module Main where import Control.Monad (liftM, when) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Data.Default import Data.List (intersperse, sort) import UI.Command import Git.Commit import Git.Pack -- show-prefix, show-root use these import System.FilePath hiding (normalise) import System.Directory import System.Posix.Files -- show import System.IO (stdout) import Codec.Compression.Zlib import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as C import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- show-prefix -- ghtShowPrefix :: Command () ghtShowPrefix = defCmd { cmdName = "show-prefix", cmdHandler = ghtShowPrefixHandler, cmdCategory = "Reporting", cmdShortDesc = "Show path from top-level directory of repo" } ghtShowPrefixHandler = do path <- liftIO findRoot cwd <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory canPath <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath path let relPath = makeRelative canPath cwd liftIO $ putStrLn (relPath ++ [pathSeparator]) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- show-root -- ghtShowRoot :: Command () ghtShowRoot = defCmd { cmdName = "show-root", cmdHandler = ghtShowRootHandler, cmdCategory = "Reporting", cmdShortDesc = "Show path to top-level directory of repo" } ghtShowRootHandler = do path <- liftIO findRoot liftIO $ putStrLn path ------------------------------------------------------------ -- findRoot -- gitPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath gitPath f = do root <- findRoot return $ root ".git" f findRoot :: IO FilePath findRoot = do mp <- liftIO $ findRoot' "." case mp of Just path -> return (path ++ [pathSeparator]) Nothing -> error "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" findRoot' :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findRoot' path = do b <- fileExist path case b of True -> do d <- dirIsRoot path case d of True -> return (Just (normalise path)) False -> do let newPath = ".." path canPath <- canonicalizePath path canNewPath <- canonicalizePath newPath if (canPath == canNewPath) then return Nothing else findRoot' newPath False -> return Nothing dirIsRoot path = do let dotGit = path ".git" liftIO $ fileExist dotGit ------------------------------------------------------------ -- normalise -- -- NOTE: this is a modified version of normalise from filepath, -- fixed to handle the case of a trailing dot. This version was -- submitted via the libraries process as ticket #3975: -- -- which was applied on 08 Jan 2011. -- | Normalise a file -- -- * \/\/ outside of the drive can be made blank -- -- * \/ -> 'pathSeparator' -- -- * .\/ -> \"\" -- -- > Posix: normalise "/file/\\test////" == "/file/\\test/" -- > Posix: normalise "/file/./test" == "/file/test" -- > Posix: normalise "/test/file/../bob/fred/" == "/test/file/../bob/fred/" -- > Posix: normalise "../bob/fred/" == "../bob/fred/" -- > Posix: normalise "./bob/fred/" == "bob/fred/" -- > Windows: normalise "c:\\file/bob\\" == "C:\\file\\bob\\" -- > Windows: normalise "c:\\" == "C:\\" -- > Windows: normalise "\\\\server\\test" == "\\\\server\\test" -- > Windows: normalise "c:/file" == "C:\\file" -- > normalise "." == "." -- > Posix: normalise "./" == "./" -- > Posix: normalise "./." == "./" -- > Posix: normalise "bob/fred/." == "bob/fred/" normalise :: FilePath -> FilePath normalise path = joinDrive (normaliseDrive drv) (f pth) ++ [pathSeparator | isDirPath pth] where (drv,pth) = splitDrive path isDirPath xs = lastSep xs || not (null xs) && last xs == '.' && lastSep (init xs) lastSep xs = not (null xs) && isPathSeparator (last xs) f = joinPath . dropDots [] . splitDirectories . propSep propSep (a:b:xs) | isPathSeparator a && isPathSeparator b = propSep (a:xs) propSep (a:xs) | isPathSeparator a = pathSeparator : propSep xs propSep (x:xs) = x : propSep xs propSep [] = [] dropDots acc xs | all (==".") xs = ["."] dropDots acc xs = dropDots' acc xs dropDots' acc (".":xs) = dropDots' acc xs dropDots' acc (x:xs) = dropDots' (x:acc) xs dropDots' acc [] = reverse acc --joinDrive = ++ normaliseDrive = id ------------------------------------------------------------ -- branch -- ghtBranch = defCmd { cmdName = "branch", cmdHandler = ghtBranchHandler, cmdCategory = "Blob management", cmdShortDesc = "show branches", cmdExamples = [("Show branches available", "")] } ghtBranchHandler = do args <- appArgs liftIO $ showBranches args showBranches _ = do path <- gitPath $ "refs" "heads" branches <- getDirectoryContents path let branches' = filter (/= ".") branches let branches'' = filter (/= "..") branches' hd <- derefFile "HEAD" mapM_ (showBranch hd) (sort branches'') showBranch hd b = do ref <- derefFile $ "refs" "heads" b if (ref == hd) then putStr "* " else putStr " " putStrLn b ------------------------------------------------------------ -- findBlob -- findBlob [] = findBlob ["HEAD"] findBlob (name:_) = do