prelude
import Network.Web.GHCLive.Display

hilbert = iterate expand mempty where
  expand t = alignBL $ hcat [u, hrule 1, reflectX u] where
             u = vcat [t, vrule 1, rotateBy (3/4) t]

ex = pad 1.1 . centerXY . lw 0.05 $ hilbert!!5

then type ex in the Haskell expression buffer and hit enter!


The prototypes subdirectory contains several quick hacks demonstrating various concepts.