mPath <- firstExist [name, ("refs" name), ("refs" "tags" name), ("refs" "heads" name), ("refs" "remotes" name), ("refs" "remotes" name "HEAD")] case mPath of Just path -> do bs <- derefFile path return [C.unpack bs] Nothing -> return [name] firstExist :: [FilePath] -> IO (Maybe FilePath) firstExist [] = return Nothing firstExist (f:fs) = do p <- gitPath f b <- fileExist p if b then return (Just f) else firstExist fs ------------------------------------------------------------ -- log -- ghtLog = defCmd { cmdName = "log", cmdHandler = ghtLogHandler, cmdCategory = "Blob management", cmdShortDesc = "Show commit logs", cmdExamples = [("Show log of current branch", ""), ("Show log of branch feature1", "feature1")] } ghtLogHandler = do args <- appArgs b <- liftIO $ findBlob args liftIO $ showLog b showLog (blob:_) | blob == "" = return () | otherwise = do d <- readBlob blob let m'pb = prettyLog blob d case m'pb of Just c -> do let p = C.concat [commitHeader, C.pack (blob ++ "\n"), commitPretty c] L.hPut stdout p showLog [C.unpack $ commitParent c] Nothing -> return () where commitHeader = C.pack "commit " prettyLog blob bs | commitHeader `L.isPrefixOf` bs = Just c | otherwise = Nothing where commitHeader = C.pack "commit " c = commitParse bs ------------------------------------------------------------ -- show-pack -- ghtShowPack = defCmd { cmdName = "show-pack", cmdHandler = ghtShowPackHandler, cmdCategory = "Blob management", cmdShortDesc = "Show the raw dump of a pack", cmdExamples = [("Show raw contents of pack pack-abcd.pack", "abcd")] } ghtShowPackHandler = do args <- appArgs b <- liftIO $ findPack args -- liftIO $ L.hPut stdout b let p = prettyPack b liftIO $ L.hPut stdout p findPack (pack:_) = do path <- gitPath ("objects" "pack" ("pack-" ++ pack ++ ".pack")) b <- L.readFile path return b prettyPack bs | packHeader `L.isPrefixOf` bs = packPretty $ packParse bs | otherwise = error "Not a pack" where packHeader = C.pack "PACK" ------------------------------------------------------------ -- show-raw -- ghtShowRaw = defCmd { cmdName = "show-raw", cmdHandler = ghtShowRawHandler, cmdCategory = "Blob management", cmdShortDesc = "Show the raw dump of an object", cmdExamples = [("Show raw contents of blob deadbeef", "deadbeef"), ("Show raw contents of branch feature1", "feature1")] } ghtShowRawHandler = do args <- appArgs b <- liftIO $ findBlob args liftIO $ showRawBlob b showRawBlob (blob:_) = do d <- readBlob blob L.hPut stdout d ------------------------------------------------------------ -- show -- ghtShow = defCmd { cmdName = "show", cmdHandler = ghtShowHandler, cmdCategory = "Blob management", cmdShortDesc = "Show an object", cmdExamples = [("Show contents of blob deadbeef", "deadbeef"), ("Show contents of branch feature1", "feature1")] } ghtShowHandler = do args <- appArgs b <- liftIO $ findBlob args liftIO $ showBlob b readBlob blob = do let (bH,bT) = splitAt 2 blob path <- gitPath ("objects" bH bT) b <- L.readFile path return (decompress b) showBlob (blob:_) = do d <- readBlob blob let pb = prettyBlob blob d L.hPut stdout pb prettyBlob blob bs | commitHeader `L.isPrefixOf` bs = C.concat [commitHeader, C.pack (blob ++ "\n"), commitPretty $ commitParse bs] | otherwise = chomp bs where commitHeader = C.pack "commit " derefFile f = do path <- gitPath f bs <- L.readFile path deref bs deref bs | refHeader `L.isPrefixOf` bs = derefFile refPath | otherwise = return (chomp bs) where refHeader = C.pack "ref: " refPath = C.unpack (chomp $ L.drop 5 bs) chomp = C.takeWhile (/= '\n') ------------------------------------------------------------ -- hash-object -- ghtHashObject = defCmd { cmdName = "hash-object", cmdHandler = ghtHashObjectHandler, cmdCategory = "Blob management", cmdShortDesc = "Compute object ID from a file", cmdExamples = [("Compute the object ID of file.c", "file.c")] } ghtHashObjectHandler = do args <- appArgs liftIO $ hashFile args hashFile [] = return () hashFile (path:_) = do b <- L.readFile path status <- getFileStatus path let h = C.pack $ "blob " ++ (show $ fileSize status) let t = h `L.append` (L.singleton 0x0) `L.append` b putStrLn $ showHash t showHash = showDigest . sha1 ------------------------------------------------------------ -- The Application -- ght :: Application () () ght = def { appName = "ght", appVersion = "0.1", appAuthors = ["Conrad Parker"], appBugEmail = "", appShortDesc = "Trivial git inspection tools", appLongDesc = longDesc, appCategories = ["Reporting", "Blob management"], appSeeAlso = ["git"], appProject = "Ght", appCmds = [ghtShowPrefix, ghtShowRoot, ghtShow, ghtLog, ghtShowRaw, ghtShowPack, ghtHashObject, ghtBranch] } longDesc = "This is a bunch of trivial routines for inspecting git repositories. It is in no way useful beyond that." ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main -- main :: IO () main = appMain ght